{% extends "core/base.jinja" %} {% from 'core/macros.jinja' import user_profile_link %} {% block title %} {% trans %}News admin{% endtrans %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans %}News{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Create news{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Notices{% endtrans %}

{% set notices = object_list.filter(type="NOTICE").distinct().order_by('id') %}
{% trans %}Displayed notices{% endtrans %}
{% for news in notices.filter(is_moderated=True) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderator{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {{ user_profile_link(news.moderator) }} {% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Remove{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Notices to moderate{% endtrans %}
{% for news in notices.filter(is_moderated=False) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderate{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Weeklies{% endtrans %}

{% set weeklies = object_list.filter(type="WEEKLY", dates__end_date__gte=timezone.now()).distinct().order_by('id') %}
{% trans %}Displayed weeklies{% endtrans %}
{% for news in weeklies.filter(is_moderated=True) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderator{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Dates{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {{ user_profile_link(news.moderator) }}
    {% for d in news.dates.all() %}
  • {{ d.start_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ d.start_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} - {{ d.end_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ d.end_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Remove{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Weeklies to moderate{% endtrans %}
{% for news in weeklies.filter(is_moderated=False) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Dates{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }}
    {% for d in news.dates.all() %}
  • {{ d.start_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ d.start_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} - {{ d.end_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ d.end_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderate{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Calls{% endtrans %}

{% set calls = object_list.filter(type="CALL", dates__end_date__gte=timezone.now()).distinct().order_by('id') %}
{% trans %}Displayed calls{% endtrans %}
{% for news in calls.filter(is_moderated=True) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderator{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Start{% endtrans %} {% trans %}End{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {{ user_profile_link(news.moderator) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Remove{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Calls to moderate{% endtrans %}
{% for news in calls.filter(is_moderated=False) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Start{% endtrans %} {% trans %}End{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderate{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Events{% endtrans %}

{% set events = object_list.filter(type="EVENT", dates__end_date__gte=timezone.now()).distinct().order_by('id') %}
{% trans %}Displayed events{% endtrans %}
{% for news in events.filter(is_moderated=True) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderator{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Start{% endtrans %} {% trans %}End{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {{ user_profile_link(news.moderator) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Remove{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Events to moderate{% endtrans %}
{% for news in events.filter(is_moderated=False) %} {% endfor %}
{% trans %}Type{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Title{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Summary{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Club{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Author{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Start{% endtrans %} {% trans %}End{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}
{{ news.get_type_display() }} {{ news.title }} {{ news.summary|markdown }} {{ news.club }} {{ user_profile_link(news.author) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().start_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|date(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {{ news.dates.first().end_date|localtime|time(DATETIME_FORMAT) }} {% trans %}View{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Moderate{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}
{% endblock %}