import logging import rjsmin import sass from django.conf import settings from import ( ManifestStaticFilesStorage, ) from import Storage class SithStorage(ManifestStaticFilesStorage): def _compile_scss(self): to_exec = list(settings.STATIC_ROOT.rglob("*.scss")) if len(to_exec) == 0: return for file in to_exec: # remove existing css files that will be replaced # keeping them while compiling the scss would break # import statements resolution css_file = file.with_suffix(".css") if css_file.exists(): css_file.unlink() scss_paths = [p.resolve() for p in to_exec if p.suffix == ".scss"] base_args = {"output_style": "compressed", "precision": settings.SASS_PRECISION} compiled_files = { p: sass.compile(filename=str(p), **base_args) for p in scss_paths } for file, scss in compiled_files.items(): file.replace(file.with_suffix(".css")).write_text(scss) # once the files are compiled, the manifest must be updated # to have the right suffix new_entries = { k.replace(".scss", ".css"): self.hashed_files.pop(k).replace( ".scss", ".css" ) for k in list(self.hashed_files.keys()) if k.endswith(".scss") } self.hashed_files.update(new_entries) self.save_manifest() @staticmethod def _minify_js(): to_exec = [ p for p in settings.STATIC_ROOT.rglob("*.js") if ".min" not in p.suffixes ] for path in to_exec: p = path.resolve() minified = rjsmin.jsmin(p.read_text()) p.write_text(minified) logging.getLogger("main").info(f"Minified {path}") def post_process( self, paths: dict[str, tuple[Storage, str]], *, dry_run: bool = False ): # Whether we get the files that were processed by ManifestFilesMixin # by calling super() or whether we get them from the manifest file # makes no difference - we have to open the manifest file anyway # because we need to update the paths stored inside it. yield from super().post_process(paths, dry_run) self._compile_scss() self._minify_js()