
171 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{# Depends on this package #}
<textarea name="{{ }}"{% include "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html" %}>{% if widget.value %}{{ widget.value }}{% endif %}</textarea>
{# The simplemde script can be included twice, it's safe in the code #}
<script src="{{ statics.js }}"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var css = "{{ statics.css }}";
var lastAPICall;
// Only import the css once
if (!document.head.innerHTML.includes(css)){
document.head.innerHTML += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + css + '">';
// Custom markdown parser
function customMarkdownParser(plainText, preview) {
2018-12-18 12:54:53 +00:00
url: "{{ markdown_api_url }}",
method: "POST",
data: { text: plainText, csrfmiddlewaretoken: getCookie('csrftoken') },
}).done(function (msg) {
preview.innerHTML = msg;
// Pretty markdown input
var simplemde = new SimpleMDE({
element: document.getElementById("{{ }}"),
spellChecker: false,
previewRender: function(plainText, preview){ // Async method
lastAPICall = setTimeout(function (plainText, preview){
customMarkdownParser(plainText, preview);
}, 300, plainText, preview);
return preview.innerHTML;
2018-12-18 13:39:05 +00:00
forceSync: true, // Avoid validation error on generic create view
toolbar: [
2018-12-19 13:10:39 +00:00
name: "heading-smaller",
action: SimpleMDE.toggleHeadingSmaller,
className: "fa fa-header",
2018-12-19 13:10:39 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.heading_smaller }}"
name: "italic",
action: SimpleMDE.toggleItalic,
className: "fa fa-italic",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.italic }}"
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className: "fa fa-bold",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.bold }}"
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2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.strikethrough }}"
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var cm = editor.codemirror;
cm.replaceSelection('__' + cm.getSelection() + '__');
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2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.underline }}"
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
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action: function customFunction(editor){
var cm = editor.codemirror;
cm.replaceSelection('<sup>' + cm.getSelection() + '</sup>');
className: "fa fa-superscript",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.superscript }}"
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
name: "subscript",
action: function customFunction(editor){
var cm = editor.codemirror;
cm.replaceSelection('<sub>' + cm.getSelection() + '</sub>');
className: "fa fa-subscript",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.subscript }}"
name: "code",
action: SimpleMDE.toggleCodeBlock,
className: "fa fa-code",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.code }}"
name: "quote",
action: SimpleMDE.toggleBlockquote,
className: "fa fa-quote-left",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.quote }}"
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action: SimpleMDE.toggleUnorderedList,
className: "fa fa-list-ul",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.unordered_list }}"
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action: SimpleMDE.toggleOrderedList,
className: "fa fa-list-ol",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.ordered_list }}"
name: "link",
action: SimpleMDE.drawLink,
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2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ }}"
name: "image",
action: SimpleMDE.drawImage,
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2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.image }}"
name: "table",
action: SimpleMDE.drawTable,
className: "fa fa-table",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.table }}"
name: "clean-block",
action: SimpleMDE.cleanBlock,
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2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.clean_block }}"
name: "preview",
action: SimpleMDE.togglePreview,
className: "fa fa-eye no-disable",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.preview }}"
name: "side-by-side",
action: SimpleMDE.toggleSideBySide,
className: "fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.side_by_side }}"
name: "fullscreen",
action: SimpleMDE.toggleFullScreen,
className: "fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ translations.fullscreen }}"
name: "guide",
action: "/page/Aide_sur_la_syntaxe",
className: "fa fa-question-circle",
2018-12-19 13:02:45 +00:00
title: "{{ }}"
2018-12-18 13:39:05 +00:00