2017-04-24 17:51:12 +02:00
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*
# Copyright 2016,2017
# - Skia <skia@libskia.so>
# Ce fichier fait partie du site de l'Association des Étudiants de l'UTBM,
# http://ae.utbm.fr.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License a published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Sofware Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
import re
2016-08-22 02:56:27 +02:00
# Image utils
from io import BytesIO
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
from datetime import date
2017-06-12 22:53:25 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
from PIL import ExifTags
# from exceptions import IOError
2016-08-22 14:21:17 +02:00
import PIL
2017-06-12 22:53:25 +02:00
from django.conf import settings
2016-08-22 14:21:17 +02:00
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
2016-08-22 02:56:27 +02:00
2017-06-12 22:53:25 +02:00
def get_start_of_semester(d=date.today()):
This function computes the start date of the semester with respect to the given date (default is today),
and the start date given in settings.SITH_START_DATE.
It takes the nearest past start date.
Exemples: with SITH_START_DATE = (8, 15)
Today -> Start date
2015-03-17 -> 2015-02-15
2015-01-11 -> 2014-08-15
today = d
year = today.year
start = date(year, settings.SITH_START_DATE[0], settings.SITH_START_DATE[1])
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
start2 = start.replace(month=(start.month + 6) % 12)
2017-06-12 22:53:25 +02:00
if start > start2:
start, start2 = start2, start
if today < start:
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
return start2.replace(year=year - 1)
2017-06-12 22:53:25 +02:00
elif today < start2:
return start
return start2
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
2017-06-12 23:52:59 +02:00
def get_semester(d=date.today()):
start = get_start_of_semester(d)
if start.month <= 6:
return "P" + str(start.year)[-2:]
return "A" + str(start.year)[-2:]
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
2016-08-22 02:56:27 +02:00
def scale_dimension(width, height, long_edge):
if width > height:
ratio = long_edge * 1. / width
ratio = long_edge * 1. / height
return int(width * ratio), int(height * ratio)
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
2016-11-20 11:56:33 +01:00
def resize_image(im, edge, format):
2016-08-22 02:56:27 +02:00
(w, h) = im.size
(width, height) = scale_dimension(w, h, long_edge=edge)
content = BytesIO()
2016-08-22 14:21:17 +02:00
im = im.resize((width, height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
im.save(fp=content, format=format.upper(), quality=90, optimize=True, progressive=True)
except IOError:
PIL.ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = im.size[0] * im.size[1]
im.save(fp=content, format=format.upper(), quality=90, optimize=True, progressive=True)
2016-08-22 02:56:27 +02:00
return ContentFile(content.getvalue())
2016-11-20 13:39:04 +01:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
def exif_auto_rotate(image):
for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation] == 'Orientation':
exif = dict(image._getexif().items())
if exif[orientation] == 3:
image = image.rotate(180, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 6:
image = image.rotate(270, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 8:
image = image.rotate(90, expand=True)
2016-11-20 13:39:04 +01:00
return image
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
def doku_to_markdown(text):
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
"""This is a quite correct doku translator"""
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'([^:]|^)\/\/(.*?)\/\/', r'*\2*', text) # Italic (prevents protocol:// conflict)
text = re.sub(r'<del>(.*?)<\/del>', r'~~\1~~', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Strike (may be multiline)
text = re.sub(r'<sup>(.*?)<\/sup>', r'^\1^', text) # Superscript (multiline not supported, because almost never used)
text = re.sub(r'<sub>(.*?)<\/sub>', r'_\1_', text) # Subscript (idem)
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'^======(.*?)======', r'#\1', text, flags=re.MULTILINE) # Titles
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'^=====(.*?)=====', r'##\1', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
text = re.sub(r'^====(.*?)====', r'###\1', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
text = re.sub(r'^===(.*?)===', r'####\1', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
text = re.sub(r'^==(.*?)==', r'#####\1', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
text = re.sub(r'^=(.*?)=', r'######\1', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
text = re.sub(r'<nowiki>', r'<nosyntax>', text)
text = re.sub(r'</nowiki>', r'</nosyntax>', text)
text = re.sub(r'<code>', r'```\n', text)
text = re.sub(r'</code>', r'\n```', text)
text = re.sub(r'article://', r'page://', text)
text = re.sub(r'dfile://', r'file://', text)
i = 1
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
for fn in re.findall(r'\(\((.*?)\)\)', text): # Footnotes
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'\(\((.*?)\)\)', r'[^%s]' % i, text, count=1)
text += "\n[^%s]: %s\n" % (i, fn)
i += 1
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'\\{2,}[\s]', r' \n', text) # Carriage return
