// // Created by Antoine Bartuccio on 11/05/2017. // Dont forget that Antoine Bartuccio is a faggot since 1784 (tm) // #include #include #include #include #include #include "fish_core.h" #include "fish_globbing.h" #include "fish_types.h" void fishLoop(Settings * settings){ char * line = NULL; WordList* splited = NULL; int status = 1; do { printf("%s", settings->PS1); line = fishReadLine(); splited = split(line, (char*) FISH_TOKENS); splited = fishExpand(splited); status = fishExecute(splited); free(line); } while(status != EXIT_SIGNAL); } int countSeparators(char *string, char *separators) { int nb = 0; int i = 0; int k = 0; while (string[i] != '\0'){ while (separators[k] != '\0'){ if (string[i] == separators[k]){ nb++; } k++; } i++; k = 0; } return nb; } WordList * split(char *string, char *separator){ WordList *list = createWordList(); char *to_delete = strdup(string); char *to_delete_bak = to_delete; char *token = NULL; if (to_delete == NULL){ crash(); } while((token = strsep(&to_delete, separator)) != NULL) addWordList(list, token); free(to_delete_bak); return list; } char *fishReadLine() { size_t bufferSize = FISH_BUFFER_SIZE; int position = 0; char *line = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char*) * bufferSize); int c; if (line == NULL){ crash(); } while (1){ c = getchar(); switch (c){ case '\n': line[position] = '\0'; return line; case EOF: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: line[position] = (char) c; } position++; if ((size_t) position > bufferSize){ bufferSize+=bufferSize; line = (char*) realloc(line, bufferSize); if (line == NULL){ crash(); } } } return NULL; } Settings *getSettings() { Settings *s = (Settings*) malloc(sizeof(Settings)); if (s == NULL){ crash(); } else { s->PS1 = strdup("\n~>"); } return s; } void freeSettings(Settings *settings){ if (settings != NULL){ free(settings->PS1); free(settings); } } int fishLoad(WordArray *array) { pid_t pid; int status = 1; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0){ /* Executes only in the child process */ if (execvp(array->words[0], array->words) == -1){ /* Error during system call */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (pid < 0){ /* Fork failed */ perror("fish"); } else { /* Handle parent process */ /* Wait for the child process to finish */ do { waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED); } while (!WIFEXITED(status) && !WIFSIGNALED(status)); if (status) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getInsult()); } freeWordArray(array); return status; } int fishExecute(WordList *list) { WordList *splited = NULL; shell_operator op = NONE; WordArray *array = NULL; int signal = 1; splited = parseWordList(list, &op); array = wordListToWordArray(list); signal = loadRightCommand(array); if (signal == EXIT_SIGNAL){ if (splited != NULL) freeWordList(splited); if (array != NULL) freeWordArray(array); return signal; } switch (op) { case AND: if (!signal) signal = fishExecute(splited); else { if (splited != NULL) freeWordList(splited); } break; case OR: signal = fishExecute(splited); break; default: break; } return signal; } int loadRightCommand(WordArray *array){ int i; if (array->size <= 0) return 1; for (i = 0; i < getNbBuiltins(); i++) { if (!strcmp(array->words[0], getBuiltinCommandsStr()[i])) { return getBuiltinCommands()[i](array); } } return fishLoad(array); } WordList * parseWordList(WordList *list, shell_operator *an_operator) { char *op_str[] = { (char*) "||", (char*) "&&" }; shell_operator op[] = { OR, AND }; WordList *newList = NULL; int max = sizeof(op_str) / sizeof(char*); int i = 0; while (i < max && newList == NULL){ newList = splitWordList(list, op_str[i]); i++; } if (newList != NULL) *an_operator = op[i-1]; else *an_operator = NONE; return newList; }