Fix 'download all my picture button' being displayed in all albums sections
This MR fix the following issue where the download all button is displayed in each album (hence it's for all photos & not only by album)

See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!320
Update de base.jinja
Defer des balises script. Ajout de preload sur l'import de fontawesome. Changement de certains commentaires html en commentaires jinja.
Le deux premiers points devraient permettre de gagner un temps non-négligeable au chargement de la page.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!317
💄 Change banner to invitation banner
We must set an invitation banner again. For the next one, we should create a new feature with a new button to avoid doing this switch every time.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!314
Improved Elections CSS for the table
- Everything can be seen without scrolling sideways (unless you're on a small screen)
- Each column makes the same size
- Candidate description/program is now below its profile picture
- If the candidate does not have any profile picture, the default one is shown
- The Edit/Delete message has been replaced with their corresponding emojis (they takes fewer spaces and doesn't need to be translated)
- Modified links at the bottom to look like buttons

<details><summary>This MR (root)</summary>

<details><summary>This MR (lambda user)</summary>

<details><summary>When a candidate is selected</summary>

See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!313
Change the invitation banner in weekmail to regular weekmail banner
We now have the weekmail banner and not the invitation banner
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!312
Modification of the banner and footer for the Special General Meeting
There will be a special general meeting next week so we modify the banner to fit with this event.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!311
Add authorization to refill to the counters AE & BdF
Since the FIMU is coming, there is a necessity to allow access to physical refilling to the people who will manage the stands.
Therefore, We should authorize the refilling on the BdF and AE counter.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!309
Ajout de pygraphviz en dépendance
On change également la version minimale de python (`3.7` -> `3.8`)
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!306