import type { Client, Options, RequestResult, TDataShape } from "@hey-api/client-fetch"; import { client } from "#openapi"; export interface PaginatedResponse { count: number; next: string | null; previous: string | null; results: T[]; } export interface PaginatedRequest { query?: { page?: number; // biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: api is in snake_case page_size?: number; }; url: string; } type PaginatedEndpoint = ( options?: Options, ) => RequestResult, unknown, ThrowOnError>; // TODO : If one day a test workflow is made for JS in this project // please test this function. A all cost. /** * Load complete dataset from paginated routes. */ export const paginated = async ( endpoint: PaginatedEndpoint, options?: PaginatedRequest, ): Promise => { const maxPerPage = 199; const queryParams = options ?? ({} as PaginatedRequest); queryParams.query = queryParams.query ?? {}; queryParams.query.page_size = maxPerPage; = 1; const firstPage = (await endpoint(queryParams)).data; const results = firstPage.results; const nbElements = firstPage.count; const nbPages = Math.ceil(nbElements / maxPerPage); if (nbPages > 1) { const promises: Promise[] = []; for (let i = 2; i <= nbPages; i++) { const nextPage = structuredClone(queryParams); = i; promises.push(endpoint(nextPage).then((res) =>; } results.push(...(await Promise.all(promises)).flat()); } return results; }; interface Request extends TDataShape { client?: Client; } interface InterceptorOptions { url: string; } type GenericEndpoint = ( options?: Options, ) => RequestResult; /** * Return the endpoint url of the endpoint **/ export const makeUrl = async (endpoint: GenericEndpoint) => { let url = ""; const interceptor = (_request: undefined, options: InterceptorOptions) => { url = options.url; throw new Error("We don't want to send the request"); }; client.interceptors.request.use(interceptor); try { await endpoint({ client: client }); } catch (_error) { /* do nothing */ } client.interceptors.request.eject(interceptor); return url; };