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synced 2025-03-22 13:17:14 +00:00
Add helper function to export ts functions to html
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,3 +4,17 @@ declare global {
const Alpine: AlpineType;
const gettext: (text: string) => string;
* Helper function to export typescript functions to regular html and jinja files
* Without it, you either have to use the any keyword and suppress warnings or do a
* very painful type conversion workaround which is only here to please the linter
* This is only useful if you're using typescript, this is equivalent to doing
* window.yourFunction = yourFunction
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: Avoid strange tricks to export functions
export function exportToHtml(name: string, func: any) {
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: Avoid strange tricks to export functions
(window as any)[name] = func;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { makeUrl, paginated } from "#core:utils/api";
import { exportToHtml } from "#core:utils/globals";
import { History } from "#core:utils/history";
import {
type AjaxResponse,
@ -97,228 +98,223 @@ interface ViewerConfig {
* Load user picture page with a nice download bar
(window as unknown as { loadViewer: (config: ViewerConfig) => undefined }).loadViewer =
(config: ViewerConfig) => {
document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
Alpine.data("picture_viewer", () => ({
* All the pictures that can be displayed on this picture viewer
* @type PictureWithIdentifications[]
pictures: [],
* The currently displayed picture
* Default dummy data are pre-loaded to avoid javascript error
* when loading the page at the beginning
* @type PictureWithIdentifications
currentPicture: {
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
is_moderated: true,
id: null,
name: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
display_name: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
compressed_url: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
profile_url: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
full_size_url: "",
owner: "",
date: new Date(),
identifications: [],
* The picture which will be displayed next if the user press the "next" button
* @type ?PictureWithIdentifications
nextPicture: null,
* The picture which will be displayed next if the user press the "previous" button
* @type ?PictureWithIdentifications
previousPicture: null,
* The select2 component used to identify users
selector: undefined,
* true if the page is in a loading state, else false
* Error message when a moderation operation fails
* @type string
moderationError: "",
* Method of pushing new url to the browser history
* Used by popstate event and always reset to it's default value when used
* @type History
pushstate: History.Push,
exportToHtml("loadViewer", (config: ViewerConfig) => {
document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
Alpine.data("picture_viewer", () => ({
* All the pictures that can be displayed on this picture viewer
* @type PictureWithIdentifications[]
pictures: [],
* The currently displayed picture
* Default dummy data are pre-loaded to avoid javascript error
* when loading the page at the beginning
* @type PictureWithIdentifications
currentPicture: {
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
is_moderated: true,
id: null,
name: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
display_name: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
compressed_url: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
profile_url: "",
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
full_size_url: "",
owner: "",
date: new Date(),
identifications: [],
* The picture which will be displayed next if the user press the "next" button
* @type ?PictureWithIdentifications
nextPicture: null,
* The picture which will be displayed next if the user press the "previous" button
* @type ?PictureWithIdentifications
previousPicture: null,
* The select2 component used to identify users
selector: undefined,
* true if the page is in a loading state, else false
* Error message when a moderation operation fails
* @type string
moderationError: "",
* Method of pushing new url to the browser history
* Used by popstate event and always reset to it's default value when used
* @type History
pushstate: History.Push,
async init() {
this.pictures = (
await paginated(picturesFetchPictures, {
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
query: { album_id: config.albumId },
} as PicturesFetchPicturesData)
this.selector = sithSelect2({
element: $(this.$refs.search) as unknown as HTMLElement,
dataSource: remoteDataSource(await makeUrl(userSearchUsers), {
excluded: () => [
...(this.currentPicture.identifications || []).map(
(i: IdentifiedUserSchema) => i.user.id,
resultConverter: (obj: AjaxResponse) => {
return { ...obj, text: (obj as UserProfileSchema).display_name };
pictureGetter: (user: RemoteResult) => user.profile_pict,
this.currentPicture = this.pictures.find(
(i: PictureSchema) => i.id === config.firstPictureId,
(current: PictureSchema, previous: PictureSchema) => {
if (current === previous) {
/* Avoid recursive updates */
async init() {
this.pictures = (
await paginated(picturesFetchPictures, {
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
query: { album_id: config.albumId },
} as PicturesFetchPicturesData)
this.selector = sithSelect2({
element: $(this.$refs.search) as unknown as HTMLElement,
dataSource: remoteDataSource(await makeUrl(userSearchUsers), {
excluded: () => [
...(this.currentPicture.identifications || []).map(
(i: IdentifiedUserSchema) => i.user.id,
resultConverter: (obj: AjaxResponse) => {
return { ...obj, text: (obj as UserProfileSchema).display_name };
window.addEventListener("popstate", async (event) => {
if (!event.state || event.state.sasPictureId === undefined) {
pictureGetter: (user: RemoteResult) => user.profile_pict,
this.currentPicture = this.pictures.find(
(i: PictureSchema) => i.id === config.firstPictureId,
(current: PictureSchema, previous: PictureSchema) => {
if (current === previous) {
/* Avoid recursive updates */
this.pushstate = History.Replace;
this.currentPicture = this.pictures.find(
(i: PictureSchema) => i.id === Number.parseInt(event.state.sasPictureId),
this.pushstate = History.Replace; /* Avoid first url push */
await this.updatePicture();
* Update the page.
* Called when the `currentPicture` property changes.
