# -*- coding:utf-8 -* # # Copyright 2016,2017 # - Skia # # Ce fichier fait partie du site de l'Association des Étudiants de l'UTBM, # http://ae.utbm.fr. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License a published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Sofware Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime import hmac import base64 from OpenSSL import crypto from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.views.generic import TemplateView, View from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation from django.db import transaction, DataError from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.conf import settings from counter.models import Customer, Counter, ProductType, Selling from eboutic.models import Basket, Invoice, InvoiceItem class EbouticMain(TemplateView): template_name = "eboutic/eboutic_main.jinja" def make_basket(self, request): if "basket_id" not in request.session.keys(): # Init the basket session entry self.basket = Basket(user=request.user) self.basket.save() else: self.basket = Basket.objects.filter(id=request.session["basket_id"]).first() if self.basket is None: self.basket = Basket(user=request.user) self.basket.save() request.session["basket_id"] = self.basket.id request.session.modified = True def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("core:login", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) + "?next=" + request.path ) self.object = Counter.objects.filter(type="EBOUTIC").first() self.make_basket(request) return super(EbouticMain, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("core:login", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) + "?next=" + request.path ) self.object = Counter.objects.filter(type="EBOUTIC").first() self.make_basket(request) if "add_product" in request.POST["action"]: self.add_product(request) elif "del_product" in request.POST["action"]: self.del_product(request) return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs)) def add_product(self, request): """Add a product to the basket""" try: p = self.object.products.filter(id=int(request.POST["product_id"])).first() if not p.buying_groups.exists(): self.basket.add_product(p) for g in p.buying_groups.all(): if request.user.is_in_group(g.name): self.basket.add_product(p) break except: pass def del_product(self, request): """Delete a product from the basket""" try: p = self.object.products.filter(id=int(request.POST["product_id"])).first() self.basket.del_product(p) except: pass def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): kwargs = super(EbouticMain, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) kwargs["basket"] = self.basket kwargs["eboutic"] = Counter.objects.filter(type="EBOUTIC").first() kwargs["categories"] = ProductType.objects.all() if hasattr(self.request.user, "customer"): kwargs["customer_amount"] = self.request.user.customer.amount else: kwargs["customer_amount"] = None if not self.request.user.was_subscribed: kwargs["categories"] = kwargs["categories"].exclude( id=settings.SITH_PRODUCTTYPE_SUBSCRIPTION ) return kwargs class EbouticCommand(TemplateView): template_name = "eboutic/eboutic_makecommand.jinja" def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("core:login", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) + "?next=" + request.path ) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("eboutic:main", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) ) def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("core:login", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) + "?next=" + request.path ) if "basket_id" not in request.session.keys(): return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("eboutic:main", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) ) self.basket = Basket.objects.filter(id=request.session["basket_id"]).first() if self.basket is None: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("eboutic:main", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) ) else: kwargs["basket"] = self.basket return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs)) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): kwargs = super(EbouticCommand, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) if hasattr(self.request.user, "customer"): kwargs["customer_amount"] = self.request.user.customer.amount else: kwargs["customer_amount"] = None kwargs["et_request"] = OrderedDict() kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_SITE"] = settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PBX_SITE kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_RANG"] = settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PBX_RANG kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_IDENTIFIANT"] = settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PBX_IDENTIFIANT kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_TOTAL"] = int(self.basket.get_total() * 100) kwargs["et_request"][ "PBX_DEVISE" ] = 978 # This is Euro. ET support only this value anyway kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_CMD"] = self.basket.id kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_PORTEUR"] = self.basket.user.email kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_RETOUR"] = "Amount:M;BasketID:R;Auto:A;Error:E;Sig:K" kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_HASH"] = "SHA512" kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_TYPEPAIEMENT"] = "CARTE" kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_TYPECARTE"] = "CB" kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_TIME"] = str( datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat("T") ) kwargs["et_request"]["PBX_HMAC"] = ( hmac.new( settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_HMAC_KEY, bytes( "&".join( ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in kwargs["et_request"].items()] ), "utf-8", ), "sha512", ) .hexdigest() .upper() ) return kwargs class EbouticPayWithSith(TemplateView): template_name = "eboutic/eboutic_payment_result.jinja" def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): try: with transaction.atomic(): if ( "basket_id" not in request.session.keys() or not request.user.is_authenticated ): return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("eboutic:main", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) ) b = Basket.objects.filter(id=request.session["basket_id"]).first() if ( b is None or b.items.filter( type_id=settings.SITH_COUNTER_PRODUCTTYPE_REFILLING ).exists() ): return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("eboutic:main", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) ) c = Customer.objects.filter(user__id=b.user.id).first() if c is None: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse_lazy("eboutic:main", args=self.args, kwargs=kwargs) ) kwargs["not_enough"] = True if c.amount < b.get_total(): raise DataError(_("You do not have enough money to buy the basket")) else: eboutic = Counter.objects.filter(type="EBOUTIC").first() for it in b.items.all(): product = eboutic.products.filter(id=it.product_id).first() Selling( label=it.product_name, counter=eboutic, club=product.club, product=product, seller=c.user, customer=c, unit_price=it.product_unit_price, quantity=it.quantity, payment_method="SITH_ACCOUNT", ).save() b.delete() kwargs["not_enough"] = False request.session.pop("basket_id", None) except DataError as e: kwargs["not_enough"] = True return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs)) class EtransactionAutoAnswer(View): # Response documentation http://www1.paybox.com/espace-integrateur-documentation/la-solution-paybox-system/gestion-de-la-reponse/ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if ( not "Amount" in request.GET.keys() or not "BasketID" in request.GET.keys() or not "Auto" in request.GET.keys() # If not in the request it means the payment has been refused or not "Error" in request.GET.keys() or not "Sig" in request.GET.keys() ): return HttpResponse("Bad arguments", status=400) key = crypto.load_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PUB_KEY) cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_pubkey(key) sig = base64.b64decode(request.GET["Sig"]) try: crypto.verify( cert, sig, "&".join(request.META["QUERY_STRING"].split("&")[:-1]), "sha1", ) except: return HttpResponse("Bad signature", status=400) if request.GET["Error"] == "00000": try: with transaction.atomic(): b = ( Basket.objects.select_for_update() .filter(id=request.GET["BasketID"]) .first() ) if b is None: raise SuspiciousOperation("Basket does not exists") if int(b.get_total() * 100) != int(request.GET["Amount"]): raise SuspiciousOperation( "Basket total and amount do not match" ) i = Invoice() i.user = b.user i.payment_method = "CARD" i.save() for it in b.items.all(): InvoiceItem( invoice=i, product_id=it.product_id, product_name=it.product_name, type_id=it.type_id, product_unit_price=it.product_unit_price, quantity=it.quantity, ).save() i.validate() b.delete() except Exception as e: return HttpResponse( "Basket processing failed with error: " + repr(e), status=500 ) return HttpResponse() else: return HttpResponse( "Payment failed with error: " + request.GET["Error"], status=202 )