# # Copyright 2023 © AE UTBM # ae@utbm.fr / ae.info@utbm.fr # # This file is part of the website of the UTBM Student Association (AE UTBM), # https://ae.utbm.fr. # # You can find the source code of the website at https://github.com/ae-utbm/sith3 # # LICENSED UNDER THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE VERSION 3 (GPLv3) # SEE : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ae-utbm/sith3/master/LICENSE # OR WITHIN THE LOCAL FILE "LICENSE" # # from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.db.models.query import QuerySet from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.decorators import action from rest_framework.response import Response from core.views import can_edit, can_view def check_if(obj, user, test): """ Detect if it's a single object or a queryset aply a given test on individual object and return global permission """ if isinstance(obj, QuerySet): for o in obj: if test(o, user) is False: return False return True else: return test(obj, user) class ManageModelMixin: @action(detail=True) def id(self, request, pk=None): """ Get by id (api/v1/router/{pk}/id/) """ self.queryset = get_object_or_404(self.queryset.filter(id=pk)) serializer = self.get_serializer(self.queryset) return Response(serializer.data) class RightModelViewSet(ManageModelMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet): def dispatch(self, request, *arg, **kwargs): res = super().dispatch(request, *arg, **kwargs) obj = self.queryset user = self.request.user try: if request.method == "GET" and check_if(obj, user, can_view): return res if request.method != "GET" and check_if(obj, user, can_edit): return res except: pass # To prevent bug with Anonymous user raise PermissionDenied from .api import * from .club import * from .counter import * from .group import * from .launderette import * from .sas import * from .user import * from .uv import *