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from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView, RedirectView
from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView, CreateView, DeleteView, FormView
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy, reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.forms.models import modelform_factory
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.forms import HiddenInput
from django.db import transaction
from django.conf import settings
from django import forms
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.conf import settings
from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteSelectField, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField
from core.views import CanViewMixin, CanEditMixin, CanEditPropMixin, CanCreateMixin
from core.views.forms import SelectFile, SelectDate
from accounting.models import BankAccount, ClubAccount, GeneralJournal, Operation, AccountingType, Company, SimplifiedAccountingType, Label
from counter.models import Counter, Selling
# Main accounting view
class BankAccountListView(CanViewMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = BankAccount
template_name = 'accounting/bank_account_list.jinja'
ordering = ['name']
# Simplified accounting types
class SimplifiedAccountingTypeListView(CanViewMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = SimplifiedAccountingType
template_name = 'accounting/simplifiedaccountingtype_list.jinja'
class SimplifiedAccountingTypeEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view for the admins
model = SimplifiedAccountingType
pk_url_kwarg = "type_id"
fields = ['label', 'accounting_type']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
class SimplifiedAccountingTypeCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create an accounting type (for the admins)
model = SimplifiedAccountingType
fields = ['label', 'accounting_type']
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
# Accounting types
class AccountingTypeListView(CanViewMixin, ListView):
A list view for the admins
model = AccountingType
template_name = 'accounting/accountingtype_list.jinja'
class AccountingTypeEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view for the admins
model = AccountingType
pk_url_kwarg = "type_id"
fields = ['code', 'label', 'movement_type']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
class AccountingTypeCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create an accounting type (for the admins)
model = AccountingType
fields = ['code', 'label', 'movement_type']
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
# BankAccount views
class BankAccountEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view for the admins
model = BankAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "b_account_id"
fields = ['name', 'iban', 'number', 'club']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
class BankAccountDetailView(CanViewMixin, DetailView):
A detail view, listing every club account
model = BankAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "b_account_id"
template_name = 'accounting/bank_account_details.jinja'
class BankAccountCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create a bank account (for the admins)
model = BankAccount
fields = ['name', 'club', 'iban', 'number']
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
class BankAccountDeleteView(CanEditPropMixin, DeleteView): # TODO change Delete to Close
Delete a bank account (for the admins)
model = BankAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "b_account_id"
template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja'
success_url = reverse_lazy('accounting:bank_list')
# ClubAccount views
class ClubAccountEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view for the admins
model = ClubAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "c_account_id"
fields = ['name', 'club', 'bank_account']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
class ClubAccountDetailView(CanViewMixin, DetailView):
A detail view, listing every journal
model = ClubAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "c_account_id"
template_name = 'accounting/club_account_details.jinja'
class ClubAccountCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create a club account (for the admins)
model = ClubAccount
fields = ['name', 'club', 'bank_account']
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
def get_initial(self):
ret = super(ClubAccountCreateView, self).get_initial()
if 'parent' in self.request.GET.keys():
obj = BankAccount.objects.filter(id=int(self.request.GET['parent'])).first()
if obj is not None:
ret['bank_account'] = obj.id
return ret
class ClubAccountDeleteView(CanEditPropMixin, DeleteView): # TODO change Delete to Close
Delete a club account (for the admins)
model = ClubAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "c_account_id"
template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja'
success_url = reverse_lazy('accounting:bank_list')
# Journal views
class JournalCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create a general journal
model = GeneralJournal
