{% extends "core/base.jinja" %} {% block title %} {% trans %}Basket state{% endtrans %} {% endblock %} {% block jquery_css %} {# Remove jquery css #} {% endblock %} {% block additional_js %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans %}Eboutic{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Basket: {% endtrans %}

{% for item in basket.items.all() %} {% endfor %}
Article Quantity Unit price
{{ item.product_name }} {{ item.quantity }} {{ item.product_unit_price }} €

{% trans %}Basket amount: {% endtrans %}{{ "%0.2f"|format(basket.total) }} € {% if customer_amount != None %}
{% trans %}Current account amount: {% endtrans %} {{ "%0.2f"|format(customer_amount) }} € {% if not basket.contains_refilling_item %}
{% trans %}Remaining account amount: {% endtrans %} {{ "%0.2f"|format(customer_amount|float - basket.total) }} € {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% if settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_CB_ENABLED %}
{% trans %}Billing information{% endtrans %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ billing_form }}

{% if billing_infos_state == BillingInfoState.EMPTY %}
{% trans %}You must fill your billing infos if you want to pay with your credit card{% endtrans %}
{% elif billing_infos_state == BillingInfoState.MISSING_PHONE_NUMBER %}
{% trans %} The Crédit Agricole changed its policy related to the billing information that must be provided in order to pay with a credit card. If you want to pay with your credit card, you must add a phone number to the data you already provided. {% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if basket.contains_refilling_item %}

{% trans %}AE account payment disabled because your basket contains refilling items.{% endtrans %}

{% elif basket.total > user.account_balance %}

{% trans %}AE account payment disabled because you do not have enough money remaining.{% endtrans %}

{% else %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block script %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %}