import MySQLdb import os import django import random import datetime from io import StringIO from pytz import timezone from os import listdir os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "sith.settings" os.environ['DJANGO_COLORS'] = 'nocolor' django.setup() from django.db import IntegrityError from django.conf import settings from import call_command from django.db import connection from django.forms import ValidationError from django.core.files import File from core.models import User, SithFile from club.models import Club, Membership from counter.models import Customer, Counter, Selling, Refilling, Product, ProductType, Permanency, Eticket from subscription.models import Subscription, Subscriber from eboutic.models import Invoice, InvoiceItem from accounting.models import BankAccount, ClubAccount, GeneralJournal, Operation, AccountingType, Company, SimplifiedAccountingType, Label from sas.models import Album, Picture db = MySQLdb.connect(**settings.OLD_MYSQL_INFOS) start = def reset_index(*args): sqlcmd = StringIO() call_command("sqlsequencereset", *args, stdout=sqlcmd) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sqlcmd.getvalue()) def to_unicode(s): if s: return bytes(s, 'cp1252', errors="replace").decode('utf-8', errors='replace') return "" def migrate_core(): def migrate_users(): SEX = {'1': 'MAN', '2': 'WOMAN', None: 'MAN'} TSHIRT = { None: '-', '': '-', 'NULL': '-', 'XS': 'XS', 'S': 'S', 'M': 'M', 'L': 'L', 'XL': 'XL', 'XXL': 'XXL', 'XXXL': 'XXXL', } ROLE = { 'doc': 'DOCTOR', 'etu': 'STUDENT', 'anc': 'FORMER STUDENT', 'ens': 'TEACHER', 'adm': 'ADMINISTRATIVE', 'srv': 'SERVICE', 'per': 'AGENT', None: '', } DEPARTMENTS = { 'tc': 'TC', 'gi': 'GI', 'gesc': 'GESC', 'na': 'NA', 'mc': 'MC', 'imap': 'IMAP', 'huma': 'HUMA', 'edim': 'EDIM', 'ee': 'EE', 'imsi': 'IMSI', 'truc': 'NA', None: 'NA', } def get_random_free_email(): email = "" % random.randrange(4000, 40000) while User.objects.filter(email=email).exists(): email = "" % random.randrange(4000, 40000) return email c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) c.execute(""" SELECT * FROM utilisateurs utl LEFT JOIN utl_etu ue ON ue.id_utilisateur = utl.id_utilisateur LEFT JOIN utl_etu_utbm ueu ON ueu.id_utilisateur = utl.id_utilisateur LEFT JOIN utl_extra uxtra ON uxtra.id_utilisateur = utl.id_utilisateur LEFT JOIN loc_ville ville ON utl.id_ville = ville.id_ville -- WHERE utl.id_utilisateur = 9360 """) User.objects.filter(id__gt=0).delete() print("Users deleted") for u in c: try: new = User( id=u['id_utilisateur'], last_name=to_unicode(u['nom_utl']) or "Bou", first_name=to_unicode(u['prenom_utl']) or "Bi", email=u['email_utl'], second_email=u['email_utbm'] or "", date_of_birth=u['date_naissance_utl'], last_update=u['date_maj_utl'], nick_name=to_unicode(u['surnom_utbm']), sex=SEX[u['sexe_utl']], tshirt_size=TSHIRT[u['taille_tshirt_utl']], role=ROLE[u['role_utbm']], department=DEPARTMENTS[u['departement_utbm']], dpt_option=to_unicode(u['filiere_utbm']), semester=u['semestre_utbm'] or 0, quote=to_unicode(u['citation']), school=to_unicode(u['nom_ecole_etudiant']), promo=u['promo_utbm'] or 0, forum_signature=to_unicode(u['signature_utl']), address=(to_unicode(u['addresse_utl']) + ", " + to_unicode(u['cpostal_ville']) + " " + to_unicode(u['nom_ville'])), parent_address=(to_unicode(u['adresse_parents']) + ", " + to_unicode(u['cpostal_parents']) + " " + to_unicode(u['ville_parents'])), phone=u['tel_portable_utl'] or "", parent_phone=u['tel_parents'] or "", is_subscriber_viewable=bool(u['publique_utl']), ) new.generate_username() new.set_password(str(random.randrange(1000000, 10000000))) except IntegrityError as e: if "Key (email)" in repr(e): = get_random_free_email() print("New email generated") else: print("FAIL for user %s: %s" % (u['id_utilisateur'], repr(e))) except Exception as e: print("FAIL for user %s: %s" % (u['id_utilisateur'], repr(e))) c.close() print("Users migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_profile_pict(): PROFILE_ROOT = "/data/matmatronch/" profile = SithFile.objects.filter(parent=None, name="profiles").first() profile.children.all().delete() print("Profiles pictures deleted") for filename in listdir(PROFILE_ROOT): if filename.split('.')[-2] != "mini": try: uid = filename.split('.')[0].split('-')[0] user = User.objects.filter(id=int(uid)).first() if user: f = File(open(PROFILE_ROOT + '/' + filename, 'rb')) ='/')[-1] t = filename.split('.')