// // Created by Antoine Bartuccio on 15/05/2017. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fish_utils.h" #include "fish_types.h" void crash(){ char *crashErrors[] = { (char *) "fish: Fucking malloc always returning NULL pointer !", (char *) "fish: Error allocating fucking pointer !", (char *) "fish: C language exploding again", (char *) "fish: It's not you're fault for this time" }; int picked = 0; srand((unsigned int) time(NULL)); picked = rand() % (sizeof(crashErrors) / sizeof(char*)); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", crashErrors[picked]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *getInsult(){ static int init = 0; int picked = 0; char *insults[] = { (char *) "Apprend à écrire crétin !", (char *) "Boloss !", (char *) "Mois aussi je sais écrire de la merde, pourtant je le fait pas !", (char *) "Oh ! Une erreur ! Comme ta vie en fait...", (char *) "Nul !", (char *) "Pense à aller à l'école un jour", (char *) "Et après on dit que c'est la faute de l'ordinateur..." }; if (!init){ srand((unsigned int) time(NULL)); init = 1; } picked = rand() % (sizeof(insults) / sizeof(char*)); return insults[picked]; } void freeWordArray(WordArray *array) { int i; if (array != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < array->size; i++) { free(array->words[i]); } free(array->words); free(array); } } WordList *createWordList() { WordList *list = (WordList*) malloc(sizeof(WordList)); if (list == NULL) crash(); else { list->size = 0; list->first = NULL; list->last = NULL; } return list; } void addEndWordList(WordList *list, char *word) { WordListElement *new_element = (WordListElement*) malloc(sizeof(WordListElement)); if (new_element == NULL) crash(); else { new_element->next = NULL; new_element->previous = list->last; if (list->size == 0){ list->first = new_element; list->last = new_element; } else { list->last->next = new_element; list->last = new_element; } new_element->word = strdup(word); list->size++; } } void addBeginWordList(WordList *list, char *word) { WordListElement *new_element = (WordListElement*) malloc(sizeof(WordListElement)); if (new_element == NULL) crash(); else { new_element->next = list->first; new_element->previous = NULL; if (list->size == 0){ list->first = new_element; list->last = new_element; } else { list->first->previous = new_element; list->first = new_element; } new_element->word = strdup(word); list->size++; } } void removeWordList(WordList *list) { if (list != NULL) removeWordListElem(list, list->last); } void freeWordList(WordList *list) { while (list != NULL && list->size != 0) removeWordList(list); free(list); } void concatWordList(WordList* list1, WordList* list2){//return a single list containing all elements of both lists if(list1 == NULL || list2 == NULL){ crash(); } else if(list2->size != 0){ WordListElement* tempElement = list2->first; for(int i = 0; i < list2->size; i++){ addEndWordList(list1, tempElement->word); tempElement = tempElement->next; } freeWordList(list2); } else{ freeWordList(list2); } } WordArray *wordListToWordArray(WordList *list) { WordArray *array = (WordArray*) malloc(sizeof(WordArray)); WordListElement *current = list->first; int i = 0; if (array == NULL) crash(); else { array->size = list->size; array->words = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * (list->size + 1)); if (array->words == NULL) crash(); while (current != NULL){ array->words[i] = strdup(current->word); current = current->next; i++; } array->words[array->size] = NULL; } freeWordList(list); return array; } WordList *wordArrayToWordList(WordArray *array) { WordList *list = createWordList(); int i; for (i=0; isize; i++) addEndWordList(list, array->words[i]); freeWordArray(array); return list; } void removeWordListElem(WordList *list, WordListElement *elem) { if (list != NULL && elem != NULL){ if (list->first == elem && list->last == elem){ list->first = NULL; list->last = NULL; } else if (list->first == elem){ list->first = elem->next; elem->previous = NULL; } else if (list->last == elem){ list->last = elem->previous; elem->previous->next = NULL; } else { elem->next->previous = elem->previous; elem->previous->next = elem->next; } list->size--; if (elem->word != NULL) free(elem->word); free(elem); } } WordList *sliceWordList(WordList *list, int min_index, int max_index) { WordList *newList = createWordList(); WordListElement *elem = NULL; WordListElement *tmp = NULL; int i=0; if (list == NULL || min_index > list->size || max_index > list->size) return newList; else { elem = list->first; while (i < max_index){ tmp = elem->next; if (i >= min_index){ addEndWordList(newList, elem->word); removeWordListElem(list, elem); } elem = tmp; i++; } } return newList; } char * splitWord(char * origin, int beginning_index, int size_to_delete){ char * new_word = strdup(origin + beginning_index + size_to_delete); if (new_word == NULL) crash(); else { origin[beginning_index] = '\0'; } return new_word; } WordList *splitWordList(WordList *list, char *regex) { const char* error; int error_offset; int ovector[100]; int i = 0; int rc; WordList * new_list = NULL; WordListElement * current = list->first; pcre *re = pcre_compile(regex, 0, &error, &error_offset, 0); char *tmp_word = NULL; if (!re) crash(); while (current != NULL){ rc = pcre_exec(re, 0, current->word, (int) strlen(current->word), 0, 0, ovector, sizeof(ovector) ); if(rc >= 0){ new_list = sliceWordList(list, i + 1, list->size); tmp_word = splitWord(current->word, ovector[0], ovector[1] - ovector[0]); if (tmp_word[0] != '\0') addBeginWordList(new_list, tmp_word); if (current->word[0] != '\0') addEndWordList(list, current->word); removeWordListElem(list, current); current = NULL; free(tmp_word); } else current = current->next; i++; } pcre_free(re); return new_list; } //for debugging purposes void printWordList(WordList* list){ if(list != NULL){ printf("--- list ---\n"); printf("size : %i\n", list->size); int i = 0; WordListElement* tempElement = list->first; for(i=0; isize; i++){ printf("element %i : %s\n",i, tempElement->word); tempElement = tempElement->next; } printf("--- end ---\n"); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "fish : Warning : list is null. Are you stupid ?\n"); } } int stringContains(char * string, char charToTest){ int i = 0; while(string[i] != '\0'){ if(string[i] == charToTest){ return 1; } i++; } return 0; } //dont read this, and if you do, do not complain, it's strcat's fault. you've been warned. char* trueStrcat(char* string1, char* string2){ char* newString = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(string1) + strlen(string2)) + 1); if(newString == NULL) crash(); newString[0] = '\0'; strcat(newString, string1); strcat(newString, string2); return newString; } int isDirectory(char* path){ DIR* directory = opendir(path); //printf("testing %s\n", path); if(directory != NULL){ closedir(directory); return 1; } else if(errno == ENOTDIR){ return 0; } else{ fprintf(stderr, "fish : Warning : %s is an invalid path you stupid human\n", path); return 0; //hihi } }