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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*
# Copyright 2016,2017
# - Skia <skia@libskia.so>
# Ce fichier fait partie du site de l'Association des Étudiants de l'UTBM,
# http://ae.utbm.fr.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License a published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Sofware Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.http import Http404
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView, RedirectView, TemplateView
from django.views.generic.base import View
from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView, CreateView, DeleteView, ProcessFormView, FormMixin
from django.forms.models import modelform_factory
from django.forms import CheckboxSelectMultiple
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy, reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django.utils import timezone
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import DataError, transaction, models
import re
import pytz
from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime
from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteSelectField, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField
from ajax_select import make_ajax_field
from core.views import CanViewMixin, TabedViewMixin
from core.views.forms import LoginForm, SelectDate, SelectDateTime
from core.models import User
from subscription.models import Subscription
from counter.models import Counter, Customer, Product, Selling, Refilling, ProductType, \
CashRegisterSummary, CashRegisterSummaryItem, Eticket, Permanency
from accounting.models import CurrencyField
class CounterAdminMixin(View):
This view is made to protect counter admin section
edit_group = [settings.SITH_GROUP_COUNTER_ADMIN_ID]
edit_club = []
def _test_group(self, user):
for g in self.edit_group:
if user.is_in_group(g):
return True
return False
def _test_club(self, user):
for c in self.edit_club:
if c.can_be_edited_by(user):
return True
return False
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if not (request.user.is_root or self._test_group(request.user)
or self._test_club(request.user)):
raise PermissionDenied
return super(CounterAdminMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
class GetUserForm(forms.Form):
The Form class aims at providing a valid user_id field in its cleaned data, in order to pass it to some view,
reverse function, or any other use.
The Form implements a nice JS widget allowing the user to type a customer account id, or search the database with
some nickname, first name, or last name (TODO)
code = forms.CharField(label="Code", max_length=10, required=False)
id = AutoCompleteSelectField('users', required=False, label=_("Select user"), help_text=None)
def as_p(self):
self.fields['code'].widget.attrs['autofocus'] = True
return super(GetUserForm, self).as_p()
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(GetUserForm, self).clean()
cus = None
if cleaned_data['code'] != "":
cus = Customer.objects.filter(account_id__iexact=cleaned_data['code']).first()
elif cleaned_data['id'] is not None:
cus = Customer.objects.filter(user=cleaned_data['id']).first()
if (cus is None or not cus.can_buy):
raise forms.ValidationError(_("User not found"))
cleaned_data['user_id'] = cus.user.id
cleaned_data['user'] = cus.user
return cleaned_data
class RefillForm(forms.ModelForm):
error_css_class = 'error'
required_css_class = 'required'
amount = forms.FloatField(min_value=0, widget=forms.NumberInput(attrs={'class': 'focus'}))
class Meta:
model = Refilling
fields = ['amount', 'payment_method', 'bank']
class CounterTabsMixin(TabedViewMixin):
def get_tabs_title(self):
if hasattr(self.object, 'stock_owner'):
return self.object.stock_owner.counter
return self.object
def get_list_of_tabs(self):
tab_list = []
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:details',
kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.stock_owner.counter.id if hasattr(self.object, 'stock_owner') else self.object.id}),
'slug': 'counter',
'name': _("Counter"),
if self.object.stock_owner.counter.type if hasattr(self.object, 'stock_owner') else self.object.type == "BAR":
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:cash_summary',
kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.stock_owner.counter.id if hasattr(self.object, 'stock_owner') else self.object.id}),
'slug': 'cash_summary',
'name': _("Cash summary"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:last_ops',
kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.stock_owner.counter.id if hasattr(self.object, 'stock_owner') else self.object.id}),
'slug': 'last_ops',
'name': _("Last operations"),
'url': reverse_lazy('stock:take_items',
kwargs={'stock_id': self.object.stock.id if hasattr(self.object, 'stock') else self.object.stock_owner.id}),
'slug': 'take_items_from_stock',
'name': _("Take items from stock"),
pass # The counter just have no stock
return tab_list
class CounterMain(CounterTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, DetailView, ProcessFormView, FormMixin):
The public (barman) view
model = Counter
template_name = 'counter/counter_main.jinja'
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
form_class = GetUserForm # Form to enter a client code and get the corresponding user id
current_tab = "counter"
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
if self.object.type == "BAR" and not ('counter_token' in self.request.session.keys() and
self.request.session['counter_token'] == self.object.token): # Check the token to avoid the bar to be stolen
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('counter:details', args=self.args,
kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.id}) + '?bad_location')