[1] new_file = SithFile(parent=profile, name=filename, file=f, owner=user, is_folder=False, mime_type="image/jpeg", size=f.size) if t == "identity": user.profile_pict = new_file elif t == "blouse": user.scrub_pict = new_file else: user.avatar_pict = new_file except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) print("Profile pictures migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( migrate_users() migrate_profile_pict() def migrate_club(): def migrate_clubs(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM asso asso WHERE nom_unix_asso <> "ae" AND nom_unix_asso <> "bdf" AND nom_unix_asso <> "laverie" """) # club = cur.fetchone() # for k,v in club.items(): # print("%40s | %40s" % (k, v)) for c in cur: try: new = Club( id=c['id_asso'], name=to_unicode(c['nom_asso']), unix_name=to_unicode(c['nom_unix_asso']), address=to_unicode(c['adresse_postale']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL for club %s: %s" % (c['nom_unix_asso'], repr(e))) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM asso """) for c in cur: club = Club.objects.filter(id=c['id_asso']).first() parent = Club.objects.filter(id=c['id_asso_parent']).first() club.parent = parent cur.close() print("Clubs migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_club_memberships(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM asso_membre """) Membership.objects.all().delete() print("Memberships deleted") for m in cur: try: club = Club.objects.filter(id=m['id_asso']).first() user = User.objects.filter(id=m['id_utilisateur']).first() if club and user: new = Membership( id=Membership.objects.count()+1, club=club, user=user, start_date=m['date_debut'], end_date=m['date_fin'], role=m['role'], description=to_unicode(m['desc_role']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL for club membership %s: %s" % (m['id_asso'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Clubs memberships migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( # migrate_clubs() migrate_club_memberships() def migrate_subscriptions(): LOCATION = { 5: "SEVENANS", 6: "BELFORT", 9: "MONTBELIARD", None: "SEVENANS", } TYPE = { 0: 'un-semestre', 1: 'deux-semestres', 2: 'cursus-tronc-commun', 3: 'cursus-branche', 4: 'membre-honoraire', 5: 'assidu', 6: 'amicale/doceo', 7: 'reseau-ut', 8: 'crous', 9: 'sbarro/esta', 10: 'cursus-alternant', None: 'un-semestre', } PAYMENT = { 1: "CHECK", 2: "CARD", 3: "CASH", 4: "OTHER", 5: "EBOUTIC", 0: "OTHER", } cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM ae_cotisations """) Subscription.objects.all().delete() print("Subscriptions deleted") Customer.objects.all().delete() print("Customers deleted") for r in cur: try: user = Subscriber.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() if user: new = Subscription( id=r['id_cotisation'], member=user, subscription_start=r['date_cotis'], subscription_end=r['date_fin_cotis'], subscription_type=TYPE[r['type_cotis']], payment_method=PAYMENT[r['mode_paiement_cotis']], location=LOCATION[r['id_comptoir']], ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL for subscription %s: %s" % (r['id_cotisation'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Subscriptions migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_counter(): def update_customer_account(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM ae_carte carte JOIN ae_cotisations cotis ON carte.id_cotisation = cotis.id_cotisation """) for r in cur: try: user = Customer.objects.filter(user_id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() if user: user.account_id = str(r['id_carte_ae']) + r['cle_carteae'].lower() except Exception as e: print("FAIL to update customer account for %s: %s" % (r['id_cotisation'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Customer accounts migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_counters(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_comptoir """) Counter.objects.all().delete() for r in cur: try: club = Club.objects.filter(id=r['id_assocpt']).first() new = Counter( id=r['id_comptoir'], name=to_unicode(r['nom_cpt']), club=club, type="OFFICE", ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate counter %s: %s" % (r['id_comptoir'], repr(e))) cur.close() eboutic = Counter.objects.filter(id=3).first() eboutic.type = "EBOUTIC" print("Counters migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def reset_customer_amount(): Refilling.objects.all().delete() Selling.objects.all().delete() Invoice.objects.all().delete() for c in Customer.objects.all(): c.amount = 0 print("Customer amount reset") def migrate_refillings(): BANK = { 0: "OTHER", 1: "SOCIETE-GENERALE", 2: "BANQUE-POPULAIRE", 3: "BNP", 4: "CAISSE-EPARGNE", 5: "CIC", 6: "CREDIT-AGRICOLE", 7: "CREDIT-MUTUEL", 8: "CREDIT-LYONNAIS", 