# # Copyright 2023 © AE UTBM # ae@utbm.fr / ae.info@utbm.fr # # This file is part of the website of the UTBM Student Association (AE UTBM), # https://ae.utbm.fr. # # You can find the source code of the website at https://github.com/ae-utbm/sith # # LICENSED UNDER THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE VERSION 3 (GPLv3) # SEE : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ae-utbm/sith/master/LICENSE # OR WITHIN THE LOCAL FILE "LICENSE" # # from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from datetime import timedelta from decimal import Decimal import pytest from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import make_password from django.core.cache import cache from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import resolve_url from django.test import Client, TestCase from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.timezone import localdate, now from freezegun import freeze_time from model_bakery import baker from club.models import Club, Membership from core.baker_recipes import board_user, subscriber_user, very_old_subscriber_user from core.models import BanGroup, User from counter.baker_recipes import product_recipe from counter.models import ( Counter, Customer, Permanency, Product, Refilling, Selling, ) class TestFullClickBase(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.customer = subscriber_user.make() cls.barmen = subscriber_user.make(password=make_password("plop")) cls.board_admin = board_user.make(password=make_password("plop")) cls.club_admin = subscriber_user.make() cls.root = baker.make(User, is_superuser=True) cls.subscriber = subscriber_user.make() cls.counter = baker.make(Counter, type="BAR") cls.counter.sellers.add(cls.barmen, cls.board_admin) cls.other_counter = baker.make(Counter, type="BAR") cls.other_counter.sellers.add(cls.barmen) cls.yet_another_counter = baker.make(Counter, type="BAR") cls.customer_old_can_buy = subscriber_user.make() sub = cls.customer_old_can_buy.subscriptions.first() sub.subscription_end = localdate() - timedelta(days=89) sub.save() cls.customer_old_can_not_buy = very_old_subscriber_user.make() cls.customer_can_not_buy = baker.make(User) cls.club_counter = baker.make(Counter, type="OFFICE") baker.make( Membership, start_date=now() - timedelta(days=30), club=cls.club_counter.club, role=settings.SITH_CLUB_ROLES_ID["Board member"], user=cls.club_admin, ) def updated_amount(self, user: User) -> Decimal: user.refresh_from_db() user.customer.refresh_from_db() return user.customer.amount class TestRefilling(TestFullClickBase): def login_in_bar(self, barmen: User | None = None): used_barman = barmen if barmen is not None else self.board_admin self.client.post( reverse("counter:login", args=[self.counter.id]), {"username": used_barman.username, "password": "plop"}, ) def refill_user( self, user: User | Customer, counter: Counter, amount: int, client: Client | None = None, ) -> HttpResponse: used_client = client if client is not None else self.client return used_client.post( reverse( "counter:refilling_create", kwargs={"customer_id": user.pk}, ), { "amount": str(amount), "payment_method": "CASH", "bank": "OTHER", }, HTTP_REFERER=reverse( "counter:click", kwargs={"counter_id": counter.id, "user_id": user.pk}, ), ) def test_refilling_office_fail(self): self.client.force_login(self.club_admin) assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.club_counter, 10).status_code == 403 self.client.force_login(self.root) assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.club_counter, 10).status_code == 403 self.client.force_login(self.subscriber) assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.club_counter, 10).status_code == 403 assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 def test_refilling_no_refer_fail(self): def refill(): return self.client.post( reverse( "counter:refilling_create", kwargs={"customer_id": self.customer.pk}, ), { "amount": "10", "payment_method": "CASH", "bank": "OTHER", }, ) self.client.force_login(self.club_admin) assert refill() self.client.force_login(self.root) assert refill() self.client.force_login(self.subscriber) assert refill() assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 def test_refilling_not_connected_fail(self): assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.counter, 10).status_code == 403 assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 def test_refilling_counter_open_but_not_connected_fail(self): self.login_in_bar() client = Client() assert ( self.refill_user(self.customer, self.counter, 10, client=client).status_code == 403 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 def test_refilling_counter_no_board_member(self): self.login_in_bar(barmen=self.barmen) assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.counter, 