import { paginated } from "#core:utils/api"; import { exportToHtml } from "#core:utils/globals"; import { Calendar } from "@fullcalendar/core"; import timeGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/timegrid"; import { type PermanencyFetchPermananciesData, type PermanencySchema, permanencyFetchPermanancies, } from "#openapi"; interface ActivityChartConfig { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; startDate: Date; counterId: number; } interface OpeningTime { start: Date; end: Date; } interface EventInput { start: Date; end: Date; backgroundColor: string; } // TODO: Fix du look (bandes blanches dans la table, ...) // TODO: Semaines passées exportToHtml("loadChart", loadChart); async function loadChart(options: ActivityChartConfig) { const permanancies = await paginated(permanencyFetchPermanancies, { query: { counter: [options.counterId], // biome-ignore lint/style/useNamingConvention: backend API uses snake_case start_date: options.startDate.toISOString(), }, } as PermanencyFetchPermananciesData); const events = getEvents(permanancies); const calendar = new Calendar(options.canvas, { plugins: [timeGridPlugin], initialView: "timeGridWeek", locale: "fr", slotLabelFormat: { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", hour12: false }, dayHeaderFormat: { weekday: "long" }, firstDay: 1, views: { timeGrid: { allDaySlot: false } }, scrollTime: "09:00:00", headerToolbar: { left: "", center: "", right: "" }, events: events, nowIndicator: true, height: 600, }); calendar.render(); } function roundToQuarter(date: Date, ceil: boolean) { const result = date; const minutes = date.getMinutes(); // removes minutes exceeding the lower quarter and adds 15 minutes if rounded to ceiling result.setMinutes(minutes + +ceil * 15 - (minutes % 15), 0, 0); return result; } function convertPermanancyToOpeningTime(permanancy: PermanencySchema): OpeningTime { return { start: roundToQuarter(new Date(permanancy.start), false), end: roundToQuarter(new Date(permanancy.end ??, true), }; } function getOpeningTimes(rawPermanancies: PermanencySchema[]) { const permanancies = rawPermanancies .map(convertPermanancyToOpeningTime) .sort((a, b) => a.start.getTime() - b.start.getTime()); const openingTimes: OpeningTime[] = []; for (const permanancy of permanancies) { // if there are no opening times, add the first one if (openingTimes.length === 0) { openingTimes.push(permanancy); } else { const lastPermanancy = openingTimes[openingTimes.length - 1]; // if the new permanancy starts before the 15 minutes following the end of the last one, merge them if (permanancy.start <= lastPermanancy.end) { lastPermanancy.end = new Date( Math.max(lastPermanancy.end.getTime(), permanancy.end.getTime()), ); } else { openingTimes.push(permanancy); } } } return openingTimes; } function getEvents(permanancies: PermanencySchema[]) { const openingTimes = getOpeningTimes(permanancies); const events: EventInput[] = []; for (const openingTime of openingTimes) { const lastMonday = getLastMonday(); const shift = openingTime.end < lastMonday; // if permanancies took place last week (=before monday), // -> display them in lightblue as part of the current week events.push({ start: shift ? shiftDateByDays(openingTime.start, 7) : openingTime.start, end: shift ? shiftDateByDays(openingTime.end, 7) : openingTime.end, backgroundColor: shift ? "lightblue" : "green", }); } return events; } // Function to get last Monday at 00:00 function getLastMonday(): Date { const now = new Date(); const dayOfWeek = now.getDay(); const lastMonday = new Date(now); lastMonday.setDate(now.getDate() - ((dayOfWeek + 6) % 7)); // Adjust for Monday as day 1 lastMonday.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return lastMonday; } function shiftDateByDays(date: Date, days: number): Date { const newDate = new Date(date); newDate.setDate(date.getDate() + days); return newDate; }