2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
from django import forms
2016-01-29 15:20:00 +01:00
from django.shortcuts import render
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView, CreateView
from django.forms import CheckboxSelectMultiple
2016-02-05 16:59:42 +01:00
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
2016-09-02 21:21:57 +02:00
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
from django.conf import settings
from datetime import timedelta
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
from core.views import CanViewMixin, CanEditMixin, CanEditPropMixin, TabedViewMixin
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
from core.views.forms import SelectDate, SelectSingle, SelectDateTime
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
from club.models import Club, Membership
2016-04-20 02:07:01 +02:00
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
from counter.models import Product, Selling, Counter
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubTabsMixin(TabedViewMixin):
def get_tabs_title(self):
return self.object.get_display_name()
def get_list_of_tabs(self):
tab_list = []
'url': reverse('club:club_view', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'infos',
'name': _("Infos"),
if self.request.user.can_view(self.object):
'url': reverse('club:club_members', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'members',
'name': _("Members"),
'url': reverse('club:club_old_members', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'elderlies',
'name': _("Old members"),
if self.request.user.can_edit(self.object):
'url': reverse('club:tools', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'tools',
'name': _("Tools"),
'url': reverse('club:club_edit', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'edit',
'name': _("Edit"),
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
'url': reverse('club:club_sellings', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'sellings',
'name': _("Sellings"),
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
if self.request.user.is_owner(self.object):
'url': reverse('club:club_prop', kwargs={'club_id': self.object.id}),
'slug': 'props',
'name': _("Props"),
return tab_list
2016-07-27 17:23:02 +02:00
class ClubListView(ListView):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
List the Clubs
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
model = Club
template_name = 'club/club_list.jinja'
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubView(ClubTabsMixin, DetailView):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
Front page of a Club
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
template_name = 'club/club_detail.jinja'
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
current_tab = "infos"
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubToolsView(ClubTabsMixin, CanEditMixin, DetailView):
2016-05-09 11:49:01 +02:00
Tools page of a Club
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
template_name = 'club/club_tools.jinja'
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
current_tab = "tools"
2016-09-02 09:23:21 +02:00
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
class ClubMemberForm(forms.ModelForm):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
Form handling the members of a club
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
error_css_class = 'error'
required_css_class = 'required'
class Meta:
model = Membership
2016-09-02 09:23:21 +02:00
fields = ['user', 'role', 'description']
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
def clean(self):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
Validates the permissions
e.g.: the president can add anyone anywhere, but a member can not make someone become president
2016-02-05 16:59:42 +01:00
ret = super(ClubMemberForm, self).clean()
ms = self.instance.club.get_membership_for(self._user)
2016-04-20 02:07:01 +02:00
if (self.cleaned_data['role'] <= SITH_MAXIMUM_FREE_ROLE or
2016-03-24 11:55:39 +01:00
(ms is not None and ms.role >= self.cleaned_data['role']) or
2016-03-31 10:36:00 +02:00
self._user.is_in_group(SITH_MAIN_BOARD_GROUP) or
2016-03-24 11:55:39 +01:00
2016-02-05 16:59:42 +01:00
return ret
raise ValidationError("You do not have the permission to do that")
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
Overloaded to return the club, and not to a Membership object that has no view
ret = super(ClubMemberForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
return self.instance.club
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubMembersView(ClubTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, UpdateView):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
View of a club's members
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
form_class = ClubMemberForm
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
template_name = 'club/club_members.jinja'
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
current_tab = "members"
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
def get_form(self):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
Here we get a Membership object, but the view handles Club object.
That's why the save method of ClubMemberForm is overridden.
2016-02-05 16:59:42 +01:00
form = super(ClubMembersView, self).get_form()
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
if 'user' in form.data and form.data.get('user') != '': # Load an existing membership if possible
form.instance = Membership.objects.filter(club=self.object).filter(user=form.data.get('user')).filter(end_date=None).first()
if form.instance is None: # Instanciate a new membership
form.instance = Membership(club=self.object, user=self.request.user)
form.initial = {'user': self.request.user}
2016-02-05 16:59:42 +01:00
form._user = self.request.user
2016-02-04 08:59:03 +01:00
return form
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubOldMembersView(ClubTabsMixin, CanViewMixin, DetailView):
2016-09-02 21:21:57 +02:00
Old members of a club
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
template_name = 'club/club_old_members.jinja'
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
current_tab = "elderlies"
2016-09-02 21:21:57 +02:00
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
class SellingsFormBase(forms.Form):
begin_date = forms.DateTimeField(['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'], label=_("Begin date"), required=False, widget=SelectDateTime)
end_date = forms.DateTimeField(['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'], label=_("End date"), required=False, widget=SelectDateTime)
counter = forms.ModelChoiceField(Counter.objects.order_by('name').all(), label=_("Counter"), required=False)
class ClubSellingView(ClubTabsMixin, CanEditMixin, DetailView):
Sellings of a club
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
template_name = 'club/club_sellings.jinja'
current_tab = "sellings"
def get_form_class(self):
kwargs = {
'product': forms.ModelChoiceField(self.object.products.order_by('name').all(), label=_("Product"), required=False)
return type('SellingsForm', (SellingsFormBase,), kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super(ClubSellingView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
2016-09-12 17:34:17 +02:00
form = self.get_form_class()(self.request.GET)
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
qs = Selling.objects.filter(club=self.object)
if form.is_valid():
2016-09-12 17:34:17 +02:00
if not len([v for v in form.cleaned_data.values() if v is not None]):
qs = Selling.objects.filter(id=-1)
2016-09-08 03:29:49 +02:00
if form.cleaned_data['begin_date']:
qs = qs.filter(date__gte=form.cleaned_data['begin_date'])
if form.cleaned_data['end_date']:
qs = qs.filter(date__lte=form.cleaned_data['end_date'])
if form.cleaned_data['counter']:
qs = qs.filter(counter=form.cleaned_data['counter'])
if form.cleaned_data['product']:
qs = qs.filter(product__id=form.cleaned_data['product'].id)
kwargs['result'] = qs.all().order_by('-id')
kwargs['total'] = sum([s.quantity * s.unit_price for s in qs.all()])
kwargs['result'] = qs[:0]
kwargs['form'] = form
return kwargs
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubEditView(ClubTabsMixin, CanEditMixin, UpdateView):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
Edit a Club's main informations (for the club's members)
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
fields = ['address']
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
current_tab = "edit"
2016-09-02 09:23:21 +02:00
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
class ClubEditPropView(ClubTabsMixin, CanEditPropMixin, UpdateView):
2016-02-08 17:09:52 +01:00
Edit the properties of a Club object (for the Sith admins)
2016-02-02 16:34:36 +01:00
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
2016-04-12 10:00:15 +02:00
fields = ['name', 'unix_name', 'parent']
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
current_tab = "props"
2016-05-03 12:06:03 +02:00
class ClubCreateView(CanEditPropMixin, CreateView):
Create a club (for the Sith admin)
model = Club
pk_url_kwarg = "club_id"
fields = ['name', 'unix_name', 'parent']
2016-09-04 19:24:53 +02:00
template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'
2016-05-03 12:06:03 +02:00
2016-09-02 21:21:57 +02:00
class MembershipSetOldView(CanEditMixin, DetailView):
Set a membership as beeing old
model = Membership
pk_url_kwarg = "membership_id"
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
self.object.end_date = timezone.now()
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('club:club_members', args=self.args, kwargs={'club_id': self.object.club.id}))
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('club:club_members', args=self.args, kwargs={'club_id': self.object.club.id}))