from pathlib import Path from django.core.exceptions import FieldError from django.db import models from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageFieldFile from PIL import Image from core.utils import resize_image_explicit class ResizedImageFieldFile(ImageFieldFile): def get_resized_dimensions(self, image: Image.Image) -> tuple[int, int]: """Get the dimensions of the resized image. If the width and height are given, they are used. If only one is given, the other is calculated to keep the same ratio. Returns: Tuple of width and height """ width = self.field.width height = self.field.height if width is not None and height is not None: return self.field.width, self.field.height if width is None: width = int(image.width * height / image.height) elif height is None: height = int(image.height * width / image.width) return width, height def get_name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the resized image. If the field has a force_format attribute, the extension of the file will be changed to match it. Otherwise, the name is left unchanged. Raises: ValueError: If the image format is unknown """ if not self.field.force_format: return formats = {val: key for key, val in Image.registered_extensions().items()} new_format = self.field.force_format if new_format in formats: extension = formats[new_format] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown format {new_format}") return str(Path( def save(self, name, content, save=True): # noqa FBT002 img = width, height = self.get_resized_dimensions(img) img_format = self.field.force_format or img.format new_content = resize_image_explicit(img, (width, height), img_format) name = self.get_name() return super().save(name, new_content, save) class ResizedImageField(models.ImageField): """A field that automatically resizes images to a given size. This field is useful for profile pictures or product icons, for example. The final size of the image is determined by the width and height parameters : - If both are given, the image will be resized to fit in a rectangle of width x height - If only one is given, the other will be calculated to keep the same ratio If the force_format parameter is given, the image will be converted to this format. Examples: To resize an image with a height of 100px, without changing the ratio, and a format of WEBP : ```python class Product(models.Model): icon = ResizedImageField(height=100, force_format="WEBP") ``` To explicitly resize an image to 100x100px (but possibly change the ratio) : ```python class Product(models.Model): icon = ResizedImageField(width=100, height=100) ``` Raises: FieldError: If neither width nor height is given Args: width: If given, the width of the resized image height: If given, the height of the resized image force_format: If given, the image will be converted to this format """ attr_class = ResizedImageFieldFile def __init__( self, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, force_format: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): if width is None and height is None: raise FieldError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires " "width, height or both, but got neither" ) self.width = width self.height = height self.force_format = force_format super().__init__(**kwargs) def deconstruct(self): name, path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() if self.width is not None: kwargs["width"] = self.width if self.height is not None: kwargs["height"] = self.height kwargs["force_format"] = self.force_format return name, path, args, kwargs