# # Copyright 2023 © AE UTBM # ae@utbm.fr / ae.info@utbm.fr # # This file is part of the website of the UTBM Student Association (AE UTBM), # https://ae.utbm.fr. # # You can find the source code of the website at https://github.com/ae-utbm/sith # # LICENSED UNDER THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE VERSION 3 (GPLv3) # SEE : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ae-utbm/sith/master/LICENSE # OR WITHIN THE LOCAL FILE "LICENSE" # # from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.views.generic.base import View from core.views.mixins import TabedViewMixin class CounterAdminMixin(View): """Protect counter admin section.""" edit_group = [settings.SITH_GROUP_COUNTER_ADMIN_ID] edit_club = [] def _test_group(self, user): return any(user.is_in_group(pk=grp_id) for grp_id in self.edit_group) def _test_club(self, user): return any(c.can_be_edited_by(user) for c in self.edit_club) def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not ( request.user.is_root or self._test_group(request.user) or self._test_club(request.user) ): raise PermissionDenied return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) class CounterTabsMixin(TabedViewMixin): def get_tabs_title(self): return self.object def get_list_of_tabs(self): tab_list = [ { "url": reverse_lazy( "counter:details", kwargs={"counter_id": self.object.id} ), "slug": "counter", "name": _("Counter"), } ] if self.object.type == "BAR": tab_list.append( { "url": reverse_lazy( "counter:cash_summary", kwargs={"counter_id": self.object.id} ), "slug": "cash_summary", "name": _("Cash summary"), } ) tab_list.append( { "url": reverse_lazy( "counter:last_ops", kwargs={"counter_id": self.object.id} ), "slug": "last_ops", "name": _("Last operations"), } ) return tab_list class CounterAdminTabsMixin(TabedViewMixin): tabs_title = _("Counter administration") list_of_tabs = [ { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:admin_list"), "slug": "counters", "name": _("Counters"), }, { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:product_list"), "slug": "products", "name": _("Products"), }, { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:product_type_list"), "slug": "product_types", "name": _("Product types"), }, { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:returnable_list"), "slug": "returnable_products", "name": _("Returnable products"), }, { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:cash_summary_list"), "slug": "cash_summary", "name": _("Cash register summaries"), }, { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:invoices_call"), "slug": "invoices_call", "name": _("Invoices call"), }, { "url": reverse_lazy("counter:eticket_list"), "slug": "etickets", "name": _("Etickets"), }, ]