from io import BytesIO from typing import Callable from uuid import uuid4 import pytest from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.test import Client from django.urls import reverse from model_bakery import baker from PIL import Image from pytest_django.asserts import assertNumQueries from core.baker_recipes import board_user, subscriber_user from core.models import Group, User from counter.models import Product, ProductType @pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [Product, ProductType]) def test_resize_product_icon(model): """Test that the product icon is resized when saved.""" # Product and ProductType icons have a height of 70px # so this image should be resized to 50x70 img ="RGB", (100, 140)) content = BytesIO(), format="JPEG") name = str(uuid4()) product = baker.make( model, icon=SimpleUploadedFile( f"{name}.jpg", content.getvalue(), content_type="image/jpeg" ), ) assert product.icon.width == 50 assert product.icon.height == 70 assert == f"products/{name}.webp" assert == "WEBP" @pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("user_factory", "status_code"), [ (lambda: baker.make(User, is_superuser=True), 200), (board_user.make, 403), (subscriber_user.make, 403), ( lambda: baker.make( User, groups=[Group.objects.get(pk=settings.SITH_GROUP_COUNTER_ADMIN_ID)], ), 200, ), ( lambda: baker.make( User, groups=[Group.objects.get(pk=settings.SITH_GROUP_ACCOUNTING_ADMIN_ID)], ), 200, ), ], ) def test_fetch_product_access( client: Client, user_factory: Callable[[], User], status_code: int ): """Test that only authorized users can use the `GET /product` route.""" client.force_login(user_factory()) assert ( client.get(reverse("api:search_products_detailed")).status_code == status_code ) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_fetch_product_nb_queries(client: Client): client.force_login(baker.make(User, is_superuser=True)) cache.clear() with assertNumQueries(5): # - 2 for authentication # - 1 for pagination # - 1 for the actual request # - 1 to prefetch the related buying_groups client.get(reverse("api:search_products_detailed"))