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synced 2025-03-27 23:57:10 +00:00
select 2 builder
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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
* Builders to use Select2 in our templates.
* This comes with two flavours : local data or remote data.
* # Local data source
* To use local data source, you must define an array
* in your JS code, having the fields `id` and `text`.
* ```js
* const data = [
* {id: 1, text: "foo"},
* {id: 2, text: "bar"},
* ];
* document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => sithSelect2({
* element: document.getElementById("select2-input"),
* data_source: local_data_source(data)
* }));
* ```
* You can also define a callback that return ids to exclude :
* ```js
* const data = [
* {id: 1, text: "foo"},
* {id: 2, text: "bar"},
* {id: 3, text: "to exclude"},
* ];
* document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => sithSelect2({
* element: document.getElementById("select2-input"),
* data_source: local_data_source(data, {
* excluded: () => data.filter((i) => i.text === "to exclude").map((i) => parseInt(i))
* })
* }));
* ```
* # Remote data source
* Select2 with remote data sources are similar to those with local
* data, but with some more parameters, like `result_converter`,
* which takes a callback that must return a `Select2Object`.
* ```js
* document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => sithSelect2({
* element: document.getElementById("select2-input"),
* data_source: remote_data_source("/api/user/search", {
* excluded: () => [1, 2], // exclude users 1 and 2 from the search
* result_converter: (user) => Object({id: user.id, text: user.first_name})
* })
* }));
* ```
* # Overrides
* Dealing with a select2 may be complex.
* That's why, when defining a select,
* you may add an override parameter,
* in which you can declare any parameter defined in the
* Select2 documentation.
* ```js
* document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => sithSelect2({
* element: document.getElementById("select2-input"),
* data_source: remote_data_source("/api/user/search", {
* result_converter: (user) => Object({id: user.id, text: user.first_name}),
* overrides: {
* delay: 500
* }
* })
* }));
* ```
* # Caveats with exclude
* With local data source, select2 evaluates the data only once.
* Thus, modify the exclude after the initialisation is a no-op.
* With remote data source, the exclude list will be evaluated
* after each api response.
* It makes it possible to bind the data returned by the callback
* to some reactive data, thus making the exclude list dynamic.
* # Images
* Sometimes, you would like to display an image besides
* the text on the select items.
* In this case, fill the `picture_getter` option :
* ```js
* document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => sithSelect2({
* element: document.getElementById("select2-input"),
* data_source: remote_data_source("/api/user/search", {
* result_converter: (user) => Object({id: user.id, text: user.first_name})
* })
* picture_getter: (user) => user.profile_pict,
* }));
* ```
* # Binding with alpine
* You can declare your select2 component in an Alpine data.
* ```html
* <body>
* <div x-data="select2_test">
* <select x-ref="search" x-ref="select"></select>
* <p x-text="current_selection.id"></p>
* <p x-text="current_selection.text"></p>
* </div>
* </body>
* <script>
* document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
* Alpine.data("select2_test", () => ({
* selector: undefined,
* current_select: {id: "", text: ""},
* init() {
* this.selector = sithSelect2({
* element: $(this.$refs.select),
* data_source: local_data_source(
* [{id: 1, text: "foo"}, {id: 2, text: "bar"}]
* ),
* });
* this.selector.on("select2:select", (event) => {
* // select2 => Alpine signals here
* this.current_select = this.selector.select2("data")
* });
* this.$watch("current_selected" (value) => {
* // Alpine => select2 signals here
* });
* },
* }));
* })
* </script>
* @typedef Select2Object
* @property {number} id
* @property {string} text
* @typedef Select2Options
* @property {Element} element
* @property {Object} data_source
* the data source, built with `local_data_source` or `remote_data_source`
* @property {number[]} excluded A list of ids to exclude from search
* @property {undefined | function(Object): string} picture_getter
* A callback to get the picture field from the API response
* @property {Object | undefined} overrides
* Any other select2 parameter to apply on the config
* @param {Select2Options} options
function sithSelect2(options) {
const elem = $(options.element);
return elem.select2({
theme: elem[0].multiple ? "classic" : "default",
minimumInputLength: 2,
templateResult: select_item_builder(options.picture_getter),
...(options.overrides || {}),
* @typedef LocalSourceOptions
* @property {undefined | function(): number[]} excluded
* A callback to the ids to exclude from the search
* Build a data source for a Select2 from a local array
* @param {Select2Object[]} source The array containing the data
* @param {RemoteSourceOptions} options
function local_data_source(source, options) {
if (!!options.excluded) {
const ids = options.excluded();
return { data: source.filter((i) => !ids.includes(i.id)) };
return { data: source };
* @typedef RemoteSourceOptions
* @property {undefined | function(): number[]} excluded
* A callback to the ids to exclude from the search
* @property {undefined | function(): Select2Object} result_converter
* A converter for a value coming from the remote api
* @property {undefined | Object} overrides
* Any other select2 parameter to apply on the config
* Build a data source for a Select2 from a remote url
* @param {string} source The url of the endpoint
* @param {RemoteSourceOptions} options
function remote_data_source(source, options) {
jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional = true;
let params = {
url: source,
dataType: "json",
cache: true,
delay: 250,
data: function (params) {
return {
search: params.term,
exclude: [
...(this.val() || []).map((i) => parseInt(i)),
...(options.excluded ? options.excluded() : []),
if (!!options.result_converter) {
params["processResults"] = function (data) {
return { results: data.results.map(options.result_converter) };
if (!!options.overrides) {
Object.assign(params, options.overrides);
return { ajax: params };
function item_formatter(user) {
if (user.loading) {
return user.text;
* Build a function to display the results
* @param {null | function(Object):string} picture_getter
* @return {function(string): jQuery|HTMLElement}
function select_item_builder(picture_getter) {
return (item) => {
const picture =
typeof picture_getter === "function" ? picture_getter(item) : null;
const img_html = picture
? `<img src="${picture_getter(item)}" alt="item.text"/>`
: "";
return $(`<div class="select-item">
<span class="select-item-text">${item.text}</span>
Normal file
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
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@ -615,6 +615,38 @@ a:not(.button) {
.select2 {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
min-width: 100%;
ul {
margin: 0;
textarea {
background-color: inherit;
.select2-container--default {
color: black;
.select2-results {
.select-item {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
gap: 10px;
align-items: center;
img {
max-height: 40px;
border-radius: 50%;
#news_details {
display: inline-block;
margin-top: 20px;
@ -1170,13 +1202,6 @@ u,
/* XXX This seems to be used in the SAS */
#pict {
display: inline-block;
width: 80%;
background: hsl(0, 0%, 20%);
border: solid hsl(0, 0%, 20%) 2px;
.matmat_results {
display: flex;
@ -759,4 +759,5 @@ SITH_FRONT_DEP_VERSIONS = {
"https://github.com/vasturiano/three-spritetext": "1.6.5",
"https://github.com/vasturiano/3d-force-graph/": "1.70.19",
"https://github.com/vasturiano/d3-force-3d": "3.0.3",
"https://github.com/select2/select2/": "4.0.13",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user