from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView, RedirectView from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView, CreateView, DeleteView from django.shortcuts import render from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.forms.models import modelform_factory from django.forms import HiddenInput from django import forms from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteSelectField, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleField from core.views import CanViewMixin, CanEditMixin, CanEditPropMixin, CanCreateMixin from core.views.forms import SelectFile, SelectDate from accounting.models import BankAccount, ClubAccount, GeneralJournal, Operation, AccountingType, Company, SimplifiedAccountingType # Main accounting view class BankAccountListView(CanViewMixin, ListView): """ A list view for the admins """ model = BankAccount template_name = 'accounting/bank_account_list.jinja' ordering = ['name'] # Simplified accounting types class SimplifiedAccountingTypeListView(CanViewMixin, ListView): """ A list view for the admins """ model = SimplifiedAccountingType template_name = 'accounting/simplifiedaccountingtype_list.jinja' class SimplifiedAccountingTypeEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView): """ An edit view for the admins """ model = SimplifiedAccountingType pk_url_kwarg = "type_id" fields = ['label', 'accounting_type'] template_name = 'core/edit.jinja' class SimplifiedAccountingTypeCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create an accounting type (for the admins) """ model = SimplifiedAccountingType fields = ['label', 'accounting_type'] template_name = 'core/create.jinja' # Accounting types class AccountingTypeListView(CanViewMixin, ListView): """ A list view for the admins """ model = AccountingType template_name = 'accounting/accountingtype_list.jinja' class AccountingTypeEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView): """ An edit view for the admins """ model = AccountingType pk_url_kwarg = "type_id" fields = ['code', 'label', 'movement_type'] template_name = 'core/edit.jinja' class AccountingTypeCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create an accounting type (for the admins) """ model = AccountingType fields = ['code', 'label', 'movement_type'] template_name = 'core/create.jinja' # BankAccount views class BankAccountEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView): """ An edit view for the admins """ model = BankAccount pk_url_kwarg = "b_account_id" fields = ['name', 'iban', 'number', 'club'] template_name = 'core/edit.jinja' class BankAccountDetailView(CanViewMixin, DetailView): """ A detail view, listing every club account """ model = BankAccount pk_url_kwarg = "b_account_id" template_name = 'accounting/bank_account_details.jinja' class BankAccountCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create a bank account (for the admins) """ model = BankAccount fields = ['name', 'club', 'iban', 'number'] template_name = 'core/create.jinja' class BankAccountDeleteView(CanEditPropMixin, DeleteView): # TODO change Delete to Close """ Delete a bank account (for the admins) """ model = BankAccount pk_url_kwarg = "b_account_id" template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja' success_url = reverse_lazy('accounting:bank_list') # ClubAccount views class ClubAccountEditView(CanViewMixin, UpdateView): """ An edit view for the admins """ model = ClubAccount pk_url_kwarg = "c_account_id" fields = ['name', 'club', 'bank_account'] template_name = 'core/edit.jinja' class ClubAccountDetailView(CanViewMixin, DetailView): """ A detail view, listing every journal """ model = ClubAccount pk_url_kwarg = "c_account_id" template_name = 'accounting/club_account_details.jinja' class ClubAccountCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create a club account (for the admins) """ model = ClubAccount fields = ['name', 'club', 'bank_account'] template_name = 'core/create.jinja' def get_initial(self): ret = super(ClubAccountCreateView, self).get_initial() if 'parent' in self.request.GET.keys(): obj = BankAccount.objects.filter(id=int(self.request.GET['parent'])).first() if obj is not None: ret['bank_account'] = return ret class ClubAccountDeleteView(CanEditPropMixin, DeleteView): # TODO change Delete to Close """ Delete a club account (for the admins) """ model = ClubAccount pk_url_kwarg = "c_account_id" template_name = 'core/delete_confirm.jinja' success_url = reverse_lazy('accounting:bank_list') # Journal views class JournalCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create a general journal """ model = GeneralJournal form_class = modelform_factory(GeneralJournal, fields=['name', 'start_date', 'club_account'], widgets={ 'start_date': SelectDate, }) template_name = 'core/create.jinja' def get_initial(self): ret = super(JournalCreateView, self).get_initial() if 'parent' in self.request.GET.keys(): obj = ClubAccount.objects.filter(id=int(self.request.GET['parent'])).first() if obj is not None: ret['club_account'] = return ret class JournalDetailView(CanViewMixin, DetailView): """ A detail view, listing every operation """ model = GeneralJournal pk_url_kwarg = "j_id" template_name = 'accounting/journal_details.jinja' class JournalEditView(CanEditMixin, UpdateView): """ Update a general journal """ model = GeneralJournal pk_url_kwarg = "j_id" fields = ['name', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'club_account', 'closed'] template_name = 'core/edit.jinja' # Operation views class OperationForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Operation fields = ['amount', 'remark', 'journal', 'target_type', 'target_id', 'target_label', 'date', 'mode', 'cheque_number', 'invoice', 'simpleaccounting_type', 'accounting_type', 'done'] widgets = { 'journal': HiddenInput, 'target_id': HiddenInput, 'date': SelectDate, 'invoice': SelectFile, } user = AutoCompleteSelectField('users', help_text=None, required=False) club_account = AutoCompleteSelectField('club_accounts', help_text=None, required=False) club = AutoCompleteSelectField('clubs', help_text=None, required=False) company = AutoCompleteSelectField('companies', help_text=None, required=False) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OperationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.instance.target_type == "USER": self.fields['user'].initial = self.instance.target_id elif self.instance.target_type == "ACCOUNT": self.fields['club_account'].initial = self.instance.target_id elif self.instance.target_type == "CLUB": self.fields['club'].initial = self.instance.target_id elif self.instance.target_type == "COMPANY": self.fields['company'].initial = self.instance.target_id def clean(self): self.cleaned_data = super(OperationForm, self).clean() print(self.errors) if self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "USER": self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['user'].id elif self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "ACCOUNT": self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['club_account'].id elif self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "CLUB": self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['club'].id elif self.cleaned_data['target_type'] == "COMPANY": self.cleaned_data['target_id'] = self.cleaned_data['company'].id return self.cleaned_data def save(self): ret = super(OperationForm, self).save() if self.instance.target_type == "ACCOUNT" and not self.instance.linked_operation and inst = self.instance club_account = acc_type = AccountingType.objects.exclude(movement_type="NEUTRAL").exclude( movement_type=inst.accounting_type.movement_type).first() # Select a random opposite accounting type op = Operation( journal=club_account.get_open_journal(), amount=inst.amount,, remark=inst.remark, mode=inst.mode, cheque_number=inst.cheque_number, invoice=inst.invoice, done=False, # Has to be checked by hand simpleaccounting_type=None, accounting_type=acc_type, target_type="ACCOUNT",, target_label="", linked_operation=inst, ) self.instance.linked_operation = op return ret class OperationCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create an operation """ model = Operation form_class = OperationForm template_name = 'accounting/operation_edit.jinja' def get_initial(self): ret = super(OperationCreateView, self).get_initial() if 'parent' in self.request.GET.keys(): self.journal = GeneralJournal.objects.filter(id=int(self.request.GET['parent'])).first() if self.journal is not None: ret['journal'] = return ret def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add journal to the context """ kwargs = super(OperationCreateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) if self.journal: kwargs['object'] = self.journal return kwargs class OperationEditView(CanEditMixin, UpdateView): """ An edit view, working as detail for the moment """ model = Operation pk_url_kwarg = "op_id" form_class = OperationForm template_name = 'accounting/operation_edit.jinja' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add journal to the context """ kwargs = super(OperationEditView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) kwargs['object'] = self.object.journal return kwargs # Company views class CompanyCreateView(CanCreateMixin, CreateView): """ Create a company """ model = Company fields = ['name'] template_name = 'core/create.jinja' class CompanyEditView(CanCreateMixin, UpdateView): """ Edit a company """ model = Company pk_url_kwarg = "co_id" fields = ['name'] template_name = 'core/edit.jinja'