
137 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
from eboutic.models import Eboutic
from django.views.generic import TemplateView, View
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.db import transaction, DataError
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from counter.models import Product, Customer
from eboutic.models import Basket, Invoice, Eboutic, BasketItem, InvoiceItem
# Create your views here.
class EbouticMain(TemplateView):
template_name = 'eboutic/eboutic_main.jinja'
def sum_basket(request):
total = 0
for pid,infos in request.session['basket'].items():
total += infos['price'] * infos['qty']
return total / 100
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if 'basket' not in request.session.keys(): # Init the basket session entry
request.session['basket'] = {}
request.session['basket_total'] = 0
return super(EbouticMain, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if 'basket' not in request.session.keys(): # Init the basket session entry
request.session['basket'] = {}
request.session['basket_total'] = 0
if 'add_product' in request.POST['action']:
elif 'del_product' in request.POST['action']:
elif 'pay' in request.POST['action']:
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs))
def get_price(self, pid):
return Product.objects.filter(pk=pid).first().selling_price
def add_product(self, request, q = 1, p=None):
""" Add a product to the basket """
pid = p or request.POST['product_id']
pid = str(pid)
price = self.get_price(pid)
total = EbouticMain.sum_basket(request)
if pid in request.session['basket']:
request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] += q
request.session['basket'][pid] = {'qty': q, 'price': int(price*100)}
request.session.modified = True
return True
def del_product(self, request):
""" Delete a product from the basket """
pid = str(request.POST['product_id'])
if pid in request.session['basket']:
request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] -= 1
if request.session['basket'][pid]['qty'] <= 0:
del request.session['basket'][pid]
request.session['basket'][pid] = 0
request.session.modified = True
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = super(EbouticMain, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
kwargs['basket_total'] = EbouticMain.sum_basket(self.request)
kwargs['eboutic'] = Eboutic.objects.filter(type="EBOUTIC").first()
return kwargs
class EbouticCommand(TemplateView):
template_name = 'eboutic/eboutic_makecommand.jinja'
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if 'basket' not in request.session.keys():
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('eboutic:main', args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs))
if 'ask_payment' in request.POST['action']:
if self.ask_payment(request):
kwargs['basket'] = self.basket
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs))
def ask_payment(self, request):
b = None
if 'basket_id' in request.session.keys():
b = Basket.objects.filter(id=request.session['basket_id']).first()
if b is None:
b = Basket()
b.user = request.user
request.session['basket_id'] =
request.session.modified = True
for pid,infos in request.session['basket'].items():
BasketItem(basket=b, product_name=Product.objects.filter(id=int(pid)).first().name,
quantity=infos['qty'], product_unit_price=infos['price']/100).save()
self.basket = b
return True
class EbouticPayWithSith(TemplateView):
template_name = 'eboutic/eboutic_payment_result.jinja'
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
with transaction.atomic():
if 'basket_id' not in request.session.keys() or not request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('eboutic:main', args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs))
b = Basket.objects.filter(id=request.session['basket_id']).first()
c = Customer.objects.filter(
if b is None or c is None:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('eboutic:main', args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs))
kwargs['not_enough'] = True
if c.amount < b.get_total():
raise DataError(_("You have not enough money to buy the basket"))
i = Invoice()
i.user = b.user
i.payment_method = "SITH_ACCOUNT"
for it in b.items.all():
InvoiceItem(invoice=i, product_name=it.product_name,
product_unit_price=it.product_unit_price, quantity=it.quantity).save()
kwargs['not_enough'] = False
request.session.pop('basket_id', None)
request.session.pop('basket', None)
except DataError as e:
kwargs['not_enough'] = True
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs))
class EtransactionAutoAnswer(View):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # TODO implement CA's API
return HttpResponse()