portfolio/content/post/7s to process.md
2020-07-07 10:57:05 +02:00

1.4 KiB

date description featured_image tags title
2020-04-09T10:58:08-04:00 7 minigames in 7 seconds /images/Projects/7s-to-process-banner.png
game dev
game jam
7 seconds to process

{{<iframe src="https://itch.io/embed-upload/2294378?color=fae5da" width="1620" height="940" altLink="https://arte-jam-team-2.itch.io/7-seconds" altText="Play it on itch.io"


Learn polish,
Discover a seven-letters-long alphabet,
Program stuff,
Feed your cats,
Make sure you're not a robot,
Groove like it's the 70's,
And get ready for the final piece of gameplay !

Play through seven different mini-games and get a glimpse at what's going on inside the head of #team2.


You will need a mouse and a keyboard. It's as easy as it sounds.


FIJAK Marta - Desining & Coding & Befrinding Pigeons - Twitter

PORÉE Jean - Game Programming : Portfolio

KIEFFER Hugo - Game Programming : Twitter

PRIGENT Jeanne - Game Artist : Twitter - Tumblr

LAFFARGUE Léo - Cats & visual stuff : Portfolio - Vimeo

GINESTE Camille - Composer, sound designer : Soundcloud

This game was made during the Arte Game Jam at Commune Image (Saint Ouen, France) on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March 2020.
