from django import forms from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from phonenumber_field.widgets import RegionalPhoneNumberWidget from club.widgets.ajax_select import AutoCompleteSelectClub from core.views.forms import NFCTextInput, SelectDate, SelectDateTime from core.views.widgets.ajax_select import ( AutoCompleteSelect, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleGroup, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleUser, AutoCompleteSelectUser, ) from counter.models import ( BillingInfo, Counter, Customer, Eticket, Product, Refilling, StudentCard, ) from counter.widgets.ajax_select import ( AutoCompleteSelectMultipleCounter, AutoCompleteSelectMultipleProduct, AutoCompleteSelectProduct, ) class BillingInfoForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = BillingInfo fields = [ "first_name", "last_name", "address_1", "address_2", "zip_code", "city", "country", "phone_number", ] widgets = { "phone_number": RegionalPhoneNumberWidget, } class StudentCardForm(forms.ModelForm): """Form for adding student cards""" error_css_class = "error" class Meta: model = StudentCard fields = ["uid"] widgets = {"uid": NFCTextInput} def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() uid = cleaned_data.get("uid", None) if not uid or not StudentCard.is_valid(uid): raise forms.ValidationError(_("This UID is invalid"), code="invalid") return cleaned_data class GetUserForm(forms.Form): """The Form class aims at providing a valid user_id field in its cleaned data, in order to pass it to some view, reverse function, or any other use. The Form implements a nice JS widget allowing the user to type a customer account id, or search the database with some nickname, first name, or last name (TODO) """ code = forms.CharField( label="Code", max_length=StudentCard.UID_SIZE, required=False, widget=NFCTextInput, ) id = forms.CharField( label=_("Select user"), help_text=None, widget=AutoCompleteSelectUser, required=False, ) def as_p(self): self.fields["code"].widget.attrs["autofocus"] = True return super().as_p() def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() customer = None if cleaned_data["code"] != "": if len(cleaned_data["code"]) == StudentCard.UID_SIZE: card = ( StudentCard.objects.filter(uid=cleaned_data["code"]) .select_related("customer") .first() ) if card is not None: customer = card.customer if customer is None: customer = Customer.objects.filter( account_id__iexact=cleaned_data["code"] ).first() elif cleaned_data["id"]: customer = Customer.objects.filter(user=cleaned_data["id"]).first() if customer is None or not customer.can_buy: raise forms.ValidationError(_("User not found")) cleaned_data["user_id"] = cleaned_data["user"] = customer.user return cleaned_data class RefillForm(forms.ModelForm): allowed_refilling_methods = ["CASH", "CARD"] error_css_class = "error" required_css_class = "required" amount = forms.FloatField( min_value=0, widget=forms.NumberInput(attrs={"class": "focus"}) ) class Meta: model = Refilling fields = ["amount", "payment_method", "bank"] widgets = {"payment_method": forms.RadioSelect} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["payment_method"].choices = ( method for method in self.fields["payment_method"].choices if method[0] in self.allowed_refilling_methods ) if self.fields["payment_method"].initial not in self.allowed_refilling_methods: self.fields["payment_method"].initial = self.allowed_refilling_methods[0] if "CHECK" not in self.allowed_refilling_methods: del self.fields["bank"] class CounterEditForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Counter fields = ["sellers", "products"] widgets = { "sellers": AutoCompleteSelectMultipleUser, "products": AutoCompleteSelectMultipleProduct, } class ProductEditForm(forms.ModelForm): error_css_class = "error" required_css_class = "required" class Meta: model = Product fields = [ "name", "description", "product_type", "code", "buying_groups", "purchase_price", "selling_price", "special_selling_price", "icon", "club", "limit_age", "tray", "archived", ] help_texts = { "description": _( "Describe the product. If it's an event's click, " "give some insights about it, like the date (including the year)." ) } widgets = { "product_type": AutoCompleteSelect, "buying_groups": AutoCompleteSelectMultipleGroup, "club": AutoCompleteSelectClub, } counters = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( help_text=None, label=_("Counters"), required=False, widget=AutoCompleteSelectMultipleCounter, queryset=Counter.objects.all(), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.fields["counters"].initial = self.instance.counters.all() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = super().save(*args, **kwargs) if self.fields["counters"].initial: # Remove the product from all counter it was added to # It will then only be added to selected counters for counter in self.fields["counters"].initial: counter.products.remove(self.instance) for counter in self.cleaned_data["counters"]: counter.products.add(self.instance) return ret class CashSummaryFormBase(forms.Form): begin_date = forms.DateTimeField( label=_("Begin date"), widget=SelectDateTime, required=False ) end_date = forms.DateTimeField( label=_("End date"), widget=SelectDateTime, required=False ) class EticketForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Eticket fields = ["product", "banner", "event_title", "event_date"] widgets = { "product": AutoCompleteSelectProduct, "event_date": SelectDate, }