import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css' import 'easymde/src/css/easymde.css' import EasyMDE from 'easymde' // This scripts dependens on Alpine but it should be loaded on every page /** * Create a new easymde based textarea * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} textarea to use * @param {string} link to the markdown api **/ function easymde_factory (textarea, markdown_api_url) { const easymde = new EasyMDE({ element: textarea, spellChecker: false, autoDownloadFontAwesome: false, previewRender: Alpine.debounce(async (plainText, preview) => { const res = await fetch(markdown_api_url, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ text: plainText }), }); preview.innerHTML = await res.text(); return null; }, 300), forceSync: true, // Avoid validation error on generic create view toolbar: [ { name: "heading-smaller", action: EasyMDE.toggleHeadingSmaller, className: "fa fa-header", title: gettext("Heading"), }, { name: "italic", action: EasyMDE.toggleItalic, className: "fa fa-italic", title: gettext("Italic"), }, { name: "bold", action: EasyMDE.toggleBold, className: "fa fa-bold", title: gettext("Bold"), }, { name: "strikethrough", action: EasyMDE.toggleStrikethrough, className: "fa fa-strikethrough", title: gettext("Strikethrough"), }, { name: "underline", action: function customFunction(editor) { let cm = editor.codemirror; cm.replaceSelection("__" + cm.getSelection() + "__"); }, className: "fa fa-underline", title: gettext("Underline"), }, { name: "superscript", action: function customFunction(editor) { let cm = editor.codemirror; cm.replaceSelection("^" + cm.getSelection() + "^"); }, className: "fa fa-superscript", title: gettext("Superscript"), }, { name: "subscript", action: function customFunction(editor) { let cm = editor.codemirror; cm.replaceSelection("~" + cm.getSelection() + "~"); }, className: "fa fa-subscript", title: gettext("Subscript"), }, { name: "code", action: EasyMDE.toggleCodeBlock, className: "fa fa-code", title: gettext("Code"), }, "|", { name: "quote", action: EasyMDE.toggleBlockquote, className: "fa fa-quote-left", title: gettext("Quote"), }, { name: "unordered-list", action: EasyMDE.toggleUnorderedList, className: "fa fa-list-ul", title: gettext("Unordered list"), }, { name: "ordered-list", action: EasyMDE.toggleOrderedList, className: "fa fa-list-ol", title: gettext("Ordered list"), }, "|", { name: "link", action: EasyMDE.drawLink, className: "fa fa-link", title: gettext("Insert link"), }, { name: "image", action: EasyMDE.drawImage, className: "fa-regular fa-image", title: gettext("Insert image"), }, { name: "table", action: EasyMDE.drawTable, className: "fa fa-table", title: gettext("Insert table"), }, "|", { name: "clean-block", action: EasyMDE.cleanBlock, className: "fa fa-eraser fa-clean-block", title: gettext("Clean block"), }, "|", { name: "preview", action: EasyMDE.togglePreview, className: "fa fa-eye no-disable", title: gettext("Toggle preview"), }, { name: "side-by-side", action: EasyMDE.toggleSideBySide, className: "fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile", title: gettext("Toggle side by side"), }, { name: "fullscreen", action: EasyMDE.toggleFullScreen, className: "fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile", title: gettext("Toggle fullscreen"), }, "|", { name: "guide", action: "/page/Aide_sur_la_syntaxe", className: "fa fa-question-circle", title: gettext("Markdown guide"), }, ], }); const submits = textarea .closest("form") .querySelectorAll('input[type="submit"]'); const parentDiv = textarea.parentElement; let submitPressed = false; function checkMarkdownInput(e) { // an attribute is null if it does not exist, else a string const required = textarea.getAttribute("required") != null; const length = textarea.value.trim().length; if (required && length == 0) { = "red 0px 0px 1.5px 1px"; } else { = ""; } } function onSubmitClick(e) { if (!submitPressed) { easymde.codemirror.on("change", checkMarkdownInput); } submitPressed = true; checkMarkdownInput(e); } submits.forEach((submit) => { submit.addEventListener("click", onSubmitClick); }); }; window.easymde_factory = easymde_factory;