{{/*the homepage */}} {{ define "main" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{/* Define a section to pull recent posts from. For Hugo 0.20 this will default to the section with the most number of pages. */}} {{ $mainSections := .Site.Params.mainSections | default (slice "post") }} {{/* Create a variable with that section to use in multiple places. */}} {{ $section := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "in" $mainSections }} {{/* Check to see if the section is defined for ranging through it */}} {{ $section_count := len $section }} {{ if ge $section_count 1 }} {{/* Derive the section name */}} {{ $section_name := index (.Site.Params.mainSections) 0 }}
{{/* Use $section_name to get the section title. Use "with" to only show it if it exists */}} {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" $section_name }}

{{ $.Param "recent_copy" | default (i18n "recentTitle" .) }}

{{ end }} {{/* $n_posts := $.Param "recent_posts_number" | default 3 */}} {{/*list of the projects*/}}
{{/* Range through the first $n_posts items of the section */}} {{/* range (first $n_posts $section) */}} {{ range $section }}
{{ .Render "summary" }}
{{ end }}
{{/* used to display the more content part in the orginal layout {{ if ge $section_count (add $n_posts 1) }}

{{ i18n "more" }}

{{ range (first 4 (after $n_posts $section)) }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ end }} {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" $section_name }} {{ i18n "allTitle" . }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} */}}
{{ end }} {{ end }}