10).status_code == 403 assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 def test_refilling_user_can_not_buy(self): self.login_in_bar(barmen=self.barmen) assert ( self.refill_user(self.customer_can_not_buy, self.counter, 10).status_code == 404 ) assert ( self.refill_user( self.customer_old_can_not_buy, self.counter, 10 ).status_code == 404 ) def test_refilling_counter_success(self): self.login_in_bar() assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.counter, 30).status_code == 302 assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 30 assert self.refill_user(self.customer, self.counter, 10.1).status_code == 302 assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("40.1") assert ( self.refill_user(self.customer_old_can_buy, self.counter, 1).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer_old_can_buy) == 1 @dataclass class BasketItem: id: int | None = None quantity: int | None = None def to_form(self, index: int) -> dict[str, str]: return { f"form-{index}-{key}": str(value) for key, value in asdict(self).items() if value is not None } class TestCounterClick(TestFullClickBase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): super().setUpTestData() cls.underage_customer = subscriber_user.make() cls.banned_counter_customer = subscriber_user.make() cls.banned_alcohol_customer = subscriber_user.make() cls.set_age(cls.customer, 20) cls.set_age(cls.barmen, 20) cls.set_age(cls.club_admin, 20) cls.set_age(cls.banned_alcohol_customer, 20) cls.set_age(cls.underage_customer, 17) cls.banned_alcohol_customer.ban_groups.add( BanGroup.objects.get(pk=settings.SITH_GROUP_BANNED_ALCOHOL_ID) ) cls.banned_counter_customer.ban_groups.add( BanGroup.objects.get(pk=settings.SITH_GROUP_BANNED_COUNTER_ID) ) cls.gift = product_recipe.make( selling_price="-1.5", special_selling_price="-1.5", ) cls.beer = product_recipe.make( limit_age=18, selling_price="1.5", special_selling_price="1" ) cls.beer_tap = product_recipe.make( limit_age=18, tray=True, selling_price="1.5", special_selling_price="1", ) cls.snack = product_recipe.make( limit_age=0, selling_price="1.5", special_selling_price="1" ) cls.stamps = product_recipe.make( limit_age=0, selling_price="1.5", special_selling_price="1" ) cls.cons = Product.objects.get(id=settings.SITH_ECOCUP_CONS) cls.dcons = Product.objects.get(id=settings.SITH_ECOCUP_DECO) cls.counter.products.add( cls.gift, cls.beer, cls.beer_tap, cls.snack, cls.cons, cls.dcons ) cls.other_counter.products.add(cls.snack) cls.club_counter.products.add(cls.stamps) def login_in_bar(self, barmen: User | None = None): used_barman = barmen if barmen is not None else self.barmen self.client.post( reverse("counter:login", args=[self.counter.id]), {"username": used_barman.username, "password": "plop"}, ) @classmethod def set_age(cls, user: User, age: int): user.date_of_birth = localdate().replace(year=localdate().year - age) user.save() def submit_basket( self, user: User, basket: list[BasketItem], counter: Counter | None = None, client: Client | None = None, ) -> HttpResponse: used_counter = counter if counter is not None else self.counter used_client = client if client is not None else self.client data = { "form-TOTAL_FORMS": str(len(basket)), "form-INITIAL_FORMS": "0", } for index, item in enumerate(basket): data.update(item.to_form(index)) return used_client.post( reverse( "counter:click", kwargs={"counter_id": used_counter.id, "user_id": user.id}, ), data, ) def refill_user(self, user: User, amount: Decimal | int): baker.make(Refilling, amount=amount, customer=user.customer, is_validated=False) def test_click_eboutic_failure(self): eboutic = baker.make(Counter, type="EBOUTIC") self.client.force_login(self.club_admin) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.stamps.id, 5)], counter=eboutic, ).status_code == 404 ) def test_click_office_success(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) self.client.force_login(self.club_admin) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.stamps.id, 5)], counter=self.club_counter, ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("2.5") # Test no special price on office counter self.refill_user(self.club_admin, 10) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.club_admin, [BasketItem(self.stamps.id, 1)], counter=self.club_counter, ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.club_admin) == Decimal("8.5") def test_click_bar_success(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) self.login_in_bar(self.barmen) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.beer.id, 2), BasketItem(self.snack.id, 1), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("5.5") # Test barmen special price self.refill_user(self.barmen, 10) assert ( self.submit_basket(self.barmen, [BasketItem(self.beer.id, 1)]) ).status_code == 302 assert self.updated_amount(self.barmen) == Decimal("9") def test_click_tray_price(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 20) self.login_in_bar(self.barmen) # Not applying tray price assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.beer_tap.