# # Copyright 2023 © AE UTBM # ae@utbm.fr / ae.info@utbm.fr # # This file is part of the website of the UTBM Student Association (AE UTBM), # https://ae.utbm.fr. # # You can find the source code of the website at https://github.com/ae-utbm/sith # # LICENSED UNDER THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE VERSION 3 (GPLv3) # SEE : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ae-utbm/sith/master/LICENSE # OR WITHIN THE LOCAL FILE "LICENSE" # # from __future__ import annotations import hmac from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Self from dict2xml import dict2xml from django.conf import settings from django.db import DataError, models from django.db.models import F, OuterRef, Subquery, Sum from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from accounting.models import CurrencyField from core.models import User from counter.models import BillingInfo, Counter, Customer, Product, Refilling, Selling def get_eboutic_products(user: User) -> list[Product]: products = ( Counter.objects.get(type="EBOUTIC") .products.filter(product_type__isnull=False) .filter(archived=False) .filter(limit_age__lte=user.age) .annotate(priority=F("product_type__priority")) .annotate(category=F("product_type__name")) .annotate(category_comment=F("product_type__comment")) .prefetch_related("buying_groups") # <-- used in `Product.can_be_sold_to` ) return [p for p in products if p.can_be_sold_to(user)] class Basket(models.Model): """Basket is built when the user connects to an eboutic page.""" user = models.ForeignKey( User, related_name="baskets", verbose_name=_("user"), blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) date = models.DateTimeField(_("date"), auto_now=True) def __str__(self): return f"{self.user}'s basket ({self.items.all().count()} items)" @cached_property def contains_refilling_item(self) -> bool: return self.items.filter( type_id=settings.SITH_COUNTER_PRODUCTTYPE_REFILLING ).exists() @cached_property def total(self) -> float: return float( self.items.aggregate( total=Sum(F("quantity") * F("product_unit_price"), default=0) )["total"] ) @classmethod def from_session(cls, session) -> Basket | None: """The basket stored in the session object, if it exists.""" if "basket_id" in session: return cls.objects.filter(id=session["basket_id"]).first() return None def generate_sales(self, counter, seller: User, payment_method: str): """Generate a list of sold items corresponding to the items of this basket WITHOUT saving them NOR deleting the basket. Example: ```python counter = Counter.objects.get(name="Eboutic") sales = basket.generate_sales(counter, "SITH_ACCOUNT") # here the basket is in the same state as before the method call with transaction.atomic(): for sale in sales: sale.save() basket.delete() # all the basket items are deleted by the on_delete=CASCADE relation # thus only the sales remain ``` """ # I must proceed with two distinct requests instead of # only one with a join because the AbstractBaseItem model has been # poorly designed. If you refactor the model, please refactor this too. items = self.items.order_by("product_id") ids = [item.product_id for item in items] products = Product.objects.filter(id__in=ids).order_by("id") # items and products are sorted in the same order sales = [] for item, product in zip(items, products): sales.append( Selling( label=product.name, counter=counter, club=product.club, product=product, seller=seller, customer=self.user.customer, unit_price=item.product_unit_price, quantity=item.quantity, payment_method=payment_method, ) ) return sales def get_e_transaction_data(self) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]: user = self.user if not hasattr(user, "customer"): raise Customer.DoesNotExist customer = user.customer if not hasattr(user.customer, "billing_infos"): raise BillingInfo.DoesNotExist cart = { "shoppingcart": {"total": {"totalQuantity": min(self.items.count(), 99)}} } cart = '' + dict2xml( cart, newlines=False ) data = [ ("PBX_SITE", settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PBX_SITE), ("PBX_RANG", settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PBX_RANG), ("PBX_IDENTIFIANT", settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_PBX_IDENTIFIANT), ("PBX_TOTAL", str(int(self.total * 100))), ("PBX_DEVISE", "978"), # This is Euro ("PBX_CMD", str(self.id)), ("PBX_PORTEUR", user.email), ("PBX_RETOUR", "Amount:M;BasketID:R;Auto:A;Error:E;Sig:K"), ("PBX_HASH", "SHA512"), ("PBX_TYPEPAIEMENT", "CARTE"), ("PBX_TYPECARTE", "CB"), ("PBX_TIME", datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat("T")), ("PBX_SHOPPINGCART", cart), ("PBX_BILLING", customer.billing_infos.to_3dsv2_xml()), ] pbx_hmac = hmac.new( settings.SITH_EBOUTIC_HMAC_KEY, bytes("&".join("=".join(d) for d in data), "utf-8"), "sha512", ) data.append(("PBX_HMAC", pbx_hmac.hexdigest().upper())) return data class InvoiceQueryset(models.QuerySet): def annotate_total(self) -> Self: """Annotate the queryset with the total amount of each invoice. The total amount is the sum of (product_unit_price * quantity) for all items related to the invoice. """ # aggregates within subqueries require a little bit of black magic, # but hopefully, django gives a comprehensive documentation for that : # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/models/expressions/#using-aggregates-within-a-subquery-expression return self.annotate( total=Subquery( InvoiceItem.objects.filter(invoice_id=OuterRef("pk")) .annotate(item_amount=F("product_unit_price") * F("quantity")) .values("item_amount") .annotate(total=Sum("item_amount")) .values("total") ) ) class Invoice(models.Model): """Invoices are generated once the payment has been validated.""" user = models.ForeignKey( User, related_name="invoices", verbose_name=_("user"), blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) date = models.DateTimeField(_("date"), auto_now=True) validated = models.BooleanField(_("validated"), default=False) objects = InvoiceQueryset.as_manager() def __str__(self): return f"{self.user} - {self.get_total()} - {self.date}" def get_total(self) -> float: return float( self.items.aggregate( total=Sum(F("quantity") * F("product_unit_price"), default=0) )["total"] ) def validate(self): if self.validated: raise DataError(_("Invoice already validated")) customer, created = Customer.get_or_create(user=self.user) eboutic = Counter.objects.filter(type="EBOUTIC").first() for i in self.items.all(): if i.type_id == settings.SITH_COUNTER_PRODUCTTYPE_REFILLING: new = Refilling( counter=eboutic, customer=customer, operator=self.user, amount=i.product_unit_price * i.quantity, payment_method="CARD", bank="OTHER", date=self.date, ) new.save() else: product = Product.objects.filter(id=i.product_id).first() new = Selling( label=i.product_name, counter=eboutic, club=product.club, product=product, seller=self.user, customer=customer, unit_price=i.product_unit_price, quantity=i.quantity, payment_method="CARD", is_validated=True, date=self.date, ) new.save() self.validated = True self.save() class AbstractBaseItem(models.Model): product_id = models.IntegerField(_("product id")) product_name = models.CharField(_("product name"), max_length=255) type_id = models.IntegerField(_("product type id")) product_unit_price = CurrencyField(_("unit price")) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("quantity")) class Meta: abstract = True def __str__(self): return "Item: %s (%s) x%d" % ( self.product_name, self.product_unit_price, self.quantity, ) class BasketItem(AbstractBaseItem): basket = models.ForeignKey( Basket, related_name="items", verbose_name=_("basket"), on_delete=models.CASCADE ) @classmethod def from_product(cls, product: Product, quantity: int, basket: Basket): """Create a BasketItem with the same characteristics as the product passed in parameters, with the specified quantity. Warning: the basket field is not filled, so you must set it yourself before saving the model. """ return cls( basket=basket, product_id=product.id, product_name=product.name, type_id=product.product_type_id, quantity=quantity, product_unit_price=product.selling_price, ) class InvoiceItem(AbstractBaseItem): invoice = models.ForeignKey( Invoice, related_name="items", verbose_name=_("invoice"), on_delete=models.CASCADE, )