from typing import Annotated import annotated_types from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponse from ninja_extra import ControllerBase, api_controller, route from ninja_extra.exceptions import PermissionDenied from club.models import Mailing from core.api_permissions import CanView from core.models import User from core.schemas import ( FamilyGodfatherSchema, MarkdownSchema, UserFamilySchema, ) from core.templatetags.renderer import markdown @api_controller("/markdown") class MarkdownController(ControllerBase):"", url_name="markdown") def render_markdown(self, body: MarkdownSchema): """Convert the markdown text into html.""" return HttpResponse(markdown(body.text), content_type="text/html") @api_controller("/mailings") class MailingListController(ControllerBase): @route.get("", response=str) def fetch_mailing_lists(self, key: str): if key != settings.SITH_MAILING_FETCH_KEY: raise PermissionDenied mailings = Mailing.objects.filter( is_moderated=True, club__is_active=True ).prefetch_related("subscriptions") data = "\n".join(m.fetch_format() for m in mailings) return data DepthValue = Annotated[int, annotated_types.Ge(0), annotated_types.Le(10)] DEFAULT_DEPTH = 4 @api_controller("/family") class FamilyController(ControllerBase): @route.get( "/{user_id}", permissions=[CanView], response=UserFamilySchema, url_name="family_graph", ) def get_family_graph( self, user_id: int, godfathers_depth: DepthValue = DEFAULT_DEPTH, godchildren_depth: DepthValue = DEFAULT_DEPTH, ): user: User = self.get_object_or_exception(User, pk=user_id) relations = user.get_family(godfathers_depth, godchildren_depth) if not relations: # If the user has no relations, return only the user # He is alone in its family, but the family exists nonetheless return {"users": [user], "relationships": []} user_ids = {r.from_user_id for r in relations} | { r.to_user_id for r in relations } return { "users": User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).distinct(), "relationships": ( [ FamilyGodfatherSchema( godchild=r.from_user_id, godfather=r.to_user_id ) for r in relations ] ), }