#!perl -w use 5.014; use autodie; use File::Path; use Cwd 'realpath'; if (shift @ARGV eq '-h'){ say "install.pl [args]"; say "-h to display help"; say "--fonts install powerline fonts"; die; } # Backup my $old_file = $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.vimrc'; if (-e $old_file) { rename $old_file, "$old_file.old"; say "Old vimrc backuped to ~/.vimrc.old"; } else { say "No file to backup"; } # Writing files say "Writing your new config"; open my $vimrc, '>', $old_file; my $script = realpath($0); my $path = $script =~ s#/(\w|\.)+\z##ar; select $vimrc; say "let syncdir=\"$path/\""; say 'exec "source ".syncdir."vimrc"'; select STDOUT; close $vimrc; # Install stuff from git say "Installing Vundle"; `git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim $ENV{'HOME'}/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim`; my $tmp_dir = '.tmp_vim_config'; rmtree $tmp_dir if -e $tmp_dir; mkdir $tmp_dir; chdir $tmp_dir; for(@ARGV){ if ($_ eq "--fonts"){ `git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts.git`; `fonts/install.sh`; } } chdir '..'; rmtree $tmp_dir; # Finish install say "Installing your plugins"; system('vim -c PluginInstall'); say "Installation complete";