{% extends "core/base.jinja" %} {% block title %} {% trans %}Eboutic{% endtrans %} {% endblock %} {% block jquery_css %} {# Remove jquery css #} {% endblock %} {% block additional_js %} {# This script contains the code to perform requests to manipulate the user basket without having to reload the page #} {% endblock %} {% block additional_css %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans %}Eboutic{% endtrans %}


{% if errors %}
{% for error in errors %}

{{ error }}

{% endfor %} {% trans %}Your basket has been cleaned accordingly to those errors.{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% for category, items in products|groupby('category') %} {% if items|count > 0 %}
{# I would have wholeheartedly directly used the header element instead but it has already been made messy in core/style.scss #}

{{ category }}

{% if category.comment %}

{{ category.comment }}

{% endif %}
{% for p in items %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% else %}

{% trans %}There are no items available for sale{% endtrans %}

{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}