return super(CounterMain, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
We handle here the login form for the barman
if self.request.method == 'POST':
self.object = self.get_object()
kwargs = super(CounterMain, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['login_form'] = LoginForm()
kwargs['login_form'].fields['username'].widget.attrs['autofocus'] = True
kwargs['login_form'].cleaned_data = {} # add_error fails if there are no cleaned_data
if "credentials" in self.request.GET:
kwargs['login_form'].add_error(None, _("Bad credentials"))
if "sellers" in self.request.GET:
kwargs['login_form'].add_error(None, _("User is not barman"))
kwargs['form'] = self.get_form()
kwargs['form'].cleaned_data = {} # same as above
if "bad_location" in self.request.GET:
kwargs['form'].add_error(None, _("Bad location, someone is already logged in somewhere else"))
if self.object.type == 'BAR':
kwargs['barmen'] = self.object.get_barmen_list()
elif self.request.user.is_authenticated():
kwargs['barmen'] = [self.request.user]
if 'last_basket' in self.request.session.keys():
kwargs['last_basket'] = self.request.session.pop('last_basket')
kwargs['last_customer'] = self.request.session.pop('last_customer')
kwargs['last_total'] = self.request.session.pop('last_total')
kwargs['new_customer_amount'] = self.request.session.pop('new_customer_amount')
return kwargs
def form_valid(self, form):
We handle here the redirection, passing the user id of the asked customer
self.kwargs['user_id'] = form.cleaned_data['user_id']
return super(CounterMain, self).form_valid(form)
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('counter:click', args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs)
class CounterClick(CounterTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, DetailView):
The click view
This is a detail view not to have to worry about loading the counter
Everything is made by hand in the post method
model = Counter
template_name = 'counter/counter_click.jinja'
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
current_tab = "counter"
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.customer = get_object_or_404(Customer, user__id=self.kwargs['user_id'])
obj = self.get_object()
if not self.customer.can_buy:
raise Http404
if obj.type == "BAR":
if not ('counter_token' in request.session.keys() and
request.session['counter_token'] == obj.token) or len(obj.get_barmen_list()) < 1:
raise PermissionDenied
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
raise PermissionDenied
return super(CounterClick, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Simple get view"""
if 'basket' not in request.session.keys(): # Init the basket session entry
request.session['basket'] = {}
request.session['basket_total'] = 0
request.session['not_enough'] = False # Reset every variable
request.session['too_young'] = False
request.session['not_allowed'] = False
request.session['no_age'] = False
self.refill_form = None
ret = super(CounterClick, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
if ((self.object.type != "BAR" and not request.user.is_authenticated()) or
(self.object.type == "BAR" and
len(self.object.get_barmen_list()) < 1)): # Check that at least one barman is logged in
ret = self.cancel(request) # Otherwise, go to main view
return ret
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Handle the many possibilities of the post request """
self.object = self.get_object()
self.refill_form = None
if ((self.object.type != "BAR" and not request.user.is_authenticated()) or
(self.object.type == "BAR" and
len(self.object.get_barmen_list()) < 1)): # Check that at least one barman is logged in
return self.cancel(request)
if self.object.type == "BAR" and not ('counter_token' in self.request.session.keys() and
self.request.session['counter_token'] == self.object.token): # Also check the token to avoid the bar to be stolen
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('counter:details', args=self.args,
kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.id}) + '?bad_location')
if 'basket' not in request.session.keys():
request.session['basket'] = {}
request.session['basket_total'] = 0
request.session['not_enough'] = False # Reset every variable
request.session['too_young'] = False
request.session['not_allowed'] = False
request.session['no_age'] = False
if self.object.type != "BAR":
self.operator = request.user
elif self.is_barman_price():
self.operator = self.customer.user
self.operator = self.object.get_random_barman()
if 'add_product' in request.POST['action']:
elif 'del_product' in request.POST['action']:
elif 'refill' in request.POST['action']:
elif 'code' in request.POST['action']:
return self.parse_code(request)
elif 'cancel' in request.POST['action']:
return self.cancel(request)
elif 'finish' in request.POST['action']:
return self.finish(request)
context = self.get_context_data(object=self.object)
return self.render_to_response(context)
def is_barman_price(self):
if self.object.type == "BAR" and self.customer.user.id in [s.id for s in self.object.get_barmen_list()]:
return True
return False
def get_product(self, pid):
return Product.objects.filter(pk=int(pid)).first()
def get_price(self, pid):
p = self.get_product(pid)
if self.is_barman_price():
price = p.special_selling_price
price = p.selling_price
return price
def sum_basket(self, request):
total = 0
for pid, infos in request.session['basket'].items():
total += infos['price'] * infos['qty']
return total / 100
def get_total_quantity_for_pid(self, request, pid):
pid = str(pid)
return request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] + request.session['basket'][pid]['bonus_qty']
return 0
def compute_record_product(self, request, product=None):
recorded = 0