9: "LA-POSTE", 100: "OTHER", None: "OTHER", } PAYMENT = { 2: "CARD", 1: "CASH", 0: "CHECK", } cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_rechargements """) root_cust = Customer.objects.filter(user__id=0).first() mde = Counter.objects.filter(id=1).first() Refilling.objects.all().delete() print("Refillings deleted") fail = 100 for r in cur: try: cust = Customer.objects.filter(user__id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() user = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() if not cust: if not user: cust = root_cust else: cust = Customer(user=user, amount=0, account_id=Customer.generate_account_id(fail)) fail += 1 op = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur_operateur']).first() counter = Counter.objects.filter(id=r['id_comptoir']).first() new = Refilling( id=r['id_rechargement'], counter=counter or mde, customer=cust or root_cust, operator=op or root_cust.user, amount=r['montant_rech']/100, payment_method=PAYMENT[r['type_paiement_rech']], bank=BANK[r['banque_rech']], date=r['date_rech'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate refilling %s for %s: %s" % (r['id_rechargement'], r['id_utilisateur'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Refillings migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_typeproducts(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_type_produit """) ProductType.objects.all().delete() print("Product types deleted") for r in cur: try: new = ProductType( id=r['id_typeprod'], name=to_unicode(r['nom_typeprod']), description=to_unicode(r['description_typeprod']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate product type %s: %s" % (r['nom_typeprod'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Product types migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_products(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_produits """) Product.objects.all().delete() print("Product deleted") for r in cur: try: type = ProductType.objects.filter(id=r['id_typeprod']).first() club = Club.objects.filter(id=r['id_assocpt']).first() new = Product( id=r['id_produit'], product_type=type, name=to_unicode(r['nom_prod']), description=to_unicode(r['description_prod']), code=to_unicode(r['cbarre_prod']), purchase_price=r['prix_achat_prod']/100, selling_price=r['prix_vente_prod']/100, special_selling_price=r['prix_vente_barman_prod']/100, club=club, limit_age=r['mineur'] or 0, tray=bool(r['plateau']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate product %s: %s" % (r['nom_prod'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Product migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_product_pict(): FILE_ROOT = "/data/files/" cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_produits WHERE id_file IS NOT NULL """) for r in cur: try: prod = Product.objects.filter(id=r['id_produit']).first() if prod: f = File(open(FILE_ROOT + '/' + str(r['id_file']) + ".1", 'rb')) = prod.icon = f except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) print("Product pictures migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_products_to_counter(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_mise_en_vente """) for r in cur: try: product = Product.objects.filter(id=r['id_produit']).first() counter = Counter.objects.filter(id=r['id_comptoir']).first() counter.products.add(product) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to set product %s in counter %s: %s" % (product, counter, repr(e))) cur.close() print("Product in counters migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_invoices(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_vendu ven LEFT JOIN cpt_debitfacture fac ON ven.id_facture = fac.id_facture WHERE fac.mode_paiement = 'SG' """) Invoice.objects.all().delete() print("Invoices deleted") Refilling.objects.filter(payment_method="CARD").delete() print("Card refillings deleted") Selling.objects.filter(payment_method="CARD").delete() print("Card sellings deleted") root = User.objects.filter(id=0).first() for r in cur: try: product = Product.objects.filter(id=r['id_produit']).first() user = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur_client']).first() i = Invoice.objects.filter(id=r['id_facture']).first() or Invoice(id=r['id_facture']) i.user = user or root for f in i._meta.local_fields: if == "date": f.auto_now = False = r['date_facture'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')) InvoiceItem(invoice=i,,,, product_unit_price=r['prix_unit']/100, quantity=r['quantite']).save() except ValidationError as e: print(repr(e) + " for %s (%s)" % (customer, except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate invoice %s: %s" % (r['id_facture'], repr(e))) cur.close() for i in Invoice.objects.all(): for f in i._meta.local_fields: if == "date": f.auto_now = False i.validate() print("Invoices migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_sellings(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_vendu ven LEFT JOIN cpt_debitfacture fac ON ven.id_facture = fac.id_facture WHERE fac.mode_paiement = 'AE' """) Selling.objects.filter(payment_method="SITH_ACCOUNT").delete() print("Sith account selling deleted") for c in Customer.objects.all(): c.amount = sum([r.amount for r in c.refillings.all()]) print("Customer amount reset to sum of refillings") ae = Club.objects.filter(unix_name="ae").first() mde = Counter.objects.filter(id=1).first() root = User.objects.filter(id=0).first() beer = Product.objects.filter(id=1).first() for r in cur: try: product = Product.objects.filter(id=r['id_produit']).first() or beer club = Club.objects.filter(id=r['id_assocpt']).first() or ae counter = Counter.objects.filter(id=r['id_comptoir']).first() or mde op = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() or root customer = Customer.objects.filter(user__id=r['id_utilisateur_client']).first() or root.customer new = Selling( or "Produit inexistant", counter=counter, club=club, product=product, seller=op, customer=customer, unit_price=r['prix_unit']/100, quantity=r['quantite'], payment_method="SITH_ACCOUNT", date=r['date_facture'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')), ) except ValidationError as e: print(repr(e) + " for %s (%s)" % (customer, except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate selling %s: %s" % (r['id_facture'], repr(e))) cur.close() print("Sellings migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_permanencies(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_tracking """) Permanency.objects.all().delete() print("Permanencies deleted") for r in cur: try: counter = Counter.objects.filter(id=r['id_comptoir']).first() user = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() new = Permanency( user=user, counter=counter, start=r['logged_time'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')), activity=r['logged_time'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')), end=r['closed_time'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate permanency: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Permanencies migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( update_customer_account() migrate_counters() migrate_permanencies() migrate_typeproducts() migrate_products() migrate_product_pict() migrate_products_to_counter() reset_customer_amount() migrate_invoices() migrate_refillings() migrate_sellings() def check_accounts(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM utilisateurs """) mde = Counter.objects.filter(id=1).first() ae = Club.objects.filter(unix_name='ae').first() root = User.objects.filter(id=0).first() for r in cur: if r['montant_compte'] and r['montant_compte'] > 0: try: cust = Customer.objects.filter(user__id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() if int(cust.amount * 100) != r['montant_compte']: print("Adding %s to %s's account" % (float(cust.amount) - (r['montant_compte']/100), cust.user)) new = Selling( label="Ajustement migration base de donnée", counter=mde, club=ae, product=None, seller=root, customer=cust, unit_price=float(cust.amount) - (r['montant_compte']/100.), quantity=1, payment_method="SITH_ACCOUNT", ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to adjust user account: %s" % (repr(e))) ### Accounting def migrate_accounting(): def migrate_companies(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM entreprise """) Company.objects.all().delete() print("Company deleted") for r in cur: try: new = Company( id=r['id_ent'], name=to_unicode(r['nom_entreprise']), street=to_unicode(r['rue_entreprise']), city=to_unicode(r['ville_entreprise']), postcode=to_unicode(r['cpostal_entreprise']), country=to_unicode(r['pays_entreprise']), phone=to_unicode(r['telephone_entreprise']), email=to_unicode(r['email_entreprise']), website=to_unicode(r['siteweb_entreprise']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate company: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Companies migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_bank_accounts(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_cpbancaire """) BankAccount.objects.all().delete() print("Bank accounts deleted") ae = Club.objects.filter(unix_name='ae').first() for r