from io import BytesIO from typing import Callable from uuid import uuid4 import pytest from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.test import Client, TestCase from django.urls import reverse from model_bakery import baker from model_bakery.recipe import Recipe, foreign_key from PIL import Image from core.baker_recipes import board_user, subscriber_user from core.models import SithFile, User @pytest.mark.django_db class TestUserPicture: def test_anonymous_user_unauthorized(self, client): """An anonymous user shouldn't have access to an user's photo page.""" response = client.get( reverse( "core:user_pictures", kwargs={"user_id": User.objects.get(username="sli").pk}, ) ) assert response.status_code == 403 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("username", "status"), [ ("guy", 403), ("root", 200), ("skia", 200), ("sli", 200), ], ) def test_page_is_working(self, client, username, status): """Only user that subscribed (or admins) should be able to see the page.""" # Test for simple user client.force_login(User.objects.get(username=username)) response = client.get( reverse( "core:user_pictures", kwargs={"user_id": User.objects.get(username="sli").pk}, ) ) assert response.status_code == status # TODO: many tests on the pages: # - renaming a page # - changing a page's parent --> check that page's children's full_name # - changing the different groups of the page class TestFileHandling(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.subscriber = User.objects.get(username="subscriber") def setUp(self): self.client.login(username="subscriber", password="plop") def test_create_folder_home(self): response = reverse("core:file_detail", kwargs={"file_id":}), {"folder_name": "GUY_folder_test"}, ) assert response.status_code == 302 response = self.client.get( reverse("core:file_detail", kwargs={"file_id":}) ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert "GUY_folder_test" in str(response.content) def test_upload_file_home(self): with open("/bin/ls", "rb") as f: response = reverse( "core:file_detail", kwargs={"file_id":} ), {"file_field": f}, ) assert response.status_code == 302 response = self.client.get( reverse("core:file_detail", kwargs={"file_id":}) ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert "ls" in str(response.content) @pytest.mark.django_db class TestUserProfilePicture: """Test interactions with user's profile picture.""" @pytest.fixture def user(self) -> User: pict = foreign_key(Recipe(SithFile), one_to_one=True) return subscriber_user.extend(profile_pict=pict).make() @staticmethod def delete_picture_request(user: User, client: Client): return reverse( "core:file_delete", kwargs={"file_id":, "popup": ""}, ) + f"?next={user.get_absolute_url()}" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "user_factory", [lambda: baker.make(User, is_superuser=True), board_user.make], ) def test_delete_picture_successful( self, user: User, user_factory: Callable[[], User], client: Client ): """Test that root and board members can delete a user's profile picture.""" cache.clear() operator = user_factory() client.force_login(operator) res = self.delete_picture_request(user, client) assert res.status_code == 302 assert res.url == user.get_absolute_url() user.refresh_from_db() assert user.profile_pict is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "user_factory", [lambda: baker.make(User), subscriber_user.make], ) def test_delete_picture_unauthorized( self, user: User, user_factory, client: Client ): """Test that regular users can't delete a user's profile picture.""" cache.clear() operator = user_factory() client.force_login(operator) original_picture = user.profile_pict res = self.delete_picture_request(user, client) assert res.status_code == 403 user.refresh_from_db() assert user.profile_pict is not None assert user.profile_pict == original_picture def test_user_cannot_delete_own_picture(self, user: User, client: Client): """Test that a user can't delete their own profile picture.""" cache.clear() client.force_login(user) original_picture = user.profile_pict res = self.delete_picture_request(user, client) assert res.status_code == 403 user.refresh_from_db() assert user.profile_pict is not None assert user.profile_pict == original_picture def test_user_set_own_picture(self, user: User, client: Client): """Test that a user can set their own profile picture if they have none.""" user.profile_pict.delete() user.profile_pict = None cache.clear() client.force_login(user) img ="RGB", (10, 10)) content = BytesIO(), format="JPEG") name = str(uuid4()) res = reverse("core:user_edit", kwargs={"user_id":}), data={ # birthdate, email and tshirt_size are required by the form "date_of_birth": "1990-01-01", "email": f"{uuid4()}", "tshirt_size": "M", "profile_pict": SimpleUploadedFile( f"{name}.jpg", content.getvalue(), content_type="image/jpeg" ), }, ) assert res.status_code == 302 user.refresh_from_db() assert user.profile_pict is not None # uploaded images should be converted to WEBP assert == "WEBP"