from typing import Annotated from annotated_types import MinLen from import staticfiles_storage from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.text import slugify from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet from ninja import FilterSchema, ModelSchema, Schema from pydantic import AliasChoices, Field from core.models import User class SimpleUserSchema(ModelSchema): """A schema with the minimum amount of information to represent a user.""" class Meta: model = User fields = ["id", "nick_name", "first_name", "last_name"] class UserProfileSchema(ModelSchema): """The necessary information to show a user profile""" class Meta: model = User fields = ["id", "nick_name", "first_name", "last_name"] display_name: str profile_url: str profile_pict: str @staticmethod def resolve_display_name(obj: User) -> str: return obj.get_display_name() @staticmethod def resolve_profile_url(obj: User) -> str: return obj.get_absolute_url() @staticmethod def resolve_profile_pict(obj: User) -> str: if obj.profile_pict_id is None: return staticfiles_storage.url("core/img/unknown.jpg") return obj.profile_pict.get_download_url() class UserFilterSchema(FilterSchema): search: Annotated[str, MinLen(1)] exclude: list[int] | None = Field( None, validation_alias=AliasChoices("exclude", "exclude[]") ) def filter_search(self, value: str | None) -> Q: if not value: return Q() if len(value) < 3: # For small queries, full text search isn't necessary return ( Q(first_name__istartswith=value) | Q(last_name__istartswith=value) | Q(nick_name__istartswith=value) ) return Q( id__in=list( SearchQuerySet() .models(User) .autocomplete(auto=slugify(value).replace("-", " ")) .values_list("pk", flat=True) ) ) def filter_exclude(self, value: set[int] | None) -> Q: if not value: return Q() return ~Q(id__in=value) class MarkdownSchema(Schema): text: str class FamilyGodfatherSchema(Schema): godfather: int godchild: int class UserFamilySchema(Schema): """Represent a graph of a user's family""" users: list[UserProfileSchema] relationships: list[FamilyGodfatherSchema]