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("17") # Applying tray price assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.beer_tap.id, 7), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("8") def test_click_alcool_unauthorized(self): self.login_in_bar() for user in [self.underage_customer, self.banned_alcohol_customer]: self.refill_user(user, 10) # Buy product without age limit assert ( self.submit_basket( user, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(user) == Decimal("7") # Buy product without age limit assert ( self.submit_basket( user, [ BasketItem(self.beer.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 200 ) assert self.updated_amount(user) == Decimal("7") def test_click_unauthorized_customer(self): self.login_in_bar() for user in [ self.banned_counter_customer, self.customer_old_can_not_buy, ]: self.refill_user(user, 10) resp = self.submit_basket( user, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], ) assert resp.status_code == 302 assert resp.url == resolve_url(self.counter) assert self.updated_amount(user) == Decimal("10") def test_click_user_without_customer(self): self.login_in_bar() assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer_can_not_buy, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 404 ) def test_click_allowed_old_subscriber(self): self.login_in_bar() self.refill_user(self.customer_old_can_buy, 10) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer_old_can_buy, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer_old_can_buy) == Decimal("7") def test_click_wrong_counter(self): self.login_in_bar() self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], counter=self.other_counter, ).status_code == 302 # Redirect to counter main ) # We want to test sending requests from another counter while # we are currently registered to another counter # so we connect to a counter and # we create a new client, in order to check # that using a client not logged to a counter # where another client is logged still isn't authorized. client = Client() assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], counter=self.counter, client=client, ).status_code == 302 # Redirect to counter main ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("10") def test_click_not_connected(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 302 # Redirect to counter main ) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.snack.id, 2), ], counter=self.club_counter, ).status_code == 403 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("10") def test_click_product_not_in_counter(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) self.login_in_bar() assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.stamps.id, 2), ], ).status_code == 200 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("10") def test_click_product_invalid(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) self.login_in_bar() for item in [ BasketItem("-1", 2), BasketItem(self.beer.id, -1), BasketItem(None, 1), BasketItem(self.beer.id, None), BasketItem(None, None), ]: assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [item], ).status_code == 200 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("10") def test_click_not_enough_money(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, 10) self.login_in_bar() assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.beer_tap.id, 5), BasketItem(self.beer.id, 10), ], ).status_code == 200 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal("10") def test_annotate_has_barman_queryset(self): """Test if the custom queryset method `annotate_has_barman` works as intended.""" counters = Counter.objects.annotate_has_barman(self.barmen) for counter in counters: if counter in (self.counter, self.other_counter): assert counter.has_annotated_barman else: assert not counter.has_annotated_barman def test_selling_ordering(self): # Cheaper items should be processed with a higher priority self.login_in_bar(self.barmen) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.beer.id, 1), BasketItem(self.gift.id, 1), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 def test_recordings(self): self.refill_user(self.customer, self.cons.selling_price * 3) self.login_in_bar(self.barmen) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.cons.id, 3)], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.dcons.id, 3)], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == self.dcons.selling_price * -3 assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.dcons.id, settings.SITH_ECOCUP_LIMIT)], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == self.dcons.selling_price * ( -3 - settings.SITH_ECOCUP_LIMIT ) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.dcons.id, 1)], ).status_code == 200 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == self.dcons.selling_price * ( -3 - settings.SITH_ECOCUP_LIMIT ) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [ BasketItem(self.cons.id, 1), BasketItem(self.dcons.id, 1), ], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == self.dcons.selling_price * ( -3 - settings.SITH_ECOCUP_LIMIT ) def test_recordings_when_negative(self): self.refill_user( self.customer, self.cons.selling_price * 3 + Decimal(self.beer.selling_price), ) self.customer.customer.recorded_products = settings.SITH_ECOCUP_LIMIT * -10 self.customer.customer.save() self.login_in_bar(self.barmen) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.dcons.id, 1)], ).status_code == 200 ) assert self.updated_amount( self.customer ) == self.cons.selling_price * 3 + Decimal(self.beer.selling_price) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.cons.id, 3)], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == Decimal(self.beer.selling_price) assert ( self.submit_basket( self.customer, [BasketItem(self.beer.id, 1)], ).status_code == 302 ) assert self.updated_amount(self.customer) == 0 class TestCounterStats(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.counter = Counter.objects.get(id=2) cls.krophil = User.objects.get(username="krophil") cls.skia = User.objects.get(username="skia") cls.sli = User.objects.get(username="sli") cls.root = User.objects.get(username="root") cls.subscriber = User.objects.get(username="subscriber") cls.old_subscriber = User.objects.get(username="old_subscriber") cls.counter.sellers.add(cls.sli, cls.root, cls.skia, cls.krophil) barbar = Product.objects.get(code="BARB") # remove everything to make sure the fixtures bring no side effect Permanency.objects.all().delete() Selling.objects.all().delete() now = timezone.now() # total of sli : 5 hours Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.sli, start=now, end=now + timedelta(hours=1), counter=cls.counter ) Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.sli, start=now + timedelta(hours=4), end=now + timedelta(hours=6), counter=cls.counter, ) Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.sli, start=now + timedelta(hours=7), end=now + timedelta(hours=9), counter=cls.counter, ) # total of skia : 16 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes and 54 seconds Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.skia, start=now, end=now + timedelta(hours=1), counter=cls.counter ) Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.skia, start=now + timedelta(days=4, hours=1), end=now + timedelta(days=20, hours=2, minutes=35, seconds=54), counter=cls.counter, ) # total of root : 1 hour + 20 hours (but the 20 hours were on last year) Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.root, start=now + timedelta(days=5), end=now + timedelta(days=5, hours=1), counter=cls.counter, ) Permanency.objects.create( user=cls.root, start=now - timedelta(days=300, hours=20), end=now - timedelta(days=300), counter=cls.counter, ) # total of krophil : 0 hour s = Selling( label=barbar.name, product=barbar, club=Club.objects.get(name=settings.SITH_MAIN_CLUB["name"]), counter=cls.counter, unit_price=2, seller=cls.skia, ) krophil_customer = Customer.get_or_create(cls.krophil)[0] sli_customer = Customer.get_or_create(cls.sli)[0] skia_customer = Customer.get_or_create(cls.skia)[0] root_customer = Customer.get_or_create(cls.root)[0] # moderate drinker. Total : 100 € s.quantity = 50 s.customer = krophil_customer s.save(allow_negative=True) # Sli is a drunkard. Total : 2000 € s.quantity = 100 s.customer = sli_customer for _ in range(10): # little trick to make sure the instance is duplicated in db s.pk = None s.save(allow_negative=True) # save ten different sales # Skia is a heavy drinker too. Total : 1000 € s.customer = skia_customer for _ in range(5): s.pk = None s.save(allow_negative=True) # Root is quite an abstemious one. Total : 2 € s.pk = None s.quantity = 1 s.customer = root_customer s.save(allow_negative=True) def test_not_authenticated_user_fail(self): # Test with not login user response = self.client.get(reverse("counter:stats", args=[self.counter.id])) assert response.status_code == 403 def test_unauthorized_user_fails(self): self.client.force_login(User.objects.get(username="public")) response = self.client.get(reverse("counter:stats", args=[self.counter.id])) assert response.status_code == 403 def test_get_total_sales(self): """Test the result of the Counter.get_total_sales() method.""" assert self.counter.get_total_sales() == 3102 def test_top_barmen(self): """Test the result