{% extends "core/base.jinja" %} {% block title %} {% trans user_name=user.get_display_name() %}{{ user_name }}'s Trombi{% endtrans %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans%}Trombi'{% endtrans %}

{% if subscribe_form %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ subscribe_form.as_p() }}

{% endif %} {% if trombi %}

{% trans trombi = user.trombi_user.trombi %}You are subscribed to the Trombi {{ trombi }}{% endtrans %}

{% set can_comment = trombi.subscription_deadline < date.today() and date.today() <= trombi.comments_deadline %} {% if not can_comment %}

{% trans %}You can not write comments at this date.{% endtrans %}

{% trans start=trombi.subscription_deadline|date(DATE_FORMAT), end=trombi.comments_deadline|date(DATE_FORMAT) %}Comments are only allowed between {{ start }} (excluded) and {{ end }} (included){% endtrans %}

{% endif %}
{% for u in user.trombi_user.trombi.users.exclude(id=user.trombi_user.id).order_by('user__nick_name') %}
{% set file = None %} {% if u.profile_pict %} {% set file = u.profile_pict.url %} {% else %} {% set file = static('core/img/na.gif') %} {% endif %}
{{ u.user.get_display_name() }}
{% if trombi.show_profiles %}
{% trans %}Profile{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% if can_comment %} {% set comment = u.received_comments.filter(author__id=user.trombi_user.id).first() %} {% if comment %} {% trans %}Edit comment{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans %}Comment{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}