# # Copyright 2016,2017 # - Skia <skia@libskia.so> # - Sli <antoine@bartuccio.fr> # # Ce fichier fait partie du site de l'Association des Étudiants de l'UTBM, # http://ae.utbm.fr. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License a published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Sofware Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # import logging from django.contrib.auth.mixins import PermissionRequiredMixin from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.urls import reverse, reverse_lazy from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.timezone import localdate from django.views.generic import DeleteView, ListView from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, FormView from core.models import OperationLog, SithFile, User, UserBan from core.views import CanEditPropMixin from counter.models import Customer from forum.models import ForumMessageMeta from rootplace.forms import BanForm, MergeForm, SelectUserForm def __merge_subscriptions(u1: User, u2: User): """Give all the subscriptions of the second user to first one. If some subscriptions are still active, update their end date to increase the overall subscription time of the first user. Some examples : - if u1 is not subscribed, his subscription end date become the one of u2 - if u1 is subscribed but not u2, nothing happen - if u1 is subscribed for, let's say, 2 remaining months and u2 is subscribed for 3 remaining months, he shall then be subscribed for 5 months """ last_subscription = ( u1.subscriptions.filter( subscription_start__lte=timezone.now(), subscription_end__gte=timezone.now() ) .order_by("subscription_end") .last() ) if last_subscription is not None: subscription_end = last_subscription.subscription_end for subscription in u2.subscriptions.filter( subscription_end__gte=timezone.now() ): subscription.subscription_start = subscription_end if subscription.subscription_start > localdate(): remaining = subscription.subscription_end - localdate() else: remaining = ( subscription.subscription_end - subscription.subscription_start ) subscription_end += remaining subscription.subscription_end = subscription_end subscription.save() u2.subscriptions.all().update(member=u1) def __merge_pictures(u1: User, u2: User) -> None: SithFile.objects.filter(owner=u2).update(owner=u1) if u1.profile_pict is None and u2.profile_pict is not None: u1.profile_pict, u2.profile_pict = u2.profile_pict, None if u1.scrub_pict is None and u2.scrub_pict is not None: u1.scrub_pict, u2.scrub_pict = u2.scrub_pict, None if u1.avatar_pict is None and u2.avatar_pict is not None: u1.avatar_pict, u2.avatar_pict = u2.avatar_pict, None u2.save() u1.save() def merge_users(u1: User, u2: User) -> User: """Merge u2 into u1. This means that u1 shall receive everything that belonged to u2 : - pictures - refills of the sith account - purchases of any item bought on the eboutic or the counters - subscriptions - godfathers - godchildren If u1 had no account id, he shall receive the one of u2. If u1 and u2 were both in the middle of a subscription, the remaining durations stack If u1 had no profile picture, he shall receive the one of u2 """ for field in u1._meta.fields: if not field.is_relation and not u1.__dict__[field.name]: u1.__dict__[field.name] = u2.__dict__[field.name] for group in u2.groups.all(): u1.groups.add(group.id) for godfather in u2.godfathers.exclude(id=u1.id): u1.godfathers.add(godfather) for godchild in u2.godchildren.exclude(id=u1.id): u1.godchildren.add(godchild) __merge_subscriptions(u1, u2) __merge_pictures(u1, u2) u2.invoices.all().update(user=u1) c_src = Customer.objects.filter(user=u2).first() if c_src is not None: c_dest, created = Customer.get_or_create(u1) c_src.refillings.update(customer=c_dest) c_src.buyings.update(customer=c_dest) Customer.objects.filter(pk=c_dest.pk).update_amount() if created: # swap the account numbers, so that the user keep # the id he is accustomed to tmp_id = c_src.account_id # delete beforehand in order not to have a unique constraint violation c_src.delete() c_dest.account_id = tmp_id u1.save() u2.delete() # everything remaining in u2 gets deleted thanks to on_delete=CASCADE return u1 def delete_all_forum_user_messages( user: User, moderator: User, *, verbose: bool = False ): """Soft delete all messages of a user. Args: user: core.models.User the user to delete messages from moderator: core.models.User the one marked as the moderator. verbose: bool if True, print the deleted messages """ for message in user.forum_messages.all(): if message.is_deleted(): continue if verbose: logging.getLogger("django").info(message) ForumMessageMeta(message=message, user=moderator, action="DELETE").save() class MergeUsersView(FormView): template_name = "rootplace/merge.jinja" form_class = MergeForm def dispatch(self, request, *arg, **kwargs): if request.user.is_root: return super().dispatch(request, *arg, **kwargs) raise PermissionDenied def form_valid(self, form): self.final_user = merge_users( form.cleaned_data["user1"], form.cleaned_data["user2"] ) return super().form_valid(form) def get_success_url(self): return self.final_user.get_absolute_url() class DeleteAllForumUserMessagesView(FormView): """Delete all forum messages from an user. Messages are soft deleted and are still visible from admins GUI frontend to the dedicated command. """ template_name = "rootplace/delete_user_messages.jinja" form_class = SelectUserForm def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): res = super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) if request.user.is_root: return res raise PermissionDenied def form_valid(self, form): self.user = form.cleaned_data["user"] delete_all_forum_user_messages(self.user, self.request.user) return super().form_valid(form) def get_success_url(self): return reverse("core:user_profile", kwargs={"user_id": self.user.id}) class OperationLogListView(ListView, CanEditPropMixin): """List all logs.""" model = OperationLog template_name = "rootplace/logs.jinja" ordering = ["-date"] paginate_by = 100 class BanView(PermissionRequiredMixin, ListView): """[UserBan][core.models.UserBan] management view. Displays : - the list of active bans with their main information, with a link to [BanDeleteView][rootplace.views.BanDeleteView] for each one - a link which redirects to [BanCreateView][rootplace.views.BanCreateView] """ permission_required = "core.view_userban" template_name = "rootplace/userban.jinja" queryset = UserBan.objects.select_related("user", "user__profile_pict", "ban_group") ordering = "created_at" context_object_name = "user_bans" class BanCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): """[UserBan][core.models.UserBan] creation view.""" permission_required = "core.add_userban" form_class = BanForm template_name = "core/create.jinja" success_url = reverse_lazy("rootplace:ban_list") class BanDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): """[UserBan][core.models.UserBan] deletion view.""" permission_required = "core.delete_userban" pk_url_kwarg = "ban_id" model = UserBan template_name = "core/delete_confirm.jinja" success_url = reverse_lazy("rootplace:ban_list")