basket = request.session['basket']
if product:
if product.is_record_product:
recorded -= 1
elif product.is_unrecord_product:
recorded += 1
for p in basket:
bproduct = self.get_product(str(p))
if bproduct.is_record_product:
recorded -= basket[p]['qty']
elif bproduct.is_unrecord_product:
recorded += basket[p]['qty']
return recorded
def is_record_product_ok(self, request, product):
return self.customer.can_record_more(
self.compute_record_product(request, product))
def add_product(self, request, q=1, p=None):
Add a product to the basket
q is the quantity passed as integer
p is the product id, passed as an integer
pid = p or request.POST['product_id']
pid = str(pid)
price = self.get_price(pid)
total = self.sum_basket(request)
product = self.get_product(pid)
can_buy = False
if not product.buying_groups.exists():
can_buy = True
for g in product.buying_groups.all():
if self.customer.user.is_in_group(g.name):
can_buy = True
if not can_buy:
request.session['not_allowed'] = True
return False
bq = 0 # Bonus quantity, for trays
if product.tray: # Handle the tray to adjust the quantity q to add and the bonus quantity bq
total_qty_mod_6 = self.get_total_quantity_for_pid(request, pid) % 6
bq = int((total_qty_mod_6 + q) / 6) # Integer division
q -= bq
if self.customer.amount < (total + round(q * float(price), 2)): # Check for enough money
request.session['not_enough'] = True
return False
if product.is_unrecord_product and not self.is_record_product_ok(request, product):
request.session['not_allowed'] = True
return False
if product.limit_age >= 18 and not self.customer.user.date_of_birth:
request.session['no_age'] = True
return False
if product.limit_age >= 18 and self.customer.user.is_banned_alcohol:
request.session['not_allowed'] = True
return False
if self.customer.user.is_banned_counter:
request.session['not_allowed'] = True
return False
if self.customer.user.date_of_birth and self.customer.user.get_age() < product.limit_age: # Check if affordable
request.session['too_young'] = True
return False
if pid in request.session['basket']: # Add if already in basket
request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] += q
request.session['basket'][pid]['bonus_qty'] += bq
else: # or create if not
request.session['basket'][pid] = {'qty': q, 'price': int(price * 100), 'bonus_qty': bq}
request.session.modified = True
return True
def del_product(self, request):
""" Delete a product from the basket """
pid = str(request.POST['product_id'])
product = self.get_product(pid)
if pid in request.session['basket']:
if product.tray and (self.get_total_quantity_for_pid(request, pid) % 6 == 0) and request.session['basket'][pid]['bonus_qty']:
request.session['basket'][pid]['bonus_qty'] -= 1
request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] -= 1
if request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] <= 0:
del request.session['basket'][pid]
request.session['basket'][pid] = None
request.session.modified = True
def parse_code(self, request):
"""Parse the string entered by the barman"""
string = str(request.POST['code']).upper()
if string == _("END"):
return self.finish(request)
elif string == _("CAN"):
return self.cancel(request)
regex = re.compile(r"^((?P<nb>[0-9]+)X)?(?P<code>[A-Z0-9]+)$")
m = regex.match(string)
if m is not None:
nb = m.group('nb')
code = m.group('code')
if nb is None:
nb = 1
nb = int(nb)
p = self.object.products.filter(code=code).first()
if p is not None:
while nb > 0 and not self.add_product(request, nb, p.id):
nb -= 1
context = self.get_context_data(object=self.object)
return self.render_to_response(context)
def finish(self, request):
""" Finish the click session, and validate the basket """
with transaction.atomic():
request.session['last_basket'] = []
if self.sum_basket(request) > self.customer.amount:
raise DataError(_("You have not enough money to buy all the basket"))
for pid, infos in request.session['basket'].items():
# This duplicates code for DB optimization (prevent to load many times the same object)
p = Product.objects.filter(pk=pid).first()
if self.is_barman_price():
uprice = p.special_selling_price
uprice = p.selling_price
request.session['last_basket'].append("%d x %s" % (infos['qty'] + infos['bonus_qty'], p.name))
s = Selling(label=p.name, product=p, club=p.club, counter=self.object, unit_price=uprice,
quantity=infos['qty'], seller=self.operator, customer=self.customer)
if infos['bonus_qty']:
s = Selling(label=p.name + " (Plateau)", product=p, club=p.club, counter=self.object, unit_price=0,
quantity=infos['bonus_qty'], seller=self.operator, customer=self.customer)
self.customer.recorded_products -= self.compute_record_product(request)
request.session['last_customer'] = self.customer.user.get_display_name()
request.session['last_total'] = "%0.2f" % self.sum_basket(request)
request.session['new_customer_amount'] = str(self.customer.amount)
del request.session['basket']
request.session.modified = True
kwargs = {
'counter_id': self.object.id,
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('counter:details', args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs))
def cancel(self, request):
""" Cancel the click session """
kwargs = {'counter_id': self.object.id}
request.session.pop('basket', None)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('counter:details', args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs))
def refill(self, request):
"""Refill the customer's account"""
if self.get_object().type == 'BAR':
form = RefillForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
form.instance.counter = self.object
form.instance.operator = self.operator
form.instance.customer = self.customer
self.refill_form = form
raise PermissionDenied
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add customer to the context """
