from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from typing import final import requests from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from ical.calendar import Calendar from ical.calendar_stream import IcsCalendarStream from ical.event import Event from com.models import NewsDate @final class IcsCalendar: _CACHE_FOLDER: Path = settings.MEDIA_ROOT / "com" / "calendars" _EXTERNAL_CALENDAR = _CACHE_FOLDER / "external.ics" _INTERNAL_CALENDAR = _CACHE_FOLDER / "internal.ics" @classmethod def get_external(cls, expiration: timedelta = timedelta(hours=1)) -> Path | None: if ( cls._EXTERNAL_CALENDAR.exists() and timezone.make_aware( datetime.fromtimestamp(cls._EXTERNAL_CALENDAR.stat().st_mtime) ) + expiration > ): return cls._EXTERNAL_CALENDAR return cls.make_external() @classmethod def make_external(cls) -> Path | None: calendar = requests.get( "" ) if not calendar.ok: return None cls._CACHE_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(cls._EXTERNAL_CALENDAR, "wb") as f: _ = f.write(calendar.content) return cls._EXTERNAL_CALENDAR @classmethod def get_internal(cls) -> Path: if not cls._INTERNAL_CALENDAR.exists(): return cls.make_internal() return cls._INTERNAL_CALENDAR @classmethod def make_internal(cls) -> Path: # Updated through a post_save signal on News in com.signals calendar = Calendar() for news_date in NewsDate.objects.filter( news__is_moderated=True, - (relativedelta(months=6)), ).prefetch_related("news"): event = Event(, start=news_date.start_date, end=news_date.end_date, url=reverse("com:news_detail", kwargs={"news_id":}), ) # Create a file so we can offload the download to the reverse proxy if available cls._CACHE_FOLDER.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(cls._INTERNAL_CALENDAR, "wb") as f: _ = f.write(IcsCalendarStream.calendar_to_ics(calendar).encode("utf-8")) return cls._INTERNAL_CALENDAR