import $ from "jquery"; import "jquery.shorten/src/jquery.shorten.min.js"; // We ship jquery-ui with jquery because when standalone with webpack // JQuery is also included in the jquery-ui package. We do gain space by doing this // We require jquery-ui components manually and not in a loop // Otherwise it increases the output files by a x2 factor ! require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/accordion.js"); require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/autocomplete.js"); require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/button.js"); require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/dialog.js"); require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/tabs.js"); require("jquery-ui/themes/base/all.css"); /** * Simple wrapper to solve shorten not being able on legacy pages * @param {string} selector to be passed to jQuery * @param {Object} options object to pass to the shorten function **/ export function shorten(selector, options) { $(selector).shorten(options); } window.shorten = shorten;