kwargs = super(CounterClick, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['customer'] = self.customer
kwargs['basket_total'] = self.sum_basket(self.request)
kwargs['refill_form'] = self.refill_form or RefillForm()
kwargs['categories'] = ProductType.objects.all()
return kwargs
class CounterLogin(RedirectView):
Handle the login of a barman
Logged barmen are stored in the Permanency model
permanent = False
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Register the logged user as barman for this counter
self.counter_id = kwargs['counter_id']
self.counter = Counter.objects.filter(id=kwargs['counter_id']).first()
form = LoginForm(request, data=request.POST)
self.errors = []
if form.is_valid():
user = User.objects.filter(username=form.cleaned_data['username']).first()
if user in self.counter.sellers.all() and not user in self.counter.get_barmen_list():
if len(self.counter.get_barmen_list()) <= 0:
request.session['counter_token'] = self.counter.token
self.errors += ["sellers"]
self.errors += ["credentials"]
return super(CounterLogin, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
return reverse_lazy('counter:details', args=args, kwargs=kwargs) + "?" + '&'.join(self.errors)
class CounterLogout(RedirectView):
permanent = False
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Unregister the user from the barman
self.counter = Counter.objects.filter(id=kwargs['counter_id']).first()
user = User.objects.filter(id=request.POST['user_id']).first()
return super(CounterLogout, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
return reverse_lazy('counter:details', args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
# Counter admin views
class CounterAdminTabsMixin(TabedViewMixin):
tabs_title = _("Counter administration")
list_of_tabs = [
'url': reverse_lazy('stock:list'),
'slug': 'stocks',
'name': _("Stocks"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:admin_list'),
'slug': 'counters',
'name': _("Counters"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:product_list'),
'slug': 'products',
'name': _("Products"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:product_list_archived'),
'slug': 'archive',
'name': _("Archived products"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:producttype_list'),
'slug': 'product_types',
'name': _("Product types"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:cash_summary_list'),
'slug': 'cash_summary',
'name': _("Cash register summaries"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:invoices_call'),
'slug': 'invoices_call',
'name': _("Invoices call"),
'url': reverse_lazy('counter:eticket_list'),
'slug': 'etickets',
'name': _("Etickets"),
class CounterListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = Counter
template_name = 'counter/counter_list.jinja'
current_tab = "counters"
class CounterEditForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Counter
fields = ['sellers', 'products']
sellers = make_ajax_field(Counter, 'sellers', 'users', help_text="")
products = make_ajax_field(Counter, 'products', 'products', help_text="")
class CounterEditView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, UpdateView):
Edit a counter's main informations (for the counter's manager)
model = Counter
form_class = CounterEditForm
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
current_tab = "counters"
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
obj = self.get_object()
return super(CounterEditView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('counter:admin', kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.id})
class CounterEditPropView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, UpdateView):
Edit a counter's main informations (for the counter's admin)
model = Counter
form_class = modelform_factory(Counter, fields=['name', 'club', 'type'])
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
current_tab = "counters"
class CounterCreateView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, CreateView):
Create a counter (for the admins)
model = Counter
form_class = modelform_factory(Counter, fields=['name', 'club', 'type', 'products'],
widgets={'products': CheckboxSelectMultiple})
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
current_tab = "counters"
class CounterDeleteView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, DeleteView):
Delete a counter (for the admins)
model = Counter
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja'
success_url = reverse_lazy('counter:admin_list')
current_tab = "counters"
# Product management
class ProductTypeListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = ProductType
template_name = 'counter/producttype_list.jinja'
current_tab = "product_types"
class ProductTypeCreateView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, CreateView):
A create view for the admins
model = ProductType
fields = ['name', 'description', 'icon']
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
current_tab = "products"
class ProductTypeEditView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view for the admins
model = ProductType
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
fields = ['name', 'description', 'icon']
pk_url_kwarg = "type_id"
current_tab = "products"
class ProductArchivedListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = Product
template_name = 'counter/product_list.jinja'
queryset = Product.objects.filter(archived=True)
ordering = ['name']
current_tab = "archive"
class ProductListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = Product
template_name = 'counter/product_list.jinja'
queryset = Product.objects.filter(archived=False)
ordering = ['name']
current_tab = "products"
class ProductEditForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Product
fields = ['name', 'description', 'product_type', 'code', 'parent_product', 'buying_groups', 'purchase_price',
'selling_price', 'special_selling_price', 'icon', 'club', 'limit_age', 'tray', 'archived']
parent_product = AutoCompleteSelectField('products', show_help_text=False, label=_("Parent product"), required=False)
buying_groups = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField('groups', show_help_text=False, help_text="", label=_("Buying groups"), required=False)
club = AutoCompleteSelectField('clubs', show_help_text=False)
counters = AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField('counters', show_help_text=False, help_text="", label=_("Counters"), required=False)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ProductEditForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.instance.id:
self.fields['counters'].initial = [str(c.id) for c in self.instance.counters.all()]
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
ret = super(ProductEditForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if self.fields['counters'].initial:
for cid in self.fields['counters'].initial:
c = Counter.objects.filter(id=int(cid)).first()
for cid in self.cleaned_data['counters']:
c = Counter.objects.filter(id=int(cid)).first()
return ret
class ProductCreateView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, CreateView):
A create view for the admins
model = Product
form_class = ProductEditForm
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
current_tab = "products"
class ProductEditView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view for the admins
model = Product
form_class = ProductEditForm
pk_url_kwarg = "product_id"
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
current_tab = "products"
class RefillingDeleteView(DeleteView):
Delete a refilling (for the admins)
model = Refilling
pk_url_kwarg = "refilling_id"
template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja'
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
We have here a very particular right handling, we can't inherit from CanEditPropMixin
self.object = self.get_object()
if (timezone.now() - self.object.date <= timedelta(minutes=settings.SITH_LAST_OPERATIONS_LIMIT) and
'counter_token' in request.session.keys() and
request.session['counter_token'] and # check if not null for counters that have no token set
self.success_url = reverse('counter:details', kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.counter.id})
return super(RefillingDeleteView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
elif self.object.is_owned_by(request.user):
self.success_url = reverse('core:user_account', kwargs={'user_id': self.object.customer.user.id})
return super(RefillingDeleteView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
raise PermissionDenied
class SellingDeleteView(DeleteView):
Delete a selling (for the admins)
model = Selling
pk_url_kwarg = "selling_id"
template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja'
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
We have here a very particular right handling, we can't inherit from CanEditPropMixin
self.object = self.get_object()
if (timezone.now() - self.object.date <= timedelta(minutes=settings.SITH_LAST_OPERATIONS_LIMIT) and
'counter_token' in request.session.keys() and
request.session['counter_token'] and # check if not null for counters that have no token set
self.success_url = reverse('counter:details', kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.counter.id})
return super(SellingDeleteView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
elif self.object.is_owned_by(request.user):
self.success_url = reverse('core:user_account', kwargs={'user_id': self.object.customer.user.id})
return super(SellingDeleteView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
raise PermissionDenied
# Cash register summaries
class CashRegisterSummaryForm(forms.Form):
Provide the cash summary form
ten_cents = forms.IntegerField(label=_("10 cents"), required=False, min_value=0)
twenty_cents = forms.IntegerField(label=_("20 cents"), required=False, min_value=0)
fifty_cents = forms.IntegerField(label=_("50 cents"), required=False, min_value=0)
one_euro = forms.IntegerField(label=_("1 euro"), required=False, min_value=0)
two_euros = forms.IntegerField(label=_("2 euros"), required=False, min_value=0)
five_euros = forms.IntegerField(label=_("5 euros"), required=False, min_value=0)
ten_euros = forms.IntegerField(label=_("10 euros"), required=False, min_value=0)
twenty_euros = forms.IntegerField(label=_("20 euros"), required=False, min_value=0)
fifty_euros = forms.IntegerField(label=_("50 euros"), required=False, min_value=0)
hundred_euros = forms.IntegerField(label=_("100 euros"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_1_value = forms.DecimalField(label=_("Check amount"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_1_quantity = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Check quantity"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_2_value = forms.DecimalField(label=_("Check amount"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_2_quantity = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Check quantity"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_3_value = forms.DecimalField(label=_("Check amount"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_3_quantity = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Check quantity"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_4_value = forms.DecimalField(label=_("Check amount"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_4_quantity = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Check quantity"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_5_value = forms.DecimalField(label=_("Check amount"), required=False, min_value=0)