in cur: try: new = BankAccount( id=r['id_cptbc'], club=ae, name=to_unicode(r['nom_cptbc']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate bank account: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Bank accounts migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_club_accounts(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_cpasso """) ClubAccount.objects.all().delete() print("Club accounts deleted") ae = Club.objects.filter(id=1).first() for r in cur: try: club = Club.objects.filter(id=r['id_asso']).first() or ae bank_acc = BankAccount.objects.filter(id=r['id_cptbc']).first() new = ClubAccount( id=r['id_cptasso'], club=club,[:30], bank_account=bank_acc, ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate club account: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Club accounts migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_journals(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_classeur """) GeneralJournal.objects.all().delete() print("General journals deleted") for r in cur: try: club_acc = ClubAccount.objects.filter(id=r['id_cptasso']).first() new = GeneralJournal( id=r['id_classeur'], club_account=club_acc, name=to_unicode(r['nom_classeur']), start_date=r['date_debut_classeur'], end_date=r['date_fin_classeur'], closed=bool(r['ferme']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate general journal: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("General journals migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_accounting_types(): MOVEMENT = { -1: "DEBIT", 0: "NEUTRAL", 1: "CREDIT", } cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_op_plcptl """) AccountingType.objects.all().delete() print("Accounting types deleted") for r in cur: try: new = AccountingType( id=r['id_opstd'], code=str(r['code_plan']), label=to_unicode(r['libelle_plan']).capitalize(), movement_type=MOVEMENT[r['type_mouvement']], ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate accounting type: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Accounting types migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_simpleaccounting_types(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_op_clb WHERE id_asso IS NULL """) SimplifiedAccountingType.objects.all().delete() print("Simple accounting types deleted") for r in cur: try: at = AccountingType.objects.filter(id=r['id_opstd']).first() new = SimplifiedAccountingType( id=r['id_opclb'], label=to_unicode(r['libelle_opclb']).capitalize(), accounting_type=at, ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate simple type: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Simple accounting types migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_labels(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_libelle WHERE id_asso IS NOT NULL """) Label.objects.all().delete() print("Labels deleted") for r in cur: try: club_accounts = ClubAccount.objects.filter(club__id=r['id_asso']).all() for ca in club_accounts: new = Label( club_account=ca, name=to_unicode(r['nom_libelle']), ) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate label: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Labels migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_operations(): MODE = { 1: "CHECK", 2: "CASH", 3: "TRANSFERT", 4: "CARD", 0: "CASH", None: "CASH", } MOVEMENT_TYPE = { -1: "DEBIT", 0: "NEUTRAL", 1: "CREDIT", None: "NEUTRAL", } cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_operation op LEFT JOIN cpta_op_clb clb ON op.id_opclb = clb.id_opclb LEFT JOIN cpta_libelle lab ON op.id_libelle = lab.id_libelle """) Operation.objects.all().delete() print("Operation deleted") for r in cur: try: simple_type = None accounting_type = None label = None if r['id_opclb']: simple_type = SimplifiedAccountingType.objects.filter(id=r['id_opclb']).first() if r['id_opstd']: accounting_type = AccountingType.objects.filter(id=r['id_opstd']).first() if not accounting_type and simple_type: accounting_type = simple_type.accounting_type if not accounting_type: accounting_type = AccountingType.objects.filter(movement_type=MOVEMENT_TYPE[r['type_mouvement']]).first() journal = GeneralJournal.objects.filter(id=r['id_classeur']).first() if r['id_libelle']: label = journal.club_account.labels.filter(name=to_unicode(r['nom_libelle'])).first() def get_target_type(): if r['id_utilisateur']: return "USER" if r['id_asso']: return "CLUB" if r['id_ent']: return "COMPANY" if r['id_classeur']: return "ACCOUNT" def get_target_id(): return int(r['id_utilisateur'] or r['id_asso'] or r['id_ent'] or r['id_classeur']) or None new = Operation( id=r['id_op'], journal=journal, amount=r['montant_op']/100, date=r['date_op'] or journal.end_date, remark=to_unicode(r['commentaire_op']), mode=MODE[r['mode_op']], cheque_number=str(r['num_cheque_op']), done=bool(r['op_effctue']), simpleaccounting_type=simple_type, accounting_type=accounting_type, target_type=get_target_type(), target_id=get_target_id(), target_label="-", label=label, ) try: new.clean() except: new.target_id = get_target_id() new.target_type = "OTHER" except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate operation: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Operations migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def make_operation_links(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpta_operation """) for r in cur: if r['id_op_liee']: try: op1 = Operation.objects.filter(id=r['id_op']).first() op2 = Operation.objects.filter(id=r['id_op_liee']).first() op1.linked_operation = op2 op2.linked_operation = op1 except Exception as e: print("FAIL to link operations: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Operations links migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( migrate_companies() migrate_accounting_types() migrate_simpleaccounting_types() migrate_bank_accounts() migrate_club_accounts() migrate_labels() migrate_journals() migrate_operations() make_operation_links() def migrate_godfathers(): cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM parrains """) for r in cur: try: father = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() child = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur_fillot']).first() father.godchildren.add(child) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate godfathering: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Godfathers migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_etickets(): FILE_ROOT = "/data/files/" cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM cpt_etickets """) Eticket.objects.all().delete() print("Etickets deleted") for r in cur: try: p = Product.objects.filter(id=r['id_produit']).first() try: f = File(open(FILE_ROOT + '/' + str(r['banner']) + ".1", 'rb')) except: f = None e = Eticket( product=p, secret=to_unicode(r['secret']), banner=f,, ) e.secret=to_unicode(r['secret']) except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate eticket: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("Etickets migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( def migrate_sas(): album_link = {} picture_link = {} FILE_ROOT = "/data/sas/" Album.objects.filter(is_in_sas=True).delete() print("Album/Pictures deleted") cur = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM sas_cat_photos """) root = User.objects.filter(username="root").first() for r in cur: try: a = Album(name=to_unicode(r['nom_catph']), owner=root, is_moderated=True, parent=None) album_link[str(r['id_catph'])] = except Exception as e: print("FAIL to migrate Album: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM sas_cat_photos """) for r in cur: try: p = Album.objects.filter(id=album_link[r['id_catph_parent']]).first() a = Album.objects.filter(id=album_link[r['id_catph']]).first() a.parent = p except: pass print("Album migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( # cur.execute(""" # SELECT * # FROM sas_photos # """) # for r in cur: # try: # user = User.objects.filter(id=r['id_utilisateur']).first() or root # parent = Album.objects.filter(id=album_link[str(r['id_catph'])]).first() # p = Picture( # name=to_unicode(str(r['id_photo'])), # owner=user, # is_moderated=True, # is_folder=False, # mime_type="image/jpeg", # parent=parent # ) # for f in p._meta.local_fields: # if == "date": # f.auto_now = False # = r['date_ajout_ph'].replace(tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Paris')) # # picture_link[str(r['id_photo'])] = # except Exception as e: # print("FAIL to migrate Picture: %s" % (repr(e))) cur.close() print("SAS migrated at %s" % print("Running time: %s" % ( # try: # f = File(open(FILE_ROOT + '/' + str(r['banner']) + ".1", 'rb')) # except: # f = None def main(): print("Start at %s" % start) # Core # migrate_core() # Club # migrate_club() # Subscriptions # migrate_subscriptions() # Counters # migrate_counter() # check_accounts() # Accounting # migrate_accounting() # migrate_godfathers() # migrate_etickets() # reset_index('core', 'club', 'subscription', 'accounting', 'eboutic', 'launderette', 'counter') migrate_sas() reset_index('core', 'sas') end = print("End at %s" % end) print("Running time: %s" % (end-start)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()