from datetime import timedelta import pytest from django.conf import settings from import call_command from django.test import Client, TestCase from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.timezone import now from model_bakery import baker, seq from model_bakery.recipe import Recipe from core.baker_recipes import ( old_subscriber_user, subscriber_user, very_old_subscriber_user, ) from core.models import User from counter.models import Counter, Refilling, Selling class TestSearchUsers(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): User.objects.all().delete() user_recipe = Recipe( User, first_name=seq("First", suffix="Name"), last_name=seq("Last", suffix="Name"), nick_name=seq("Nick", suffix="Name"), ) cls.users = [ user_recipe.make(last_login=None), *user_recipe.make( last_login=seq(now() - timedelta(days=30), timedelta(days=1)), _quantity=10, _bulk_create=True, ), ] call_command("update_index", "core", "--remove") @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super().tearDownClass() # restore the index call_command("update_index", "core", "--remove") class TestSearchUsersAPI(TestSearchUsers): def test_order(self): """Test that users are ordered by last login date.""" self.client.force_login(subscriber_user.make()) response = self.client.get(reverse("api:search_users") + "?search=First") assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json()["count"] == 11 # The users are ordered by last login date, so we need to reverse the list assert [r["id"] for r in response.json()["results"]] == [ for u in self.users[::-1] ] def test_search_case_insensitive(self): """Test that the search is case insensitive.""" self.client.force_login(subscriber_user.make()) expected = [ for u in self.users[::-1]] for term in ["first", "First", "FIRST"]: response = self.client.get(reverse("api:search_users") + f"?search={term}") assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json()["count"] == 11 assert [r["id"] for r in response.json()["results"]] == expected def test_search_nick_name(self): """Test that the search can be done on the nick name.""" self.client.force_login(subscriber_user.make()) # this should return users with nicknames Nick11, Nick10 and Nick1 response = self.client.get(reverse("api:search_users") + "?search=Nick1") assert response.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in response.json()["results"]] == [ self.users[10].id, self.users[9].id, self.users[0].id, ] def test_search_special_characters(self): """Test that the search can be done on special characters.""" belix = baker.make(User, nick_name="Bélix") call_command("update_index", "core") self.client.force_login(subscriber_user.make()) # this should return users with first names First1 and First10 response = self.client.get(reverse("api:search_users") + "?search=bél") assert response.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in response.json()["results"]] == [] class TestSearchUsersView(TestSearchUsers): """Test the search user view (`GET /search`).""" def test_page_ok(self): """Just test that the page loads.""" self.client.force_login(subscriber_user.make()) response = self.client.get(reverse("core:search")) assert response.status_code == 200 @pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_account_not_found(client: Client): client.force_login(baker.make(User, is_superuser=True)) user = baker.make(User) res = client.get(reverse("core:user_account", kwargs={"user_id":})) assert res.status_code == 404 res = client.get( reverse( "core:user_account_detail", kwargs={"user_id":, "year": 2024, "month": 10}, ) ) assert res.status_code == 404 class TestFilterInactive(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): time_active = now() - settings.SITH_ACCOUNT_INACTIVITY_DELTA + timedelta(days=1) time_inactive = time_active - timedelta(days=3) counter, seller = baker.make(Counter), baker.make(User) sale_recipe = Recipe( Selling, counter=counter,, seller=seller, is_validated=True, ) cls.users = [ baker.make(User), subscriber_user.make(), old_subscriber_user.make(), *very_old_subscriber_user.make(_quantity=3), ] sale_recipe.make(customer=cls.users[3].customer, date=time_active) baker.make( Refilling, customer=cls.users[4].customer, date=time_active, counter=counter ) sale_recipe.make(customer=cls.users[5].customer, date=time_inactive) def test_filter_inactive(self): res = User.objects.filter(id__in=[ for u in self.users]).filter_inactive() assert list(res) == [self.users[0], self.users[5]]