check_5_quantity = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Check quantity"), required=False, min_value=0)
comment = forms.CharField(label=_("Comment"), required=False)
emptied = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Emptied"), required=False)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
instance = kwargs.pop('instance', None)
super(CashRegisterSummaryForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if instance:
self.fields['ten_cents'].initial = instance.ten_cents.quantity if instance.ten_cents else 0
self.fields['twenty_cents'].initial = instance.twenty_cents.quantity if instance.twenty_cents else 0
self.fields['fifty_cents'].initial = instance.fifty_cents.quantity if instance.fifty_cents else 0
self.fields['one_euro'].initial = instance.one_euro.quantity if instance.one_euro else 0
self.fields['two_euros'].initial = instance.two_euros.quantity if instance.two_euros else 0
self.fields['five_euros'].initial = instance.five_euros.quantity if instance.five_euros else 0
self.fields['ten_euros'].initial = instance.ten_euros.quantity if instance.ten_euros else 0
self.fields['twenty_euros'].initial = instance.twenty_euros.quantity if instance.twenty_euros else 0
self.fields['fifty_euros'].initial = instance.fifty_euros.quantity if instance.fifty_euros else 0
self.fields['hundred_euros'].initial = instance.hundred_euros.quantity if instance.hundred_euros else 0
self.fields['check_1_quantity'].initial = instance.check_1.quantity if instance.check_1 else 0
self.fields['check_2_quantity'].initial = instance.check_2.quantity if instance.check_2 else 0
self.fields['check_3_quantity'].initial = instance.check_3.quantity if instance.check_3 else 0
self.fields['check_4_quantity'].initial = instance.check_4.quantity if instance.check_4 else 0
self.fields['check_5_quantity'].initial = instance.check_5.quantity if instance.check_5 else 0
self.fields['check_1_value'].initial = instance.check_1.value if instance.check_1 else 0
self.fields['check_2_value'].initial = instance.check_2.value if instance.check_2 else 0
self.fields['check_3_value'].initial = instance.check_3.value if instance.check_3 else 0
self.fields['check_4_value'].initial = instance.check_4.value if instance.check_4 else 0
self.fields['check_5_value'].initial = instance.check_5.value if instance.check_5 else 0
self.fields['comment'].initial = instance.comment
self.fields['emptied'].initial = instance.emptied
self.instance = instance
self.instance = None
def save(self, counter=None):
cd = self.cleaned_data
summary = self.instance or CashRegisterSummary(
summary.comment = cd['comment']
summary.emptied = cd['emptied']
# Cash
if cd['ten_cents']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=0.1, quantity=cd['ten_cents']).save()
if cd['twenty_cents']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=0.2, quantity=cd['twenty_cents']).save()
if cd['fifty_cents']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=0.5, quantity=cd['fifty_cents']).save()
if cd['one_euro']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=1, quantity=cd['one_euro']).save()
if cd['two_euros']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=2, quantity=cd['two_euros']).save()
if cd['five_euros']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=5, quantity=cd['five_euros']).save()
if cd['ten_euros']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=10, quantity=cd['ten_euros']).save()
if cd['twenty_euros']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=20, quantity=cd['twenty_euros']).save()
if cd['fifty_euros']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=50, quantity=cd['fifty_euros']).save()
if cd['hundred_euros']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=100, quantity=cd['hundred_euros']).save()
# Checks
if cd['check_1_quantity']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=cd['check_1_value'],
quantity=cd['check_1_quantity'], check=True).save()
if cd['check_2_quantity']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=cd['check_2_value'],
quantity=cd['check_2_quantity'], check=True).save()
if cd['check_3_quantity']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=cd['check_3_value'],
quantity=cd['check_3_quantity'], check=True).save()
if cd['check_4_quantity']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=cd['check_4_value'],
quantity=cd['check_4_quantity'], check=True).save()
if cd['check_5_quantity']:
CashRegisterSummaryItem(cash_summary=summary, value=cd['check_5_value'],
quantity=cd['check_5_quantity'], check=True).save()
if summary.items.count() < 1:
class CounterLastOperationsView(CounterTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, DetailView):
Provide the last operations to allow barmen to delete them
model = Counter
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'counter/last_ops.jinja'
current_tab = "last_ops"
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
We have here again a very particular right handling
self.object = self.get_object()
if (self.object.get_barmen_list() and 'counter_token' in request.session.keys() and
request.session['counter_token'] and # check if not null for counters that have no token set
return super(CounterLastOperationsView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('counter:details', kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.id}) + '?bad_location')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
"""Add form to the context """
kwargs = super(CounterLastOperationsView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
threshold = timezone.now() - timedelta(minutes=settings.SITH_LAST_OPERATIONS_LIMIT)
