mirror of https://gitlab.com/klmp200/LO41.git synced 2024-06-01 04:19:45 +00:00

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// Created by Antoine Bartuccio on 22/05/2018.
#ifndef LO41_LIST_H
#define LO41_LIST_H
#include "../Objects.h"
typedef struct o_Element Element;
#include "Element.h"
#define OUTSIDE_BOUNDS CRASH("You are outside of the list\n")
struct o_List {
PRIVATE Element *head;
PRIVATE Element *tail;
PRIVATE int size;
PRIVATE void (*custom_free)(void *);
PUBLIC Element *(*get_head)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC Element *(*get_tail)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC Element *(*get_element)(_THIS(List), int index);
PUBLIC void* (*get_head_data)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC void* (*get_tail_data)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC void* (*get_element_data)(_THIS(List), int index);
PUBLIC int (*get_size)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC int (*contains)(_THIS(List), void * data_to_find, int (*compare)(void *, void *));
PUBLIC int (*remove_inside)(_THIS(List), void * data_to_remove, int (*compare)(void*, void*));
PUBLIC void (*set_custom_free)(_THIS(List), void (*custom_free)(void *));
PUBLIC void (*insert_inside)(_THIS(List), void * data, size_t data_size, int index);
PUBLIC void (*insert_tail)(_THIS(List), void * data, size_t data_size);
PUBLIC void (*insert_head)(_THIS(List), void * data, size_t data_size);
PUBLIC void (*clear)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC void (*clear_custom)(_THIS(List), void (*custom_free)(void *));
PUBLIC void (*remove_head)(_THIS(List));
PUBLIC void (*remove_tail)(_THIS(List));
FRIENDLY(head, Element)
FRIENDLY(tail, Element)
FRIENDLY(size, Element)
List *_init_List();
#endif //LO41_LIST_H