form_class = modelform_factory(GeneralJournal, fields=['name', 'start_date', 'club_account'],
widgets={ 'start_date': SelectDate, })
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
def get_initial(self):
ret = super(JournalCreateView, self).get_initial()
if 'parent' in self.request.GET.keys():
obj = ClubAccount.objects.filter(id=int(self.request.GET['parent'])).first()
if obj is not None:
ret['club_account'] = obj.id
return ret
class JournalDetailView(CanViewMixin, DetailView):
A detail view, listing every operation
model = GeneralJournal
pk_url_kwarg = "j_id"
template_name = 'accounting/journal_details.jinja'
class JournalEditView(CanEditMixin, UpdateView):
Update a general journal
model = GeneralJournal
pk_url_kwarg = "j_id"
fields = ['name', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'club_account', 'closed']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
# Operation views
class OperationForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Operation
fields = ['amount', 'remark', 'journal', 'target_type', 'target_id', 'target_label', 'date', 'mode',
'cheque_number', 'invoice', 'simpleaccounting_type', 'accounting_type', 'label', 'done']
widgets = {
'journal': HiddenInput,
'target_id': HiddenInput,
'date': SelectDate,
'invoice': SelectFile,
user = AutoCompleteSelectField('users', help_text=None, required=False)
club_account = AutoCompleteSelectField('club_accounts', help_text=None, required=False)
club = AutoCompleteSelectField('clubs', help_text=None, required=False)
company = AutoCompleteSelectField('companies', help_text=None, required=False)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
club_account = kwargs.pop('club_account', None)
super(OperationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if club_account:
self.fields['label'].queryset = club_account.labels.order_by('name').all()
if self.instance.target_type == "USER":
self.fields['user'].initial = self.instance.target_id
elif self.instance.target_type == "ACCOUNT":
self.fields['club_account'].initial = self.instance.target_id
elif self.instance.target_type == "CLUB":
self.fields['club'].initial = self.instance.target_id
elif self.instance.target_type == "COMPANY":
self.fields['company'].initial = self.instance.target_id
def clean(self):
self.cleaned_data = super(OperationForm, self).clean()
if self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "USER":
self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['user'].id
elif self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "ACCOUNT":
self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['club_account'].id
elif self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "CLUB":
self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['club'].id
elif self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "COMPANY":
self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['company'].id
return self.cleaned_data
def save(self):
ret = super(OperationForm, self).save()
if self.instance.target_type == "ACCOUNT" and not self.instance.linked_operation and self.instance.target.has_open_journal():
inst = self.instance
club_account = inst.target
acc_type = AccountingType.objects.exclude(movement_type="NEUTRAL").exclude(
movement_type=inst.accounting_type.movement_type).first() # Select a random opposite accounting type
op = Operation(
done=False, # Has to be checked by hand
self.instance.linked_operation = op
return ret
class OperationCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create an operation
model = Operation
form_class = OperationForm
template_name = 'accounting/operation_edit.jinja'
def get_form(self, form_class=None):
self.journal = GeneralJournal.objects.filter(id=self.kwargs['j_id']).first()
ca = self.journal.club_account if self.journal else None
return self.form_class(club_account=ca, **self.get_form_kwargs())
def get_initial(self):
ret = super(OperationCreateView, self).get_initial()
if self.journal is not None:
ret['journal'] = self.journal.id
return ret
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add journal to the context """
kwargs = super(OperationCreateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
if self.journal:
kwargs['object'] = self.journal
return kwargs
class OperationEditView(CanEditMixin, UpdateView):
An edit view, working as detail for the moment
model = Operation
pk_url_kwarg = "op_id"
form_class = OperationForm
template_name = 'accounting/operation_edit.jinja'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Add journal to the context """
kwargs = super(OperationEditView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['object'] = self.object.journal
return kwargs
class OperationPDFView(CanViewMixin, DetailView):
Display the PDF of a given operation
model = Operation
pk_url_kwarg = "op_id"
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import cm
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('DejaVu', 'DejaVuSerif.ttf'))
self.object = self.get_object()
amount = self.object.amount
remark = self.object.remark
nature = self.object.accounting_type.movement_type
num = self.object.number
date = self.object.date
mode = self.object.mode