kwargs['last_refillings'] = self.object.refillings.filter(date__gte=threshold).order_by('-id')[:20]
kwargs['last_sellings'] = self.object.sellings.filter(date__gte=threshold).order_by('-id')[:20]
return kwargs
class CounterCashSummaryView(CounterTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, DetailView):
Provide the cash summary form
model = Counter
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'counter/cash_register_summary.jinja'
current_tab = "cash_summary"
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
We have here again a very particular right handling
self.object = self.get_object()
if (self.object.get_barmen_list() and 'counter_token' in request.session.keys() and
request.session['counter_token'] and # check if not null for counters that have no token set
return super(CounterCashSummaryView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('counter:details', kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.id}) + '?bad_location')
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
self.form = CashRegisterSummaryForm()
return super(CounterCashSummaryView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
self.form = CashRegisterSummaryForm(request.POST)
if self.form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())
return super(CounterCashSummaryView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse_lazy('counter:details', kwargs={'counter_id': self.object.id})
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add form to the context """
kwargs = super(CounterCashSummaryView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['form'] = self.form
return kwargs
class CounterActivityView(DetailView):
Show the bar activity
model = Counter
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'counter/activity.jinja'
class CounterStatView(DetailView, CounterAdminMixin):
Show the bar stats
model = Counter
pk_url_kwarg = "counter_id"
template_name = 'counter/stats.jinja'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add stats to the context """
from django.db.models import Sum, Case, When, F, DecimalField
kwargs = super(CounterStatView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['Customer'] = Customer
kwargs['User'] = User
semester_start = Subscription.compute_start(d=date.today(), duration=3)
kwargs['total_sellings'] = Selling.objects.filter(date__gte=semester_start,
counter=self.object).aggregate(total_sellings=Sum(F('quantity') * F('unit_price'),
kwargs['top'] = Selling.objects.values('customer__user').annotate(
then=F('unit_price') * F('quantity')),
kwargs['top_barman'] = Permanency.objects.values('user').annotate(
end__gt=datetime(year=1999, month=1, day=1),
then=F('end') - F('start')),
kwargs['top_barman_semester'] = Permanency.objects.values('user').annotate(
end__gt=datetime(year=1999, month=1, day=1),
then=F('end') - F('start')),
kwargs['sith_date'] = settings.SITH_START_DATE[0]
kwargs['semester_start'] = semester_start
return kwargs
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return super(CounterStatView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
if (request.user.is_root
or request.user.is_board_member
or self.object.is_owned_by(request.user)):
return super(CanEditMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
raise PermissionDenied
class CashSummaryEditView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, UpdateView):
"""Edit cash summaries"""
model = CashRegisterSummary
template_name = 'counter/cash_register_summary.jinja'
context_object_name = "cashsummary"
pk_url_kwarg = "cashsummary_id"
form_class = CashRegisterSummaryForm
current_tab = "cash_summary"
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse('counter:cash_summary_list')
class CashSummaryFormBase(forms.Form):
begin_date = forms.DateTimeField(['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'], label=_("Begin date"), required=False, widget=SelectDateTime)
end_date = forms.DateTimeField(['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'], label=_("End date"), required=False, widget=SelectDateTime)
class CashSummaryListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, ListView):
"""Display a list of cash summaries"""
model = CashRegisterSummary
template_name = 'counter/cash_summary_list.jinja'
context_object_name = "cashsummary_list"
current_tab = "cash_summary"
queryset = CashRegisterSummary.objects.all().order_by('-date')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add sums to the context """
kwargs = super(CashSummaryListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
form = CashSummaryFormBase(self.request.GET)
kwargs['form'] = form
kwargs['summaries_sums'] = {}
kwargs['refilling_sums'] = {}
for c in Counter.objects.filter(type="BAR").all():
refillings = Refilling.objects.filter(counter=c)
cashredistersummaries = CashRegisterSummary.objects.filter(counter=c)
if form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['begin_date']:
refillings = refillings.filter(date__gte=form.cleaned_data['begin_date'])
cashredistersummaries = cashredistersummaries.filter(date__gte=form.cleaned_data['begin_date'])
last_summary = CashRegisterSummary.objects.filter(counter=c, emptied=True).order_by('-date').first()
if last_summary:
refillings = refillings.filter(date__gt=last_summary.date)
cashredistersummaries = cashredistersummaries.filter(date__gt=last_summary.date)
refillings = refillings.filter(date__gte=datetime(year=1994, month=5, day=17, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)) # My birth date should be old enough
cashredistersummaries = cashredistersummaries.filter(date__gte=datetime(year=1994, month=5, day=17, tzinfo=pytz.UTC))
if form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['end_date']:
