Improved Elections CSS for the table
- Everything can be seen without scrolling sideways (unless you're on a small screen)
- Each column makes the same size
- Candidate description/program is now below its profile picture
- If the candidate does not have any profile picture, the default one is shown
- The Edit/Delete message has been replaced with their corresponding emojis (they takes fewer spaces and doesn't need to be translated)
- Modified links at the bottom to look like buttons

<details><summary>This MR (root)</summary>

<details><summary>This MR (lambda user)</summary>

<details><summary>When a candidate is selected</summary>

See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!313
Change the invitation banner in weekmail to regular weekmail banner
We now have the weekmail banner and not the invitation banner
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!312
Modification of the banner and footer for the Special General Meeting
There will be a special general meeting next week so we modify the banner to fit with this event.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!311
Add authorization to refill to the counters AE & BdF
Since the FIMU is coming, there is a necessity to allow access to physical refilling to the people who will manage the stands.
Therefore, We should authorize the refilling on the BdF and AE counter.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!309
Ajout de pygraphviz en dépendance
On change également la version minimale de python (`3.7` -> `3.8`)
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!306
Adds a Restriction for refilling
As it was asked by many members of the AE. I added a restriction applied to the barmens.
In fact, we oftenly loose money due to the physic refilling.
The goal with this change is to only allow **the members of the AE** to refill with physic money.
See merge request ae-utbm/Sith!303
gitlab-ci: deploy with Gitlab CI/CD
This MR is a proof-of-concept for deploying the Sith using Gitlab CI/CD. It leverage the CI variable to use a private key that is deployed for the `sith` user of `ae-web`. The `` script shall do the rest.
TODO before merge:
* [x] Ensure the private key variable is protected (currently done, but may change during development to be used on this branch)
* [x] Remove this branch from the `only:refs` list
* [x] Change `` for the real script
See merge request ae/Sith!293
Add of date in the counter/refilling_list view
I only add a new field in the counter/refilling_list view which will *normally* display the date of each refilling.
See merge request ae/Sith!302
Add missing dependencies and improve pipeline
* Use black version specified in requirements for checking with black
* Check if pyproject.toml file is valid at CI level
* Build documentation in CI
* Add missing postgres dependencie
See merge request ae/Sith!284
Multiple fixes
* Bump `black` and fix issues
* `club`: fix tests broken by inclusive translation
* `gitlab-ci`: use `poetry`, as `pip` was broken anyway
* `eboutic`: et_autoanswer: don't require 'Auto' to proceed checking the request: As described in the [doc](, `Auto` may be missing if the payment failed. Thus, it's not required to proceed checking the bank's answer.
See merge request ae/Sith!296