of Counter.get_top_barmen() is correct.""" users = [self.skia, self.root, self.sli] perm_times = [ timedelta(days=16, hours=2, minutes=35, seconds=54), timedelta(hours=21), timedelta(hours=5), ] assert list(self.counter.get_top_barmen()) == [ { "user": user.id, "name": f"{user.first_name} {user.last_name}", "promo": user.promo, "nickname": user.nick_name, "perm_sum": perm_time, } for user, perm_time in zip(users, perm_times, strict=False) ] def test_top_customer(self): """Test the result of Counter.get_top_customers() is correct.""" users = [self.sli, self.skia, self.krophil, self.root] sale_amounts = [2000, 1000, 100, 2] assert list(self.counter.get_top_customers()) == [ { "user": user.id, "name": f"{user.first_name} {user.last_name}", "promo": user.promo, "nickname": user.nick_name, "selling_sum": sale_amount, } for user, sale_amount in zip(users, sale_amounts, strict=False) ] class TestBarmanConnection(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.krophil = User.objects.get(username="krophil") cls.skia = User.objects.get(username="skia") cls.skia.customer.account = 800 cls.krophil.customer.save() cls.skia.customer.save() cls.counter = Counter.objects.get(id=2) def test_barman_granted(self): self.client.post( reverse("counter:login", args=[self.counter.id]), {"username": "krophil", "password": "plop"}, ) response = self.client.get(reverse("counter:details", args=[self.counter.id])) assert "

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" in str(response.content) def test_counters_list_barmen(self): self.client.post( reverse("counter:login", args=[self.counter.id]), {"username": "krophil", "password": "plop"}, ) response = self.client.get(reverse("counter:activity", args=[self.counter.id])) assert '
  • Kro Phil'
  • ' in str(response.content) def test_barman_denied(self): self.client.post( reverse("counter:login", args=[self.counter.id]), {"username": "skia", "password": "plop"}, ) response_get = self.client.get( reverse("counter:details", args=[self.counter.id]) ) assert "

    Merci de vous identifier

    " in str(response_get.content) def test_counters_list_no_barmen(self): self.client.post( reverse("counter:login", args=[self.counter.id]), {"username": "krophil", "password": "plop"}, ) response = self.client.get(reverse("counter:activity", args=[self.counter.id])) assert '
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  • ' not in str(response.content) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_barman_timeout(): """Test that barmen timeout is well managed.""" bar = baker.make(Counter, type="BAR") user = baker.make(User) bar.sellers.add(user) baker.make(Permanency, counter=bar, user=user, start=now()) qs = Counter.objects.annotate_is_open().filter(pk=bar.pk) bar = qs[0] assert bar.is_open assert bar.barmen_list == [user] qs.handle_timeout() # handling timeout before the actual timeout should be no-op assert qs[0].is_open with freeze_time() as frozen_time: frozen_time.tick(timedelta(minutes=settings.SITH_BARMAN_TIMEOUT + 1)) qs.handle_timeout() bar = qs[0] assert not bar.is_open assert bar.barmen_list == [] class TestClubCounterClickAccess(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.counter = baker.make(Counter, type="OFFICE") cls.customer = subscriber_user.make() cls.counter_url = reverse( "counter:details", kwargs={"counter_id": cls.counter.id} ) cls.click_url = reverse( "counter:click", kwargs={"counter_id": cls.counter.id, "user_id": cls.customer.id}, ) cls.user = subscriber_user.make() def setUp(self): cache.clear() def test_anonymous(self): res = self.client.get(self.click_url) assert res.status_code == 403 def test_logged_in_without_rights(self): self.client.force_login(self.user) res = self.client.get(self.click_url) assert res.status_code == 403 # being a member of the club, without being in the board, isn't enough baker.make(Membership, club=self.counter.club, user=self.user, role=1) res = self.client.get(self.click_url) assert res.status_code == 403 def test_board_member(self): """By default, board members should be able to click on office counters""" baker.make(Membership, club=self.counter.club, user=self.user, role=3) self.client.force_login(self.user) res = self.client.get(self.click_url) assert res.status_code == 200 def test_barman(self): """Sellers should be able to click on office counters""" self.counter.sellers.add(self.user) self.client.force_login(self.user) res = self.client.get(self.click_url) assert res.status_code == 200 def test_both_barman_and_board_member(self): """If the user is barman and board member, he should be authorized as well.""" self.counter.sellers.add(self.user) baker.make(Membership, club=self.counter.club, user=self.user, role=3) self.client.force_login(self.user) res = self.client.get(self.click_url) assert res.status_code == 200