async function get_graph_data(url, godfathers_depth, godchildren_depth) { const data = await ( await fetch( `${url}?godfathers_depth=${godfathers_depth}&godchildren_depth=${godchildren_depth}`, ) ).json(); return [ => { return { data: user }; }), => { return { data: { source: rel.godfather, target: rel.godchild }, }; }), ]; } function create_graph(container, data, active_user_id) { const cy = cytoscape({ boxSelectionEnabled: false, autounselectify: true, container, elements: data, minZoom: 0.5, style: [ // the stylesheet for the graph { selector: "node", style: { label: "data(display_name)", "background-image": "data(profile_pict)", width: "100%", height: "100%", "background-fit": "cover", "background-repeat": "no-repeat", shape: "ellipse", }, }, { selector: "edge", style: { width: 5, "line-color": "#ccc", "target-arrow-color": "#ccc", "target-arrow-shape": "triangle", "curve-style": "bezier", }, }, { selector: ".traversed", style: { "border-width": "5px", "border-style": "solid", "border-color": "red", "target-arrow-color": "red", "line-color": "red", }, }, { selector: ".not-traversed", style: { "line-opacity": "0.5", "background-opacity": "0.5", "background-image-opacity": "0.5", }, }, ], layout: { name: "klay", nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels: true, fit: true, klay: { addUnnecessaryBendpoints: true, direction: "DOWN", nodePlacement: "INTERACTIVE", layoutHierarchy: true, }, }, }); const active_user = cy .getElementById(active_user_id) .style("shape", "rectangle"); /* Reset graph */ const reset_graph = () => { cy.elements((element) => { if (element.hasClass("traversed")) { element.removeClass("traversed"); } if (element.hasClass("not-traversed")) { element.removeClass("not-traversed"); } }); }; const on_node_tap = (el) => { reset_graph(); /* Create path on graph if selected isn't the targeted user */ if (el === active_user) { return; } cy.elements((element) => { element.addClass("not-traversed"); }); for (const traversed of cy.elements().aStar({ root: el, goal: active_user, }).path) { traversed.removeClass("not-traversed"); traversed.addClass("traversed"); } }; cy.on("tap", "node", (tapped) => { on_node_tap(; }); cy.zoomingEnabled(false); /* Add context menu */ if (cy.cxtmenu === undefined) { console.error( "ctxmenu isn't loaded, context menu won't be available on graphs", ); return cy; } cy.cxtmenu({ selector: "node", commands: [ { content: '', select: (el) => {, "_blank").focus(); }, }, { content: '', select: (el) => { on_node_tap(el); }, }, { content: '', select: (el) => { reset_graph(); }, }, ], }); return cy; } /* global api_url, active_user, depth_min, depth_max */ document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => { /* This needs some constants to be set before the document has been loaded api_url: base url for fetching the tree as a string active_user: id of the user to fetch the tree from depth_min: minimum tree depth for godfathers and godchildren as an int depth_max: maximum tree depth for godfathers and godchildren as an int */ const default_depth = 2; if ( typeof api_url === "undefined" || typeof active_user === "undefined" || typeof depth_min === "undefined" || typeof depth_max === "undefined" ) { console.error( "Some constants are not set before using the family_graph script, please look at the documentation", ); return; } function get_initial_depth(prop) { const value = Number.parseInt(initialUrlParams.get(prop)); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < depth_min || value > depth_max) { return default_depth; } return value; }"graph", () => ({ loading: false, godfathers_depth: get_initial_depth("godfathers_depth"), godchildren_depth: get_initial_depth("godchildren_depth"), reverse: initialUrlParams.get("reverse")?.toLowerCase?.() === "true", graph: undefined, graph_data: {}, async init() { const delayed_fetch = Alpine.debounce(async () => { this.fetch_graph_data(); }, 100); for (const param of ["godfathers_depth", "godchildren_depth"]) { this.$watch(param, async (value) => { if (value < depth_min || value > depth_max) { return; } update_query_string(param, value, History.REPLACE); delayed_fetch(); }); } this.$watch("reverse", async (value) => { update_query_string("reverse", value, History.REPLACE); this.reverse_graph(); }); this.$watch("graph_data", async () => { await this.generate_graph(); if (this.reverse) { await this.reverse_graph(); } }); this.fetch_graph_data(); }, async screenshot() { const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = this.graph.jpg(); = interpolate( gettext("family_tree.%(extension)s"), { extension: "jpg" }, true, ); document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link); }, async reset() { this.reverse = false; this.godfathers_depth = default_depth; this.godchildren_depth = default_depth; }, async reverse_graph() { this.graph.elements((el) => { el.position({ x: -el.position().x, y: -el.position().y }); });; }, async fetch_graph_data() { this.graph_data = await get_graph_data( api_url, this.godfathers_depth, this.godchildren_depth, ); }, async generate_graph() { this.loading = true; this.graph = create_graph( $(this.$refs.graph), this.graph_data, active_user, ); this.loading = false; }, })); });