* The url is modified without reloading the page,
* and the previous picture, the next picture and
* the list of identified users are updated.
async updatePicture() {
const updateArgs = {
data: { sasPictureId: this.currentPicture.id },
unused: "",
url: `/sas/picture/${this.currentPicture.id}/`,
if (this.pushstate === History.Replace) {
this.pushstate = History.Push;
} else {
this.moderationError = "";
const index = this.pictures.indexOf(this.currentPicture);
this.previousPicture = this.pictures[index - 1] || null;
this.nextPicture = this.pictures[index + 1] || null;
await this.currentPicture.loadIdentifications();
this.$refs.mainPicture?.addEventListener("load", () => {
// once the current picture is loaded,
// start preloading the next and previous pictures
async moderatePicture() {
const res = await picturesModeratePicture({
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
path: { picture_id: this.currentPicture.id },
if (res.error) {
this.moderationError = `${gettext("Couldn't moderate picture")} : ${(res.error as { detail: string }).detail}`;
window.addEventListener("popstate", async (event) => {
if (!event.state || event.state.sasPictureId === undefined) {
this.currentPicture.is_moderated = true;
this.currentPicture.askedForRemoval = false;
this.pushstate = History.Replace;
this.currentPicture = this.pictures.find(
(i: PictureSchema) => i.id === Number.parseInt(event.state.sasPictureId),
this.pushstate = History.Replace; /* Avoid first url push */
await this.updatePicture();
async deletePicture() {
const res = await picturesDeletePicture({
* Update the page.
* Called when the `currentPicture` property changes.
* The url is modified without reloading the page,
* and the previous picture, the next picture and
* the list of identified users are updated.
async updatePicture() {
const updateArgs = {
data: { sasPictureId: this.currentPicture.id },
unused: "",
url: `/sas/picture/${this.currentPicture.id}/`,
if (this.pushstate === History.Replace) {
this.pushstate = History.Push;
} else {
window.history.pushState(updateArgs.data, updateArgs.unused, updateArgs.url);
this.moderationError = "";
const index = this.pictures.indexOf(this.currentPicture);
this.previousPicture = this.pictures[index - 1] || null;
this.nextPicture = this.pictures[index + 1] || null;
await this.currentPicture.loadIdentifications();
this.$refs.mainPicture?.addEventListener("load", () => {
// once the current picture is loaded,
// start preloading the next and previous pictures
async moderatePicture() {
const res = await picturesModeratePicture({
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
path: { picture_id: this.currentPicture.id },
if (res.error) {
this.moderationError = `${gettext("Couldn't moderate picture")} : ${(res.error as { detail: string }).detail}`;
this.currentPicture.is_moderated = true;
this.currentPicture.askedForRemoval = false;
async deletePicture() {
const res = await picturesDeletePicture({
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
path: { picture_id: this.currentPicture.id },
if (res.error) {
this.moderationError = `${gettext("Couldn't delete picture")} : ${(res.error as { detail: string }).detail}`;
this.pictures.splice(this.pictures.indexOf(this.currentPicture), 1);
if (this.pictures.length === 0) {
// The deleted picture was the only one in the list.
// As the album is now empty, go back to the parent page
document.location.href = config.albumUrl;
this.currentPicture = this.nextPicture || this.previousPicture;
* Send the identification request and update the list of identified users.
async submitIdentification() {
await picturesIdentifyUsers({
path: {
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
path: { picture_id: this.currentPicture.id },
if (res.error) {
this.moderationError = `${gettext("Couldn't delete picture")} : ${(res.error as { detail: string }).detail}`;
this.pictures.splice(this.pictures.indexOf(this.currentPicture), 1);
if (this.pictures.length === 0) {
// The deleted picture was the only one in the list.
// As the album is now empty, go back to the parent page
document.location.href = config.albumUrl;
this.currentPicture = this.nextPicture || this.previousPicture;
picture_id: this.currentPicture.id,
body: this.selector.val().map((i: string) => Number.parseInt(i)),
// refresh the identified users list
await this.currentPicture.loadIdentifications({ forceReload: true });
* Send the identification request and update the list of identified users.
async submitIdentification() {
await picturesIdentifyUsers({
path: {
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
picture_id: this.currentPicture.id,
body: this.selector.val().map((i: string) => Number.parseInt(i)),
// refresh the identified users list
await this.currentPicture.loadIdentifications({ forceReload: true });
* Check if an identification can be removed by the currently logged user
* @param {PictureIdentification} identification
* @return {boolean}
canBeRemoved(identification: IdentifiedUserSchema) {
return config.userIsSasAdmin || identification.user.id === config.userId;
* Check if an identification can be removed by the currently logged user
* @param {PictureIdentification} identification
* @return {boolean}
canBeRemoved(identification: IdentifiedUserSchema) {
return config.userIsSasAdmin || identification.user.id === config.userId;
* Untag a user from the current picture
* @param {PictureIdentification} identification
async removeIdentification(identification: IdentifiedUserSchema) {
const res = await usersidentifiedDeleteRelation({
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
path: { relation_id: identification.id },
if (!res.error && Array.isArray(this.currentPicture.identifications)) {
this.currentPicture.identifications =
(i: IdentifiedUserSchema) => i.id !== identification.id,
* Untag a user from the current picture
* @param {PictureIdentification} identification
async removeIdentification(identification: IdentifiedUserSchema) {
const res = await usersidentifiedDeleteRelation({
// biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case
path: { relation_id: identification.id },
if (!res.error && Array.isArray(this.currentPicture.identifications)) {
this.currentPicture.identifications =
(i: IdentifiedUserSchema) => i.id !== identification.id,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user