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'\[\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]', r'[\2](\1)', text) # Links
text = re.sub(r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]', r'[\1](\1)', text) # Links 2
text = re.sub(r'{{(.*?)\|(.*?)}}', r'', text) # Images
text = re.sub(r'{{(.*?)(\|(.*?))?}}', r'', text) # Images 2
text = re.sub(r'{\[(.*?)(\|(.*?))?\]}', r'[\1](\1)', text) # Video (transform to classic links, since we can't integrate them)
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'###(\d*?)###', r'[[[\1]]]', text) # Progress bar
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'(\n +[^* -][^\n]*(\n +[^* -][^\n]*)*)', r'```\1\n```', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Block code without lists
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'( +)-(.*)', r'1.\2', text) # Ordered lists
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
new_text = []
quote_level = 0
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
for line in text.splitlines(): # Tables and quotes
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
enter = re.finditer(r'\[quote(=(.+?))?\]', line)
quit = re.finditer(r'\[/quote\]', line)
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
if re.search(r'\A\s*\^(([^\^]*?)\^)*', line): # Table part
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
line = line.replace('^', '|')
new_text.append("> " * quote_level + line)
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
new_text.append("> " * quote_level + "|---|") # Don't keep the text alignement in tables it's really too complex for what it's worth
elif enter or quit: # Quote part
for quote in enter: # Enter quotes (support multiple at a time)
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
quote_level += 1
new_text.append("> " * quote_level + "##### " + quote.group(2))
new_text.append("> " * quote_level)
line = line.replace(quote.group(0), '')
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
final_quote_level = quote_level # Store quote_level to use at the end, since it will be modified during quit iteration
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
final_newline = False
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
for quote in quit: # Quit quotes (support multiple at a time)
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
line = line.replace(quote.group(0), '')
quote_level -= 1
final_newline = True
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
new_text.append("> " * final_quote_level + line) # Finally append the line
if final_newline:
new_text.append("\n") # Add a new line to ensure the separation between the quote and the following text
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
return "\n".join(new_text)
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
def bbcode_to_markdown(text):
"""This is a very basic BBcode translator"""
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]', r'**\1**', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Bold
text = re.sub(r'\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]', r'*\1*', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Italic
text = re.sub(r'\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]', r'__\1__', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Underline
text = re.sub(r'\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]', r'~~\1~~', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Strike (may be multiline)
text = re.sub(r'\[strike\](.*?)\[\/strike\]', r'~~\1~~', text, flags=re.DOTALL) # Strike 2
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'article://', r'page://', text)
text = re.sub(r'dfile://', r'file://', text)
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
text = re.sub(r'\[url=(.*?)\](.*)\[\/url\]', r'[\2](\1)', text) # Links
text = re.sub(r'\[url\](.*)\[\/url\]', r'\1', text) # Links 2
text = re.sub(r'\[img\](.*)\[\/img\]', r'', text) # Images
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
new_text = []
quote_level = 0
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
for line in text.splitlines(): # Tables and quotes
2017-05-30 19:29:35 +02:00
enter = re.finditer(r'\[quote(=(.+?))?\]', line)
quit = re.finditer(r'\[/quote\]', line)
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
if enter or quit: # Quote part
for quote in enter: # Enter quotes (support multiple at a time)
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
quote_level += 1
new_text.append("> " * quote_level + "##### " + quote.group(2))
new_text.append("> " * quote_level)
2017-05-30 18:42:01 +02:00
line = line.replace(quote.group(0), '')
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
final_quote_level = quote_level # Store quote_level to use at the end, since it will be modified during quit iteration
2017-05-30 18:42:01 +02:00
final_newline = False
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
for quote in quit: # Quit quotes (support multiple at a time)
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
line = line.replace(quote.group(0), '')
quote_level -= 1
2017-05-30 18:42:01 +02:00
final_newline = True
2017-06-12 09:42:03 +02:00
new_text.append("> " * final_quote_level + line) # Finally append the line
if final_newline:
new_text.append("\n") # Add a new line to ensure the separation between the quote and the following text
2017-05-14 03:14:38 +02:00
return "\n".join(new_text)