refillings = refillings.filter(date__lte=form.cleaned_data['end_date'])
cashredistersummaries = cashredistersummaries.filter(date__lte=form.cleaned_data['end_date'])
kwargs['summaries_sums'][c.name] = sum([s.get_total() for s in cashredistersummaries.all()])
kwargs['refilling_sums'][c.name] = sum([s.amount for s in refillings.all()])
return kwargs
class InvoiceCallView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, TemplateView):
template_name = 'counter/invoices_call.jinja'
current_tab = 'invoices_call'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add sums to the context """
kwargs = super(InvoiceCallView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['months'] = Selling.objects.datetimes('date', 'month', order='DESC')
start_date = None
end_date = None
start_date = datetime.strptime(self.request.GET['month'], '%Y-%m')
start_date = datetime(year=timezone.now().year, month=(timezone.now().month + 10) % 12 + 1, day=1)
start_date = start_date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
end_date = (start_date + timedelta(days=32)).replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, microsecond=0)
from django.db.models import Sum, Case, When, F, DecimalField
kwargs['sum_cb'] = sum([r.amount for r in Refilling.objects.filter(payment_method='CARD', is_validated=True,
date__gte=start_date, date__lte=end_date)])
kwargs['sum_cb'] += sum([s.quantity * s.unit_price for s in Selling.objects.filter(payment_method='CARD', is_validated=True,
date__gte=start_date, date__lte=end_date)])
kwargs['start_date'] = start_date
kwargs['sums'] = Selling.objects.values('club__name').annotate(selling_sum=Sum(
then=F('unit_price') * F('quantity')),
return kwargs
class EticketListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = Eticket
template_name = 'counter/eticket_list.jinja'
ordering = ['id']
current_tab = "etickets"
class EticketForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Eticket
fields = ['product', 'banner', 'event_title', 'event_date']
widgets = {
'event_date': SelectDate,
product = AutoCompleteSelectField('products', show_help_text=False, label=_("Product"), required=True)
class EticketCreateView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, CreateView):
Create an eticket
model = Eticket
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
form_class = EticketForm
current_tab = "etickets"
class EticketEditView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, UpdateView):
Edit an eticket
model = Eticket
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
form_class = EticketForm
pk_url_kwarg = "eticket_id"
current_tab = "etickets"
class EticketPDFView(CanViewMixin, DetailView):
Display the PDF of an eticket
model = Selling
pk_url_kwarg = "selling_id"
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
from reportlab.lib.units import cm
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing
from reportlab.graphics.barcode.qr import QrCodeWidget
from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF
self.object = self.get_object()
eticket = self.object.product.eticket
user = self.object.customer.user
code = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.object.customer.user.id, self.object.product.id, self.object.id, self.object.quantity)
code += " " + eticket.get_hash(code)[:8].upper()
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="eticket.pdf"'
p = canvas.Canvas(response)
im = ImageReader("core/static/core/img/eticket.jpg")
width, height = im.getSize()
size = max(width, height)
width = 8 * cm * width / size
height = 8 * cm * height / size
p.drawImage(im, 10 * cm, 25 * cm, width, height)
if eticket.banner:
im = ImageReader(eticket.banner)
width, height = im.getSize()
size = max(width, height)
width = 6 * cm * width / size
height = 6 * cm * height / size
p.drawImage(im, 1 * cm, 25 * cm, width, height)
if user.profile_pict:
im = ImageReader(user.profile_pict.file)
width, height = im.getSize()
size = max(width, height)
width = 150 * width / size
height = 150 * height / size
p.drawImage(im, 10.5 * cm - width / 2, 16 * cm, width, height)
if eticket.event_title:
p.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 20)
p.drawCentredString(10.5 * cm, 23.6 * cm, eticket.event_title)
if eticket.event_date:
p.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 16)
p.drawCentredString(10.5 * cm, 22.6 * cm, eticket.event_date.strftime("%d %b %Y")) # FIXME with a locale
p.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 14)
p.drawCentredString(10.5 * cm, 15 * cm, "%s : %d %s" % (user.get_display_name(), self.object.quantity, str(_("people(s)"))))
p.setFont("Courier-Bold", 14)
qrcode = QrCodeWidget(code)
bounds = qrcode.getBounds()
width = bounds[2] - bounds[0]
height = bounds[3] - bounds[1]
d = Drawing(260, 260, transform=[260. / width, 0, 0, 260. / height, 0, 0])
renderPDF.draw(d, p, 10.5 * cm - 130, 6.1 * cm)
p.drawCentredString(10.5 * cm, 6 * cm, code)
partners = ImageReader("core/static/core/img/partners.png")
width, height = partners.getSize()
size = max(width, height)
width = width * 2 / 3
height = height * 2 / 3
p.drawImage(partners, 0 * cm, 0 * cm, width, height)
return response
class CounterRefillingListView(CounterAdminTabsMixin, CounterAdminMixin, ListView):
List of refillings on a counter
model = Refilling
template_name = 'counter/refilling_list.jinja'
current_tab = "counters"
paginate_by = 30
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.counter = get_object_or_404(Counter, pk=kwargs['counter_id'])
self.queryset = Refilling.objects.filter(counter__id=self.counter.id)
return super(CounterRefillingListView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super(CounterRefillingListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['counter'] = self.counter
return kwargs