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synced 2025-03-04 04:17:10 +00:00
Make honeypot errors less suspicious
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth import get_user
from django.contrib.auth.middleware import (
AuthenticationMiddleware as DjangoAuthenticationMiddleware,
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
module, klass = settings.AUTH_ANONYMOUS_MODEL.rsplit(".", 1)
@ -70,3 +71,7 @@ class SignalRequestMiddleware:
def __call__(self, request):
_threadlocal.request = request
return self.get_response(request)
def custom_honeypot_error(request, context):
return HttpResponse("Upon reading this, the http client was enlightened.")
@ -80,13 +80,15 @@ class TestUserRegistration:
assert response.status_code == 200
error_html = f'<ul class="errorlist"><li>{expected_error}</li></ul>'
assertInHTML(error_html, str(response.content.decode()))
assert not User.objects.filter(email=payload["email"]).exists()
def test_register_honeypot_fail(self, client, valid_payload):
def test_register_honeypot_fail(self, client: Client, valid_payload):
payload = valid_payload | {
settings.HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME: settings.HONEYPOT_VALUE + "random"
response = client.post(reverse("core:register"), payload)
assert response.status_code == 400
assert response.status_code == 200
assert not User.objects.filter(email=payload["email"]).exists()
def test_register_user_form_fail_already_exists(
self, client: Client, valid_payload
@ -152,7 +154,8 @@ class TestUserLogin:
settings.HONEYPOT_FIELD_NAME: settings.HONEYPOT_VALUE + "incorrect",
assert response.status_code == 400
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.wsgi_request.user.is_anonymous
def test_login_success(self, client, user):
@ -167,6 +170,7 @@ class TestUserLogin:
assertRedirects(response, reverse("core:index"))
assert response.wsgi_request.user == user
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import os
import sys
import sentry_sdk
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration
@ -58,6 +59,12 @@ SECRET_KEY = "(4sjxvhz@m5$0a$j0_pqicnc$s!vbve)z+&++m%g%bjhlz4+g2"
HONEYPOT_VALUE = "content"
# Make honeypot errors less suspicious
# Since the app is not loaded yet, we wrap the import_string function in a lambda call to lazy load it
HONEYPOT_RESPONDER = lambda request, context: import_string(
)(request, context)
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = False
TESTING = "pytest" in sys.modules
Reference in New Issue
Block a user