cheque_number = self.object.cheque_number
club_name = self.object.journal.club_account.name
ti = self.object.journal.name
op_label = self.object.label
club_address = self.object.journal.club_account.club.address
id_op = self.object.id
if self.object.target_type == "OTHER":
target = self.object.target_label
target = self.object.target.get_display_name()
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="op-%d(%s_on_%s).pdf"' %(num, ti, club_name)
p = canvas.Canvas(response)
p.setFont('DejaVu', 12)
p.setTitle("%s %d" % (_("Operation"), num))
width, height = letter
im = ImageReader("core/static/core/img/logo.jpg")
iw, ih = im.getSize()
p.drawImage(im, 40, height - 50, width=iw/2, height=ih/2)
labelStr = [["%s %s - %s %s" % (_("Journal"), ti, _("Operation"), num)]]
label = Table(labelStr, colWidths=[150], rowHeights=[20])
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
w, h = label.wrapOn(label, 0, 0)
label.drawOn(p, width-180, height)
p.drawString(90, height - 100, _("Financial proof: ") + "OP%010d" % (id_op)) #Justificatif du libellé
p.drawString(90, height - 130, _("Club: %(club_name)s") % ({"club_name": club_name}))
p.drawString(90, height - 160, _("Label: %(op_label)s") % {"op_label": op_label if op_label != None else ""})
data = []
data += [["%s" % (_("Credit").upper() if nature == 'CREDIT' else _("Debit").upper())]]
data += [[_("Amount: %(amount).2f €") % {"amount": amount}]]
payment_mode = ""
if m[0] == mode:
payment_mode += "[\u00D7]"
payment_mode += "[ ]"
payment_mode += " %s\n" %(m[1])
data += [[payment_mode]]
data += [["%s : %s" % (_("Debtor") if nature == 'CREDIT' else _("Creditor"), target), ""]]
data += [["%s \n%s" % (_("Comment:"), remark)]]
t = Table(data, colWidths=[(width-90*2)/2]*2, rowHeights=[20, 20, 70, 20, 80])
('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0)), # line DEBIT/CREDIT
('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1)), # line amount
('SPAN',(-2, -1), (-1,-1)), # line comment
('SPAN', (0, -2), (-1, -2)), # line creditor/debtor
('SPAN', (0, 2), (1, 2)), # line payment_mode
('ALIGN',(0, 2), (1, 2),'LEFT'), # line payment_mode
('ALIGN', (-2, -1), (-1, -1), 'LEFT'),
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
w, h = t.wrapOn(p, 0, 0)
t.drawOn(p, 90, 350)
p.drawCentredString(10.5 * cm, 2 * cm, club_name)
p.drawCentredString(10.5 * cm, 1 * cm, club_address)
return response
# Company views
class CompanyCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView):
Create a company
model = Company
fields = ['name']
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
class CompanyEditView(CanCreateMixin, UpdateView):
Edit a company
model = Company
pk_url_kwarg = "co_id"
fields = ['name']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
# Label views
class LabelListView(CanViewMixin, DetailView):
model = ClubAccount
pk_url_kwarg = "clubaccount_id"
template_name = 'accounting/label_list.jinja'
class LabelCreateView(CanEditMixin, CreateView): # FIXME we need to check the rights before creating the object
model = Label
form_class = modelform_factory(Label, fields=['name', 'club_account'], widgets={
'club_account': HiddenInput,
template_name = 'core/create.jinja'
def get_initial(self):
ret = super(LabelCreateView, self).get_initial()
if 'parent' in self.request.GET.keys():
obj = ClubAccount.objects.filter(id=int(self.request.GET['parent'])).first()
if obj is not None:
ret['club_account'] = obj.id
return ret
class LabelEditView(CanEditMixin, UpdateView):
model = Label
pk_url_kwarg = "label_id"
fields = ['name']
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
class LabelDeleteView(CanEditMixin, DeleteView):
model = Label
pk_url_kwarg = "label_id"
template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja'
def get_success_url(self):
return self.object.get_absolute_url()
class CloseCustomerAccountForm(forms.Form):
user = AutoCompleteSelectField('users', label=_('Refound this account'), help_text=None, required=True)
class RefoundAccountView(FormView):
Create a selling with the same amount than the current user money
template_name = "accounting/refound_account.jinja"
form_class = CloseCustomerAccountForm
def permission(self, user):
if user.is_root or user.is_in_group(settings.SITH_GROUP_ACCOUNTING_ADMIN_ID):
return True
raise PermissionDenied
def dispatch(self, request, *arg, **kwargs):
res = super(RefoundAccountView, self).dispatch(request, *arg, **kwargs)
if self.permission(request.user):
return res
def post(self, request, *arg, **kwargs):
self.operator = request.user
if self.permission(request.user):
return super(RefoundAccountView, self).post(self, request, *arg, **kwargs)
def form_valid(self, form):
self.customer = form.cleaned_data['user']
return super(RefoundAccountView, self).form_valid(form)
def get_success_url(self):
return reverse('accounting:refound_account')
def create_selling(self):
with transaction.atomic():
uprice = self.customer.customer.amount
main_club_counter = Counter.objects.filter(club__unix_name=settings.SITH_MAIN_CLUB['unix_name'],
main_club = main_club_counter.club
s = Selling(label=_('Refound account'), unit_price=uprice,
quantity=1, seller=self.operator,
club=main_club, counter=main_club_counter)