package; import import import import import import import import import import java.util.UUID import javafx.animation.PauseTransition import javafx.application.Platform import javafx.^event.ActionEvent import javafx.fxml.FXML import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext import javafx.scene.control.Button import javafx.scene.control.Label import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar import javafx.util.Duration class FXMLViewerController implements EventListener { private val id : UUID = UUID.randomUUID(); private var ispace : OpenEventSpace; private var launched : boolean = false; private var areaCreated : boolean = false; @FXML private var draw_zone : Canvas; @FXML private var gravity_display : Label; @FXML private var rocket_quantity_display : Label; @FXML private var fire_quantity_display : Label; @FXML private var gravity_input : ScrollBar; @FXML private var rocket_quantity_input : ScrollBar; @FXML private var fire_quantity_input : ScrollBar; @FXML private var setup_button : Button; @FXML private var launch_button : Button; @FXML private var stop_button : Button; /* * Emit a kill signal wen the app is exited */ public def cleanExit() { if (this.ispace !== null) this.ispace.emit(new Exit()); } /* * Method invoked by the sarl agent to register the object on a space */ public def setGUISpace(ispace : OpenEventSpace) { this.ispace = ispace; this.ispace.register(this); } /* * Get gravity */ public def getGravity() : double { return gravity_input.getValue(); } /* * Get Rocket Quantity */ public def getRocketQuantity() : int { return rocket_quantity_input.getValue() as int; } /* * Get Fire Quantity */ public def getFireQuantity() : int { return fire_quantity_input.getValue() as int; } /* * Draw every positions on main canvas */ public def listenAndDraw(grid : Positions) { var gc : GraphicsContext = draw_zone.getGraphicsContext2D(); var wait : PauseTransition = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(0.03)); wait.setOnFinished [ e | try { gc.clearRect(0, 0, draw_zone.getWidth(), draw_zone.getHeight()); grid.getRockets().values().stream().filter(rocket|!rocket.getHidden()).forEach(rocket | { gc.setFill(rocket.getColor()); gc.fillOval(rocket.getPosition().get(0), rocket.getPosition().get(1), 10, 10); }); grid.getFire().values().forEach(fire | { gc.setFill(fire.getColor()); fire.getPositions().forEach(pos | { gc.fillOval(pos.get(0), pos.get(1), 3, 3); }); }); } catch (exception : Exception) { } wait.playFromStart(); ];; } /* * Catch exit event */ @FXML public def exitApplication(ievent : ActionEvent) { ispace.emit(new Exit()); Platform.exit(); } /* * Create main sarl agent and do setup */ @FXML protected def actionSetup() { var ievent : SetupSettings = new SetupSettings(this.getRocketQuantity(), this.getFireQuantity(), this.getGravity(), this.draw_zone.getWidth()); if (!launched) { launch_button.setDisable(false); Firework.main(this); launched = true; areaCreated = false; gravity_input.setDisable(true) fire_quantity_input.setDisable(true) rocket_quantity_input.setDisable(true) setup_button.setDisable(true) } this.ispace.emit(ievent); } /* * Launch fireworks */ @FXML protected def actionLaunch() { launch_button.setDisable(true); stop_button.setDisable(false); setup_button.setDisable(true); if (!areaCreated) { this.ispace.emit(new CreateArea()); this.areaCreated = true; } else { this.ispace.emit(new Freeze(false)); } } /* * Stop fireworks */ @FXML protected def actionStop() { stop_button.setDisable(true); launch_button.setDisable(false); this.ispace.emit(new Freeze(true)); } /* * Add a listener on gravity */ @FXML protected def actionGravityDisplay() { gravity_input.valueProperty().addListener [ gravity_display.setText(String.format("%.1f", gravity_input.getValue())); ] } /* * Add a listener on rocket quantity */ @FXML protected def actionRocketQuantityDisplay() { rocket_quantity_input.valueProperty().addListener [ rocket_quantity_display.setText(String.format("%.0f", rocket_quantity_input.getValue())); ]; } /* * Add a listener on fire quantity */ @FXML protected def actionFireQuantityDisplay() { fire_quantity_input.valueProperty().addListener [ fire_quantity_display.setText(String.format("%.0f", fire_quantity_input.getValue())); ] } /* * Get ID of the object on the space */ @Override public def getID() : UUID { return; } /* * Needed for implementing EventListener */ @Override public def receiveEvent(ievent : Event) { } }